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Edward J Buskey

Department Chair, Marine Science, Director, Marine Science Institute
College of Natural Sciences, Department of Marine Science

Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass Regents Chair in Marine Science (Holder)

Zooplankton Ecology, Estuarine Ecology


Phone: 361-749-3102

Office Location


Ph.D., Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island (1983) 
M.Sc., University of British Columbia (1976) 
B.A., Brown University (1974)


2018-present - Director, Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative DROPPS III Consortium

2015-present - Director, Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative DROPPS II Consortium

2013-present - Associate Chair, Department of Marine Science, University of Texas at Austin

2012-2013 - Interim Chair, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin

2011-2015 - Director, Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Consortium: Dispersion Research on Oil: Physics and Plankton Studies (DROPPS)

2006-present - Research Coordinator, Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve

1999-present - Professor, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas

2002-2009 - Research Professor, Marine Science Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas

1999-2002 - Senior Research Scientist, Marine Science Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas

1993-1999 - Associate Professor, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas

1990-1992 - Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas

1986-1999 - Research Scientist, Marine Science Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas

1986 - Assistant Marine Scientist, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Providence, Rhode Island

1983-1985 - Postdoctoral Research Associate, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Providence, Rhode Island

1981-1983 - Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Providence, Rhode Island

1979-1981 - Biologist (GS-7) Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, Narragansett, Rhode Island

1978-1979 - Instructor, Lesley College, Cambridge, Massachusetts

1976-1978 - Instructor, Middlesex Community College, Bedford, Massachusetts

1974-1976 - Graduate Teaching

Research Interests

Zooplankton Ecology

Behavior and sensory perception of zooplankton; bioluminescence of marine plankton; predator-prey interactions; photobehavior; role of zooplankton grazers in phytoplankton bloom dynamics, effects of crude oil and dispersants on marine zooplankton.

Estuarine Ecology

Research and monitoring within the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve, including studies of climate change, freshwater inflows, nutrient loads and harmful algal blooms.

My research interests in marine science have focused on studies of the behavioral ecology of marine zooplankton, and how sensory perception mediates behavioral adaptations for locating food resources, avoiding predators and finding mates. Much of this research makes use of video microcinematography, high speed digital holography and automated video-computer methods for image and motion analysis. I am particularly interested in the role of photoreception in mediating potential predator-prey interactions within the plankton, including the role of bioluminescence in nocturnal predator-prey interactions, the role of vision in the feeding of larval fish on zooplankton and the role of sunlight in vertical migration of oceanic plankton to avoid visual predators. I am also interested in the role of planktonic grazers in harmful algal bloom dynamics; several ongoing studies are investigating the role of grazers in bloom dynamics of the toxic red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevis with funding from the Gulf of Mexico.

Within the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve my laboratory runs the System Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP) which measures water quality at six stations within the reserve at 15 minute intervals. We also monitor nutrient concentrations and monitor phytoplankton and zooplankton populations on a monthly basis.

Research Initiative

I am leading a consortium of six research institutions to study how physical processes and chemical dispersants break up crude oil patches in the sea, and the impacts of this dispersed oil on the base of the marine food web (bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton).

Vidal, E.A.G., L.D. Zeidberg and E.J. Buskey (2018). Development of swimming abilities in squid paralarvae: behavioral and ecological implications for dispersal. Frontiers Physiology 9:954 doi: 10.3389/phys.2018.00954

Almeda, R., S. Cosgrove and E.J. Buskey. (2018) Crude oil spills and dispersants can cause the initiation of potentially harmful dinoflagellate blooms. Environmental Science and Technology doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00335

Gemmell, B.J., H.P. Bacosa, B.O. Dickey, C.G. Gemmell, L.R. Alqasemi and E.J. Buskey. (2018)  Rapid alterations to marine microbiota communities following an oil spill. Ecotoxicology doi10.1007/s10646-018-1923-7

Bruesewitz, D.A., T.J. Hoellein, R. Mooney, W.S. Gardner and E.J. Buskey. (2017) Wastewater influences nitrogen dynamics along a river-estuary continuum during a prolonged drought. Limnol. Oceanogr. 62: s239-s257. doi: 10.1002/Ino.10576

Buskey, E.J., J. R. Strickler, C.J. Bradley, D.K. Hartline and P.H. Lenz.  (2017) Escapes in copepods: comparison between myelinate and amyelinate species. J. Exp. Biol. 220: 754-758. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.148304

Buskey, E.J., H. White and A. Esbaugh (2016) Impact of oil spills on marine life in the Gulf of Mexico: effects on plankton, nekton and deep-sea benthos. Oceanography 29:174-181.

Gemmell, B., H.P. Bacosa, Z. Liu and E.J. Buskey. (2016) Can gelatinous zooplankton influence the fate of crude oil in marine environments? Marine Pollution Bulletin. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.08.065

Gemmell, B.J., Oh, G, E.J. Buskey, T.A. Villareal. (2016) Dynamic sinking behavior in marine phytoplankton: rapid changes in buoyancy may aid in nutrient uptake. Proc. R. Soc. B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1126

Almeda, R. T. Harvey, T.L. Connelly, S. Baca and E.J. Buskey. (2016). Influence of UVB radiation on the lethal and sublethal toxicity of dispersed crude oil to planktonic copepod nauplii. Chemosphere 152: 446-458.

Almeda, R., T.L. Connelly and E.J. Buskey (2015) How much crude oil can zooplankton ingest? Quantification of dispersed crude oil defecation by planktonic copepods. Environmental Pollution 208: 645-654

Adhikari, D., B.J. Gemmell, M.P. Hallberg, E.K. Longmire, E.J. Buskey (2015) Measuring 3D trajectory of zooplankton and surrounding volumetric velocity field simultaneously in complex flows. Journal of Experimental Biology 218:3534-3540.

Gemmell, B.J., H. Jiang and E.J. Buskey (2015) A tale of the ciliate tail: investigation into the adaptive significance of this sub-cellular structure. Proc. R. Soc. B.  282 20150770 DOI10.1098/rspb 2015.0770

Bruesewitz, D.A., W.S. Gardner, R.A. Mooney and E.J. Buskey. (2015) Seasonal water column ammonium cycling along a semi-arid subtropical river-estuary continuum: responses to episodic events and drought conditions. Ecosystems18:792-812.DOI: 10.1007/s10021-015-9863-z

Almeda, R., T. Connelly and E.J. Buskey (2014). Novel insight into the role of heterotrophic dinoflagellates in the fate of crude oil in the sea. Nature Scientific Reports 4: 7560 DOI: 10.1038/srep07560.

