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Carlton, JD

JD Carlton

Graduate Student in the Baker Marine Microbial Ecology Lab


M.S., Marine Science, University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute, Expected 2023

B.S., Biology; Marine and Freshwater Biology, University of Texas at Austin, 2021


2021-Present: Graduate Research Assistant, University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute

2020-2021: Research Technician, University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute

Dean's Honored Graduate, University of Texas at Austin, College of Natural Science, May 2021
Research Distinction Recipient, University of Texas at Austin, College of Natural Science, May 2021
"Characterization of a New Bacterial Phylum from Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments" -
Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium, September 2020, University of Texas Molecular Biosciences Student Associations
Undergraduate Research Symposium, May 2020, University of Texas Marine Science Institute
"Working with Ghosts: Discovering new life we may never see" -
Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium Science Slams, September 2020, University of Texas Molecular Biosciences Student Associations