Bittler, K.M., L.P. Sheef, E.J. Buskey (2014) Freshwater inflows and blue crabs: The influence of salinity on selective tidal stream transport. Marine Ecology Progress Series 514: 137-148. Doi: 10.2254/meps10990

Gemmell, B.J., H. Jiang and E.J. Buskey (2014) A new approach to micro-scale particle image velocitmetry (uPIV) for quantifying flows around free-swimming organisms. J. Plank. Res. 36: 1396-1401.  doi:10.1093/plankt/fbu067

Gomes, H.R., S.G.M. Prabhu, J. Goes, E.J. Buskey and P. Thoppil. (2014) Massive outbreaks of Noctiluca scintillans blooms in the Arabian Sea due to spread of hypoxia. Nature Communications 5:4862 doi: 10.1038/ncomms5862

Almeda, R., S. Bona, C.R. Foster, E.J. Buskey. (2014) Chemically dispersed crude oil decreases the growth rates of the meroplanktonic tornaria larvae (Schizocardium sp.) and cirripede nauplii (Amphibalanus improvisus). Marine Environmental Research. 99: 212-217. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2014.06,007

Almeda R., Hyatt C., Buskey E. (2014). Corexit 9500A, the chemical dispersant used in the DWH oil spill, increases the toxicity of crude oil to marine microzooplankton. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 106:76-85.

Almeda, R., Baca, S., Hyatt, C., Buskey, E. J. (2014). Ingestion and sublethal effects of physically and chemically dispersed crude oil on marine planktonic copepods. Ecotoxicology 23: 988-1003 (DOI) 10.1007/s10646-014-1242-6

Turner, E.L., D.A. Bruesewitz, R.F. Mooney, P.A. Montagna, J.W. McClelland, A. Sadovski, and E.J. Buskey. (2014) Comparing performance of five nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton (NPZ) models in Coastal Lagoons. Ecological Modeling 277:13-26.

Gemmell, B. J. J. Sheng and E.J. Buskey. (2013) Morphology of seahorse head hydrodynamically aids in capture of evasive prey. Nat. Commun. 4:2840 doi: 10.1038/ncomms3840 .

Bruesewitz, D.A., W.S. Gardner, R.F. Mooney, L. Pollard, and E.J. Buskey. (2013) Estuarine ecosystem function response to flood and drought in a shallow, semi-arid estuary: Nitrogen cycling and ecosystem metabolism. Limnol. Oceanogr. 58:2293-2309.

Almeda, R. Z. Wambaugh, C. Chai, Z. Wang, Z. Liu and E.J. Buskey (2013) Effects of crude oil exposure on bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and survival of adult and larval stages of gelatinous zooplankton. PLoS ONE 8(10): e74476. doi:10.1371/journal pone.0074476.

Almeda, R., Z. Wambaugh, Z. Wang, C. Hyatt, Z. Liu, E.J. Buskey (2013) Interactions between zooplankton and crude oil: toxic effects and bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. PLoS ONE 8(6): e67212. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067212.

Gemmell, B.J., J. Sheng and E.J. Buskey (2013) A compensatory escape mechanism at low Reynolds number. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 110: 4661-4666.

Bradley C., J.R. Strickler, E.J. Buskey, P. Lenz. 2013. Swimming and escape behavior in two species of calanoid copepods from nauplius to adult: J. Plankton. Res.35: 49-65.

Gemmell, B.J., H. Jiang, J.R. Strickler and E.J. Buskey. 2012. Plankton reach new heights in effort to avoid predators. Proc. R. Soc. London, B. 279:2786-2792.

Buskey, E.J., P. H. Lenz and D.K. Hartline. 2011.  Sensory perception, neurobiology and behavioral adaptations for predator avoidance in planktonic copepods. Adaptive Behavior 20: 57-66.

Gemmell, B.J. and E.J. Buskey. 2011. The transition from nauplii to copepodites: susceptibility of developing copepods to fish predators. J. Plank. Res. 33: 1773-1777.

Campbell, L., R.J. Olson, H.M. Sosik, A. Abraham, D. Henrichs, C. Hyatt, and E.J. Buskey. (2010). First harmful Dinophysis bloom in the US is revealed by automated imaging flow cytometry. J. Phycol. 46:66-75

Wu, C.-H., H.U. Dahms, E.J. Buskey, J.R. Strickler, and J.S. Hwang. (2010). Behavioral interactions of Temora turbinata with its potential cilicite prey.  Zoological Studies 49:157-168.

Vandromme, P., F. Schmitt, S. Souissi, E.J. Buskey, J.R. Strickler, C.H. Wu, and J.S. Hwang.  (2010). Symbolic analysis of plankton swimming trajectories: case study of Strombilidium sp (Protista) helical walking under various food conditions..  Zoological Studies 49: 289-303.

Finelli, C.M., R.D. Clarke, H.E. Robinson, and E.J. Buskey.  2009.  Water flow controls distribution and feeding behavior of two synoptic coral reef fishes:  I. Field measurements.  Coral Reefs.  28:461-473.

Clarke, R.D., C.M. Finelli and E.J. Buskey.  2009.  Water flow controls distribution and feeding behavior of two synoptic coral reef fishes.  II. Laboratory experiments.  Coral Reefs.  28:475-488.

Buskey, E.J.  2008.  How does eutrophication affect the role of grazers in harmful algal bloom dynamics?  Harmful Algae 8:152-157.

Waggett, R.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2008.  Escape reaction performance of myelinated and non-myelinated calanoid copepods.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 361:111-118.

Robinson, H.E., C.M. Finelli and E.J. Buskey.  2007.  The turbulent lives of copepods: laboratory flume studies of how flow over a coral reef affect their ability to detect and evade predators.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 349:171-181.

DeYoe, H.R., E.J. Buskey and F.J. Jochem.  2007.  Physiological responses of Aureoumbra lagunensis and  Synechococcus sp to nitrogen addition in a mesocosm experiment.  Harmful Algae 6:48-55.

Speekmann, C.L., B.S. Nunez and E.J. Buskey.  2007.  Measuring RNA:DNA ratios in individual copepods, Acartia tonsaMar. Biol. 151:759-766.

Breier, C. and E.J. Buskey.  2007.  Effects of the red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevis on grazing and fecundity in the copepod Acartia tonsaJ. Plankton Res. 29:115-126.

Waggett, R.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2007.  Copepod escape behavior in non-turbulent and turbulent hydrodynamic regimes.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 334:193-198.

Waggett, R.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2007.  Calanoid copepod escape behavior in response to a visual predator: sensory and behavioral characteristics contributing to escape success.  Mar. Biol. 150:559-607.

Alekperov, I., E. Buskey and N. Snegovaya. 2007. The free-living ciliates of the Texas Gulf coast near Port Aransas (South Texas, USA). Protistology 5: 101-130.

Speekmann, C.L., C.J. Hyatt and E.J. Buskey.  2006.  Effects of a Karenia brevis diet on RNA:DNA ratios and egg production of Acartia tonsaHarmful Algae 5:693-704.

Buskey, E.J. and C.J. Hyatt.  2006.  Use of the Flow CAM for semi-automated recognition and enumeration of red tide cells in natural plankton samples.  Harmful Algae 5:685-692.

Waggett, R.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2006.  Copepod Sensitivity to flow fields: detection by copepods of predatory ctenophores.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser 323:205-211.

Alekperov, I., E. Buskey and N. Snegovaya.  2006.  New and little known free living ciliates from the plankton of the Caspian Sea.  Protistology 4:195-201.

Gilbert, O.M., and E.J. Buskey.  2005.  Turbulence decreases the hydrodynamic predator-sensing ability of the planktonic copepod Acartia tonsa.  J. Plankton Res. 27:1067-1071.

Buskey, E.J.  2005.  Behavioral characteristics of copepods that affect their suitability as food for larval fishes.  In: Copepods in Aquaculture.  C.-S. Lee, P.J. O’Bryen and N.M. Marcus (eds.), pp. 91-106.  Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa

Clarke, R.J., E.J. Buskey, and K.C. Marsden.  2005.  Effects of water movement and prey behavior on zooplankton capture by two coral reef fishes.  Marine Biology 146:1145-1155.

Collumb, C.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2004.  Effects of the toxic red tide dinoflagellate (Karenia brevis) on survival, fecal pellet production and fecundity of the copepod Acartia tonsa.  In: Harmful Algae 2002.  K.A. Steidinger, J.H. Landsberg, C.R. Tomas, and G.A. Vargo (eds.), pp 44-46.

Villareal, T.A., T. Chirichella and E.J. Buskey.  2004.  Regional distribution of the Texas brown tide (Aureoumbra lagunensis) in the Gulf of Mexico.  In: Harmful Algae 2002.  K.A. Steidinger, J.H. Landsberg, C.R. Tomas, and G.A. Vargo (eds.), pp. 374-376.

Buskey, E.J., C.J. Hyatt, and C.L. Speekmann.  2004.  Trophic interactions within the planktonic food webs in mangrove channels of Twin Cays, Belize, Central America.  Atoll Res. Bull. 529:1-22.

Buskey, E.J., C.J. Hyatt, and W. Slingerland.  2004.  Survival and reproduction of the copepod Parvocalanus crassirostris fed the Texas brown tide alga Aureoumbra lagunensisIn:  Harmful Algae 2002.  K.A. Steidinger, J.H. Landsberg, C.R. Tomas, and G.A. Vargo (eds.), pp. 106-108.  Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission.

Liu, H. and E. Buskey. 2003.  Effects of media N:P ratio on the extracellular polymeric substance (EPA) production by brown tide-forming alga Aureoumbra lagunensisPlankton Biol. Ecol. 50:55-60.

Buskey, E.J., H. DeYoe, F. Jochem, and T. Villareal.  2003.  Effects of mesozooplankton removal on trophic structure during a bloom of the Texas “brown tide”:  A mesocosm study.  J. Plank. Res. 25:215-228.

Buskey, E.J.  2003.  Behavioral adaptations of the cubozoan medusae Tripedalia cystophora for feeding on copepod swarms.  Mar. Biol. 142:225-232.

Buskey, E.J. and D.K. Hartline.  2003.  High speed video analysis of the escape responses of the copepod Acartia tonsa to shadows.  The Biological Bulletin 204:28-37.

Buskey, E.J., P.H. Lenz, and D.K. Hartline.  2002.  Escape behavior of planktonic copepods to hydrodynamics:  High speed video analysis.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 235:135-146.

Bersano, J., E.J. Buskey, and T.A. Villareal.  2002.  Viability of the Texas brown tide alga Aureoumbra lagunensis in fecal pellets of the copepod Acartia tonsa.  Plank. Biol. Ecol. 49:88-92.

Buskey, E.J., H. Liu, C. Collumb, and J. Bersano.  2001.  The decline and recovery of a persistent brown tide algal bloom in the Laguna Madre (Texas, USA).  Estuaries 24:337-346.

Liu, H., E.A. Laws, T.A. Villareal, and E.J. Buskey.  2001.  Nutrient limited growth of Aureoumbra lagunensis, with implications for its capability to outgrow other phytoplankton species in phosphate-limited environments.  Journal of Phycology 37:500-508.

Jakobsen, H.H., C.J. Hyatt, and E.J. Buskey.  2001.  Growth and grazing on the “Texas brown tide” forming alga Aureoumbra lagunensis by the tintinnid Amphorides quadraliniatusAquatic Microbial Ecology 23:245-252.

Liu, H. and E.J. Buskey.  2000.  The extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) layer surrounding Aureoumbra lagunensis cells reduces affects growth, grazing and behavior of protozoa.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 45:1187-1191.

Buskey, E.J.  2000.  The role of vision in the aggregative behavior of the mysid Mysidium columbiaeMarine Biology 137:257-265.

Liu, H. and E.J. Buskey.  2000.  Hypersalinity enhances extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) production of Texas brown tide alga Aureoumbra lagunensis.  Journal of Phycology 35:1-7.

Ward, L.A., P.A. Montagna, R.D. Kalke, and E.J. Buskey.  2000.  Sublethal effects of Texas brown tide on Streblospio bendicti (Polychaeta) larvae.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 248:121-129.

Buskey, E.J., K.H. Dunton, and P.L. Parker.  1999.  Variations in stable carbon isotope ratio of the copepod Acartia tonsa during the onset of the Texas brown tide.  Estuaries 22:1018-1026.

Hartline, D.K., E.J. Buskey, and P. Lenz.  1999.  Rapid jumps and bioluminescence elicited by controlled hydrodynamic stimuli in a mesopelagic copepod Pleuromamma xiphias.  Biological Bulletin 197:132-143.

Buskey, E.J., T.A. Villareal, and T. Lopez-Barreiro.  1999.  Reconstructing the initiation of the Texas brown tide bloom of Aureoumbra lagunensis from archived samples using an immunofluorescence assay.  Plankton Biology and Ecology 46:159-161.

Ambler, J.W., F.D. Ferrari, J. Fornshell, and E.J. Buskey.  1999.  Diel cycles of molting, mating, egg production and hatching in the swarm forming copepod Dioithona oculataPlankton Biology and Ecology 46:120-127.

Buskey, E.J.  1998.  The energetic cost of position-holding behavior in the holoplanktonic mysid Mysidium columbiae.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 172:139-147.

Buskey, E.J., B. Wysor, and C. Hyatt.  1998.  The role of hypersalinity in the persistence of the Texas "brown tide" bloom in the Laguna Madre.  Journal of Plankton Research 20:1553-1565.

Buskey, E.J.  1998.  Components of mating behavior in planktonic copepods.  Journal of Marine Systems 15:13-21.

Buskey, E.J.  1998.  Energetic costs of swarming behavior for the copepod Dioithona oculataMarine Biology 130:425-431.

Buskey, E.J., P.A. Montagna, A.F. Amos, and T.E. Whitledge.  1997.  Disruption of grazer populations as a contributing factor to the initiation of the Texas brown tide algal bloom.  Limnology and Oceanography 42:1215-1222.

Buskey, E.J.  1997.  Behavioral components of feeding selectivity of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Protoperidinium pellucidumMarine Ecology Progress Series 153:77-89.

Li, Y., E. Swift, and E.J. Buskey.  1996.  Photoinhibition of mechanically stimulable bioluminescence in the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Protoperidinium depressumJournal of Phycology 32:974-982.

Buskey, E.J., J.O. Peterson, and J.W. Ambler.  1996.  The swarming behavior of the copepod Dioithona oculatain situ and laboratory studies.  Limnology and Oceanography 41:513-521.

Buskey, E.J. and C.J. Hyatt.  1995.  Effects of the Texas "brown tide" alga on planktonic grazers.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 126:285-292.

Buskey, E.J., J.O. Peterson, and J.W. Ambler.  1995.  The role of photoreception in the swarming behavior of the copepod Dioithona oculata.  Marine Behavior and Physiology 25:1-13.

Buskey, E.J.  1995.  Growth and bioluminescence of Noctiluca scintillans on varying algal diets.  Journal of Plankton Research 17:29-40.

Buskey, E.J.  1994.  Factors affecting feeding selectivity of visual predators on the copepod Acartia tonsa:  locomotion, visibility and escape responses.  Hydrobiologia 292/293:447-453.

Buskey, E.J., C.J. Coulter, and S.L. Brown.  1994.  Feeding, growth and bioluminescence of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Protoperidinium huberiMar. Biol. 121:373-380.

Buskey, E.J., C.J. Coulter, and S.L. Strom.  1993.  Locomotory patterns of microzooplankton: potential effects on food selectivity of larval fish.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 53:29-43.

Buskey, E.J.  1993.  Annual pattern of micro- and mesozooplankton abundance and biomass in a subtropical estuary.  Journal of Plankton Research 15(8):907-924.

Strom, S.L. and E.J. Buskey.  1993.  Feeding, growth and behavior of the thecate heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oblea rotunda.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 38:965-977.

Buskey, E.J.  1992.  Epipelagic planktonic bioluminescence in the marginal ice zone of the Greenland Sea.  Mar. Biol. 113:689-698.

Buskey, E.J., S.L. Strom, and C.J. Coulter.  1992.  Bioluminescence of heterotrophic dinoflagellates from Texas coastal waters.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 159:37-49.

Smith, W.O., Jr., L.A. Codispoti, D.M. Nelson, T. Manley, E.J. Buskey, H.J. Niebauer, and G.F. Cota.  1991.  Importance of Phaeocystis blooms in the high-latitude ocean carbon cycle.  Nature 352:514-516.

Buskey, E.J. and D.E. Stearns.  1991.  The effects of starvation on bioluminescence potential and egg release of the copepod Metridia longaJ. Plank. Res. 13:885-893.

Buskey, E.J. and E. Swift.  1990.  An encounter model to predict natural bioluminescence. Limnol. Oceanogr. 35:1469-1485.

Riley, C.M., G.J. Holt, S.A. Holt, E.J. Buskey, and C.R. Arnold.  1989.  Mortality of larval red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) associated with a Ptychodiscus brevis red tide.  Cont. Mar. Sci. 31:137-146.

Smith, R.C., D. Siegel, J. Marra, D.A. Kiefer, E. Swift, E. Buskey, and M.J. Perry. 1989. Estimation of a photon budget for the upper ocean in the Sargasso Sea.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 34:1677-1697.

Buskey, E.J. and D.K. Stoecker.  1989.  Behavioral responses of the marine tintinnid Favella sp. to phytoplankton: influence of chemical, mechanical and photic stimuli.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 132:1-16.

Buskey, E.J., K.S. Baker, R.C. Smith, and E. Swift.  1989.  Photosensitivity of the oceanic copepods Pleuromamma gracilis and Pleuromamma xiphias and its relationship to light penetration and daytime depth distribution.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 55:207-216.

Butman, C.A., J.P. Grassle, and E.J. Buskey.  1988.  Horizontal swimming and gravitational sinking of Capitella sp. I larvae: implications for settlement.  Ophelia 29:43-57.

Buskey, E.J. and D.K. Stoecker.  1988.  Locomotory patterns of the planktonic ciliate Favella sp.: Adaptation for locating food patches and food particles.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 43:783-796.

Buskey, E.J., C.G. Mann, and E. Swift.  1987.  Photophobic responses of calanoid copepods:  Possible adaptive value.  J. Plankton Res. 9:857-870.

Buskey, E.J., C.G. Mann, and E. Swift. 1986.  The shadow response of the estuarine copepod Acartia tonsaJ. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 103:65-75.

Buskey, E.J. and E. Swift.  1985.  Behavioral responses of oceanic zooplankton to simulated bioluminescence.  Biol. Bull. 168:263-275.

Buskey, E.J.  1984.  Swimming pattern as an indicator of the roles of copepod sensory systems in the recognition of food.  Mar. Biol. 79:165-175.

Buskey, E.J. and E. Swift.  1983.  Behavioral responses of the coastal copepod Acartia hudsonica to simulated dinoflagellate bioluminescence.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 72:43-58.

Buskey, E.J., L. Mills, and E. Swift.  1983.  The effects of dinoflagellate bioluminescence on the swimming behavior of a marine copepod.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 28:575-579..

Sullivan, B.K., E.J. Buskey, P.J. Ritacco, and D.C. Miller.  1983.  Effects of metals on growth, swimming and predator-prey interactions in Eurytemora affinisMar. Biol. 77:299-306.


Park, B.S. and E.J. Buskey. (submitted) The potential impact of altered bacterial communities exposed to crude oil and light on the growth of the harmful algal blooming species Karenia brevis (Dinophyceae). Mar. Poll. Bull.

Weatherall, T.F., L. P. Scheef, E.J. Buskey (in review) Spatial and temporal settlement patterns of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus and Callinectes similis) megalopae in a drought-prone estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Scheef, L.P. G.W. Ward and E.J. Buskey (in review) Informing freshwater inflow management decisions for a drought-prone estuary through circulation monitoring. Estuaries and Coasts

Jiang, H. and E.J. Buskey. (in review) Particle detection and capture by a marine oligotrich ciliate Strombidium sp. (Ciliophora, Oligotrichida). J. Plank. Res.

2016    National Estuarine Research Reserve Association National Impact Award

2004    Teaching Excellence Award, College of Natural Science, University of Texas at Austin

2000    Paul Harris Fellowship, Rotary International


Buskey, E.J., S. Cosgrove, B. Gemmell, R. Almeda. June 2018. Oil and water do mix: Toxic effects of dispersed oil on marine plankton. ASLO 2018 Summer Meeting, Victoria, B.C., Canada

Gemmell, B.J., K. Du Clos, E. Good, E.J. Buskey. June 2018. The effect of sublethal concentrations of crude oil and chemical dispersants on copepod escape behavior. ASLO 2018 Summer Meeting, Victoria, B.C., Canada

Tang, C.H., and E.J. Buskey. June 2018. Influence of oil pollution on grazing impact of microzooplankton on natural plankton community in a mesocosm study. ASLO 2018 Summer Meeting, Victoria, B.C., Canada

Buskey, E.J. and M. Moison. February 2018. Short-term changes in mesozooplankton abundance and community structure in response to the presence of dispersed crude oil: amesocosm study. 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, LA

Cosgrove, S. and E.J. Buskey. February 2018. The effect of temperature and UV on marine protozoa following exposure to chemically dispersed crude oil, Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, LA

Tang, C.H.and E.J. Buskey. February 2018. Effect of crude oil and dispersant on the growth and grazing responses of heterotrophic dinoflagellates Oxyrrhis marina and Euplotes sp. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, LA

Park, B.S., H. Bacosa, Z. Liu, D.L. Erdner and E.J. Buskey. February 2018. Growth promotion of dinoflagellates by oil-degrading bacteria isolated from oil polluted sites after the Texas City “Y” oil spill. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, LA

Buskey, E.J., C.A. Wilson, and S. Murawski. January 2018. Introduction to the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. Marine Technology Society and Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Webinar Series.

Buskey, E.J., C.J. Hyatt and L.P. Scheef. Effects of pulsed freshwater inflows on ecosystem structure and function in the Mission-Aransas Estuary. November 2017. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Providence, RI.

Buskey, E.J., C.J. Hyatt and L.P. Scheef. April 2017. Long-term monitoring of the Mission-Aransas Estuary: Effects of pulsed freshwater inflows on planktonic ecosystems. 2017 Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting. Port Aransas, Texas.

Buskey, E.J., L.P. Scheef and C.J. Hyatt. March 2017. Effects of drought and pulsed freshwater inflows on gross primary production and community respiration in the Mission-Aransas Estuary. ASLO 2017, Honolulu, Hawai’i

Cosgrove, S., E.J. Buskey. March 2017. Analysis of the community of planktonic protozoa following exposure to physically and chemically dispersed crude oil. ASLO 2017, Honolulu, Hawai’i

Moisson, M., E.J. Buskey. March 2017. Sublethal effects of dispersed crude oil on marine copepod behavior. ASLO 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii

Almeda, R. and E.J. Buskey. February 2017. Oil spills and dispersants can cause the initiation of red tides. 2017 Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. New Orleans, LA

Cosgrove, S. and E.J. Buskey. February 2017. Analysis of the community structure of planktonic protozoa following exposure to physically and chemically dispersed crude oil. 2017 Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. New Orleans, LA

Moisson, M. and E.J. Buskey. February 2017. Toxic effects of oil and dispersant on growth of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. 2017 Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. New Orleans, LA

Tang, C.H. and E.J. Buskey. February 2017. Crude oil and dispersant impair the grazing impact of heterotrophic dinoflagellates on phytoplankton. 2017 Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. New Orleans, LA

Buskey, E.J. and L. Scheef. December 2016. Addressing research needs identified in an adaptive management process to help define the freshwater inflow requirements of the Guadalupe-San Antonio and Mission-Aransas Estuaries. Restore America’s Estuaries, New Orleans, LA

Almeda, R. and E.J. Buskey. November 2016. Oil spills and dispersants can cause the initiation of red tides. 7th SETAC World Congress, Orlando, FL,

Buskey, E.J., L. Scheef, C. Hyatt. June 2016. Long-term monitoring of the Mission-Aransas Estuary: effects of pulsed freshwater inflows on ecosystem structure and function.  ASLO Summer Meeting, Santa Fe, NM.

*Buskey, E.J. April 2016. Everything is bigger in Texas: Saga of an eight year Brown Tide bloom in Baffin Bay. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, Texas.

Weatherall, T., L. Scheef and E.J. Buskey. April 2016. Sparial and temporal settlement patterns of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus and C. similis) in a drought-prone Texas estuary: results from a citizen science monitoring project. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, Texas.

Gemmell, B.J., G. Oh, E.J. Buskey and T.A. Villareal. February 2016. Dynamic sinking behavior in diatoms: rapid changes in sinking rates may aid in nutrient uptake. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Gemmell, B.J., B. Dickey, E.J. Buskey. February 2016. Interactions of a natural protist community with crude oil results in dominance by a dinoflagellate. 2016 Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Tampa, FL

Jiang, H. B.J. Gemmell and E.J. Buskey, November 2015. The fluid dynamics of the ciliate Pseudotontonia sp. jumping by tail contraction. American Physics Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.

Buskey, E.J., L.P. Scheef and C.J. Hyatt. November 2015. Effects of pulsed freshwater inflows on nutrient , phytoplankton and zooplankton dynamics in the Mission-Aransas Estuary. CERF Biennial Meeting, Portland, Oregon.

Almeda, R., T.L. Connelly and E.J. Buskey. November 2015. Role of crude oil ingestion by zooplankton in the fate of crude oil spills in the sea. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah

Scheef, L.P., G. H. Ward and E. J. Buskey. April 2015. Water circulation in the Mission-Aransas Estuary: the effects of tides, winds and the opening of Cedar Bayou. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

Harvey, T., T. Connelly, R. Almeda and E.J. Buskey. April 2015.  Effects of crude oil, chemical dispersant, and UV radiation on copepod nauplii from the Gulf of Mexico. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

*Buskey, E.J. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System: Long term research and monitoring to improve understanding of estuarine ecosystems and address coastal management issues. Institut de Ciences del Mar, Barcelona, Spain. March 2015

Buskey, E.J., R. Almeda, B. Gemmell and J. Katz. February 2015. Physical and chemical dispersion of marine crude oil spills and effects of dispersed oil on zooplankton. 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain.

Gemmell, B.J., H. Jiang, J.R. Strickler and E.J. Buskey. February 2015. A tale of the ciliate tail: Investigation into the adaptive significance of this unique structure. 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain.

Almeda, R., T.L. Connelly, C. Hyatt, T. Villareal and E.J. Buskey. February 2015. Ingestion of dispersed crude oil by zooplankton. 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain.

Almeda, R. T.Connelly, C. Hyatt and E.J. Buskey. February 2015. Novel insight into the role of heterotrophic dinoflagellates in the fate of crude oil in the sea. 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Houston, Texas.

Gemmell, B.J., H.P. Bacosa, Z. Liu and E.J. Buskey. February 2015. Presence of gelatinous zooplankton may enhance rate of hydrocarbon breakdown. 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Houston, Texas.

Mei, M., B.J. Gemmell and E.J. Buskey. February 2015. Quantification of copepod escape success after varied exposure to crude oil and chemical dispersants. 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Houston, Texas.

Baker, B. J., C.S. Miller and E.J. Buskey. February 2015. Resolving metabolic pathways and microorganisms involved in coastal petroleum degradation using  high-resolution community omic approaches. Genomics Worshop. 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Houston, Texas.

Garcia, S.M., B.J. Gemmell and E.J. Buskey. January 2015. Sublethal effects of crude oil and chemical dispersant on swimming behavior of barnacle nauplii. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, West Palm Beach, Florida.

Gemmell, B.J. and E.J. Buskey. January 2015. New approach to small-scale PIV reveals secrets to the powerful escape swimming of the copepod. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, West Palm Beach, Florida.

Bittler, K.M., L.P. Scheef and E.J. Buskey. January 2015. Blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) and Freshwater Inflows: A National Perspective. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Savannah, Georgia

Scheef, LP, GH Ward, D Alonso, EJ Buskey. Monitoring current patterns within the Mission-Aransas and Guadalupe estuaries, Texas, with tilt current meters. 7th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration, November 1-6, 2014, Gaylord National Conventional Center, Washington, D.C.

Mooney, R.F., C.J. Hyatt and E.J. Buskey. October 2014. Zooplankton monitoring in the Mission-Aransas Reserve. Gulf Estuarine Research Society 2014 Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

Weirich, C., C.M. McCue, L.P. Scheef, and E.J. Buskey. October 2014. The effects of tides and currents on blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) megalopae. Gulf Estuarine Research Society 2014 Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

Buskey, E.J., A. Baptista and M. Davis. October 2014. Our Global Estuary: A strategy for science-based estuarine observation and prediction networks. Gulf Estuarine Research Society 2014 Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

Bittler, K.M., L.P. Scheef and E.J. Buskey. May 2014. Freshwater inflows and blue crabs: can Texas megalopae find the estuary? Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.

Goes, J.I., H.R. Gomes, S.P. Matondkar, S. basu, E.J. Buskey, S.G. Parab, P. Thoppil. May 2014. Ecosystem disruption in the Arabian Sea with potential links to the spread of hypoxia. 46th International Liege Colloquium, Liege, Belgium.

Bittler, K.M., L.P. Scheef and E.J. Buskey. March 2014. Blue crab megalopae go with the flow: How do currents affect estimates of abundance from Hog’s Hair collectors? Benthic Ecology Meeting 2014. Jacksonville, FL

Stanzel, K. E.J. Buskey, S.Palmer, J. Xue and H. Wade. April 2014. Evaluating vulnerability of coastal ecosystem and communities using long-term data sets in the Mission Aransas Reserve. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX

Baca, S. T.; Almeda, R.; Buskey, E.; February 2014. Role of UVR and chemical dispersant on the toxicity of petroleum to copepods. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI

Jiang, H.; Gemmell, B. J.; Strickler, J. R.; Buskey, E. J.; February 2014 Observing zooplankton swimming behavior and imposed flow at sub-mm scales. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

Almeda, R.; Brown, C. B.; Jiqing , L.; Hyatt , C.; Buskey, E. J.; February 2014. Impact of crude oil and dispersant on microzooplankton and its effects on the structure of microbial plankton communities in the Gulf of Mexico. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI   

Gemmell, B. J.; Jiang, H.; Buskey, E. J.; February 2014. Exploring a new approach to micro-scale Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for quantifying flow around free-swimming microzooplankton. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI

Buskey, E. J.; Reay, W. G.; Bundy, M.; Ferner, M.; Smith, E.; February 2014. System-wide monitoring program of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System: Research to address coastal management issues. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI

Almeda, R, S. Baca, C.G. Brown, T.Harvey, C.Hyatt and E.J. Buskey. January 2014. Dispersant Corexit 9500A increases the toxicity of crude oil to marine zooplankton. 2014 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Mobile, AL

Gemmell, B.J., R. Almeda, E.J. Buskey. January 2014. Sublethal effects of crude oil on coastal marine zooplankton and their susceptibility to fish predators. 2014 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Mobile, AL

Baca, S., R. Almeda, E.J. Buskey. January 2014. Photoenhanced toxicity of crude oil and chemically dispersed oil to copepods. 2014 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Mobile, AL

*Buskey, E.J. November 2013. Research Summary for the DROPPS Consortium: Dispersion Research on Oil: Physics and Plankton Studies. Texas State Visit of National Academy of Sciences Advisory Group for the Gulf Research Program, Austin, TX

Buskey, E.J., D. Bruesewitz, R. Mooney, J. Myers, C. Hyatt and W. Gardner. November 2013. Nutrient dynamics in the Mission-Aransas Estuary: impacts on phytoplankton biomass, gross primary production and net ecosystem metabolism. 22nd Biennial Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Bittler, K. L. Sheef and E.J. Buskey. November 2013. Freshwater inflows and blue crabs: Can Texas megalopae find an estuary during drought? 22nd Biennial Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Myers, J., R. Mooney and E.J. Buskey. November 2013. Using high spatial resolution sampling to validate the locations of permanent water quality monitoring stations within the Mission-Aransas Estuary. 22nd Biennial Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Mooney, R., K. Madden and E.J. Buskey. November 2013. Where does it come from and where does it go? Determining nitrogen inputs and exports from a coastal watershed in Texas. 22nd Biennial Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, San Diego, CA.

*Buskey, E.J. October 2013. Physical and chemical dispersion of crude oil, and effects of dispersed oil on marine zooplankton. International Symposium on Deep-Sea Oil Spills. Qingdao, China.

*Buskey, E.J. October 2013. Freshwater inflows, nutrients and ecosystem function in the Mission-Aransas Estuary. Texas Sea Grant CHARM Speaker Series, Bay Education Center, Rockport, TX.

Bittler, K., L. Sheef and E.J. Buskey. April 2013. To settle or not settle? Fickle megalopae may bias efficiency or hog’s hair collector under environmental conditions. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX

Buskey, E.J., L.P. Sheef and G. Ward. Feb 2013. Monitoring current patterns within the Mission-Aransas estuary, Texas, with tilt current meters. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Almeda, R., Z. Wambaugh, Z. Wang, C. Hyatt, Z. Liu, and E.J. Buskey. Jan 2013. Effects of crude oil exposure on zooplankton survival and bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Buchalski, C., S. Palmer, E.J. Buskey, K. Madden, T.R. Peterson and C. Ragland. Jan 2013. Bridge across the Mission: using a mediated modeling approach for mess management and moving forward, ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Gomes, H.R., J.I. Goes, S.P. Matondkar, S. Basu, S. G. Parab, E.J. Buskey and P. Thoppil. Ecosystem disruption in the Arabian Sea linked to the spread of hypoxia. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Palmer, S., K.M. Madden, E.J. Buskey, T.R. Peterson and G. Ward. Balancing freshwater inflows in a changing environment: collaborating for water conservation on the Texas coast. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Almeda, R., Z. Wambaugh, Z. Wang, C. Hyatt, Z. Liu, and E.J. Buskey. Jan 2013. Effects of crude oil exposure on zooplankton: lethal effects and accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton communities. Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Oil Spill Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Almeda, R., Z. Wang, Z. Wambaugh, C. Hyatt, Z. Liu, and E.J. Buskey. Jan 2013. Effects of crude oil exposure on survival and PAH bioaccumulation of adult and larval stages of gelatinous zooplankton (Scyphozoans and Ctenophores). Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Oil Spill Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Bona, S, R. Almeda, J. R. Strickler, E.J. Buskey. Jan 2013. Effects of crude oil on survival, growth rates and swimming behavior of barnacle nauplii (Balanus spp). Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Oil Spill Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Wambaugh, Z., R. Almeda, Z. Wang, C. Hyatt, Z. Liu, E.J. Buskey. Jan 2013. Bioaccumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons by the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa. Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Oil Spill Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Bittler, K. L. Sheef and E.J. Buskey. Nov 2012. To settle or not settle? Fickle Blue Crab megalopae may bias efficiency of hogs hair collectors. GERS meeting, Dauphin Island, Alabama.

Bruesewitz, D.A., T. Hoellein, W, Gardner and E.J. Buskey. May 2012. Concurrent measurements of nitrogen cycling and ecosystem metabolism along a river-estuary continuum. Society for Freshwater Science, Louisville, KY

Turner, E.L., D.A. Bruesewitz, P.A. Montagna, J. W. McClelland, A. Sadovski, R. Mooney and E.J. Buskey. April 2012 Simulating nutrient cycles of coastal waters using NPZ model ensembles. 2nd ICES/PICES Conference for Early Career Scientists, Majorca Island, Spain.

Buskey, E.J., B. Gemmell, K. Bittler, C. Hyatt, J.I. Goes, H. Gomes, and S.G.P. Matondkar. February 2012. Green Noctiluca blooms in the Arabian Sea: Shipboard and laboratory studies of growth and grazing. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Campbell, J.R. and E.J. Buskey. February 2012. The role of protozoan grazers in harmful algal bloom dynamics. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Buskey, E.J. and D. Erdner. December 2011. Four years of REU in South Texas: Fostering the participation of underrepresented groups in marine science research. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Campbell, J. and E.J. Buskey. November 2011. The role of protozoan grazers in harmful algal bloom dynamics. U.S. Harmful Algal Bloom Symposium, Austin, TX.

Buskey, E.J., D. Bruesewitz, L. Pollard, J. Campbell, B, Gemmell, C.Hyatt. November 2011. Feast or famine for freshwater inflows to the Mission-Aransas estuary: impact on nutrients, plankton populations and new ecosystem metabolism. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Daytona Beach, FL

Mooney, R.F., D.A. Bruesewitz, L. Pollard, J.W. McClelland, W.S. Gardner and E.J. Buskey. November 2011. Nutrient and organic matter dynamics following storm events in the Mission-Aransas NERR. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Daytona Beach, FL

Campbell, J. and E.J. Buskey. April 2011. The role of Noctiluca scintillans grazing on the red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

Bruesewitz, D.A., W.S. Gardner, E.J. Buskey, J. McClelland and R. Mooney. April 2011. Seasonal nitrogen dynamics along a river-estuary continuum in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

Gemmell, B.J., J. Sheng and E.J. Buskey. April 2011. Unique head structure of the seahorse provides hydrodynamic stealth when feeding on evasive copepod prey. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

Mooney, R. F., J.W. McClelland, D.A. Bruesewitz, and E.J. Buskey. April 2011. Nutrient and organic matter dynamics following storm events in the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

Pollard, L.D., D.A. Bruesewitz, R.F. Mooney, J. McClelland and E.J. Buskey. April 2011. Estimating free-water primary production, respiration and net ecosystem metabolism in the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.

Campbell, J. and E.J. Buskey. February 2011. Imaging technology and microplankton monitoring in the Mission Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve. 2011 ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Gemmell, B., H. Jiang and E.J. Buskey. February 2011. Flying plankton? Copepods take to the sky in effort to avoid predators. 2011 ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Buskey, E.J., B.J. Gemmell, P,H, Lenz, D.K. Hartline, C.Bradley, J. Sheng and J.R. Strickler. January 2011. Sensory perception, behavioral adaptations and the neuroecology of predator avoidance in planktonic copepods. Society for Integrated and Comparative Biology, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Gemmell, B., J. Sheng and E.J. Buskey. November 2010. Escaping from predation of low Reynolds numbers: a compensatory mechanism. American Physics Society Hydrodynamics sections, Long Beach, CA.

Ryckman, L., E.J. Buskey and P. Montagna. July 2010. Population effects of low dissolved oxygen on Nitrokra affinis. 14th International Meiofauna Conference, Ghent, Belgium

Ryckman, L., E.J. Buskey and P. Montagna. April 2010. Effects of sumer diurnal hypoxia on harpacticoid copepod reproduction in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas.

Campbell, L., R.J. Olson, H.M. Sosik and E.J. Buskey. February 2010. Observations for prediction of harmful algal blooms on the Texas coast: automated analysis from the Imaging FloCytobot provides early warning for successful response. 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.

Gemmell, B., J. Sheng and E.J. Buskey, February 2010. Separating metabolic and viscosity effects of temperature change on the escape swimming of copepod nauplii (Acartia tonsa) using high speed 3D holographic video techniques. 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.

Rubio, L. and E.J. Buskey. February 2010. Fecal coliform bacteria concentrations in the waters surrounding Port Aransas, TX, USA. 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.

Gemmell, B., J. Sheng and E.J. Buskey. November 2009. Experimental investigation of 3-D flow fields around the mouth of the dwarf seahorse during attacks of planktonic prey. Annual Meeting of American Physics Society, Hydrodynamics Section, Minneapolis, MN.

Buskey, E.J., D. Erdner, J. McClelland, D.H. Min, P. Munguia, and C. Shank.  November 2009.  Research experiences for undergraduates.  Field experiences in South Texas: projects carried out in the Mission-Aransas NERR during summer 2009.  NERRS National Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Ryckman, L., E.J. Buskey and P.A. Montagna.  November 2009.  Effects of seasonal hypoxia on harpacticoid copepod community structure in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.  Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Portland, OR.

Ryckman, L., E.J. Buskey and P.A. Montagna.  November 2009.  Low dissolved oxygen and elevated ammonium concentrations affect harpacticoid copepod survival and reproduction.  Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Buskey, E.J., C.J. Hyatt and T.A. Villareal.  November 2009.  Do arid South Texas estuaries export nutrients or phytoplankton to the Gulf of Mexico?  Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting, Portland, OR.

Buskey, E.J.  September 2009.  Research and monitoring in the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve: Nutrient and Plankton Dynamics.  Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Cook, C., K. Dunton, S. Morehead, and E. Buskey.  April 2009.  From a forest to a desert: What’s happening to seagrass in Little Bay?  Texas Bays and Estuary Meeting.

Buskey, E.J., C.J. Hyatt, and T.A. Villareal.  April 2009.  Characterization of the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve: hydrography, nutrients and phytoplankton biomass.  Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting.

Buskey, E.J., J.W. McClelland, K.H. Dunton, R.M. Mooney, and T.A. Villareal.  March 2009.  Nutrient dynamics in the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve.  Gulf of Mexico Alliance Nutrient Criteria Research Framework Workshop, New Orleans, LA.

Ryckman, L., E.J. Buskey, and P.A. Montagna.  March 2009.  Effects of low oxygen and ammonia on harpacticoid copepod survival and reproduction.  Benthic Ecology Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX.

Finelli, C.M., R.D. Clarke, E.J. Buskey.  March 2009.  Water flow controls distribution and feeding behavior of two syntopic coral reef fishes.  Field and laboratory studies.  Benthic Ecology Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX.

Steinke, M., M.N. Breckels, E.J. Buskey, J.R. Strickler, S.D. Archer, G. Malin.  January 2009.  Tritrophic interactions are mediated by dimethyl sulphide (DMS) release from microzooplankton.  ASLO 2009.  Nice, France.

Buskey, E.J.  January 2009.  Research and monitoring at the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve: focus on climate change and harmful algal blooms.  ASLO 2009.  Nice, France.

Gemmell, B., J. Sheng and E. Buskey.  November 2008.  Predation by the dwarf seahorse on copepods: quantifying motion and flows using 3D high speed digital holographic cinematography – when seahorses attack!  American Physical Society, 61st Annual Meeting APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.  San Antonio, TX.

*Buskey, E.J.  April 2008.  The turbulent lives of copepods: effects of water flow over a coral reef on their ability to detect and evade predators.  Harte Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies Weekly Seminar Series.

Ryckman, L. E.J. Buskey.  April 2008.  Hypoxia effects on harpacticoid copepod community structure in the northern Gulf of Mexico.  Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting.

Campbell, L., R.J. Olson, H.M. Sosik, R. Dickey, A. Abraham, J. Deeds, K. White, H. Grande, C. Hyatt, and E.J. Buskey.  April 2008.  Imaging flow cytobot provides early warning of first diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) producing algal bloom in the Gulf of Mexico.  Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting.

Pfitsch, D.W., E. Malkiel, B. Gemmell, M. Takagi, J. Sheng, E.J. Buskey, and J. Katz.  March 2008.  Studying in-situ marine zooplankton behavior using a submersible holographic imaging system.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting.  Orlando, FL.

Bradley, C.J., P.H. Lenz, E.J. Buskey, and J.R. Strickler.  March 2008.  Development of escape and freeze responses in juvenile copepods.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting.  Orlando, FL.

Ryckman, L., E.J. Buskey, P.A. Montagna, and R. Kalke.  Nov. 2007.  Effects of hypoxia on harpacticoid copepod reproduction in the northern Gulf of Mexico.  ERF Meeting.  Providence, RI.

Buskey, E.J.  Nov. 2007.  Research Programs at the new Mission Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve.  Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting.  Providence, RI.

Buskey, E.J., D.-H. Min, L. Campbell, R.J. Olson, H.M. Sosik, and A.F. Amos.  Oct. 2007.  The UTMSI Pier: Instrumentation to keep a finger on the pulse of the Mission Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve.  NERRS Annual Meeting.  Shepherdstown, WV.

*Buskey, E.J., R.J. Waggett and R. Clarke.  Sept. 2007.  Copepod adaptations for avoiding predators: experimental studies of predator-prey interactions.  National Evolutionary Synthesis Center Catalyst Meeting.  Myelin: a new model for evolutionary innovation.  Durham, NC.

*Buskey, E.J.  2007.  The roles of prey physiology and environmental hydrodynamics in mediating Planktonic predator-prey interactions.  John Hopkins University.

Buskey, E.J.  2007.  Update on the research program of the new Mission Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve.  Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting.  Port Aransas, TX.

Clarke, R.D., E.J. Buskey and C.M. Finelli.  2007.  Feeding adaptations of two chaenopsid blennies to water motion in different microhabitats.  Benthic Ecology Meeting.  Atlanta, GA.

Buskey, E.J., J.R. Strickler, P.H. Lenz, and P.K. Hartline.  2007.  High speed video analysis of escape behavior of early developmental stages of the calanoid copepods Acartia tonsa and Bestiolina similis. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.  Santa Fe, NM.

Lenz, P.H., J. Kong, C. Wilson, D.K. Hartline, E.J. Buskey, J.R. Strickler.  2007.  Developmental changes in copepod form associated with increased swimming performance.  ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.  Santa Fe, NM.

Clarke, R.D., E.J. Buskey and C.M. Finelli.  2007.  Microhabitat affects water motion and prey capture by two chaenopsid blennies.  ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, NM.

Clarke, R.C., E.J. Buskey and C.M. Finelli.  2006.  Effects of water motion on prey capture by two chaenopsid blennies (genus Acanthemblemaria): field and laboratory studies.  Symposium for Bill McFarland. Aliso Viejo, CA.

*Buskey, E.J.  2006.  Sensory perception and behavioral ecology of zooplankton.  ASLO Student Forums.  ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, B.C., Canada.

*Buskey, E.J., J.R. Strickler and P. Lenz.  2006.  Escape behavior of early developmental stages of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa: 3-D high speed video analysis.  ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Robinson, H.E. and E.J. Buskey.  2006.  The effect of turbulence on copepod detection of a flow-generating predator.  ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Buskey, E.J.  2006.  Swarming behavior, bioluminescence and copepods on strings: these are a few of my favorite things.  UTMSI Public Lecture Series.

Breier, C.F. and E.J. Buskey.  2006.  Ingestion of the harmful alga Karenia brevis by the copepod grazer Acartia tonsa: fecundity depends on the presence of other algal species.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

Wu, C.-H., J.-S. Hwang, E.J. Buskey and J.R. Strickler.  2005.  Behavioral responses and their role in predator-prey interactions of Temora turbinata and two ciliates:  visual observations.  XI International Conference of Copepodologists, Tunisia.

Buskey, E.J. and C.J. Hyatt.  2005.  Is Karenia brevis toxic to planktonic grazers?  ASLO Meeting, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Buskey, E.J.  2005.  How does eutrophication affect the role of grazers in harmful algal bloom dynamics?  Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) Open Science Meeting.  Baltimore, MD.

Buskey, E.J. and C.J. Hyatt.  2005.  The role of zooplankton grazers in Karenia brevis red tide bloom dynamics.  ASLO 2005 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.

Speekmann, C.L. and E.J. Buskey.  2005.  Effects of natural and anthropogenic toxins on RNA:DNA ratios of copepods.  ASLO 2005 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.

Finelli, C.M., R. Clarke, C. Gaebe and E.J. Buskey.  2005.  The turbulent lives of tube blennies:  field measurements of flow in the feeding volume of two species of hemisessile planktivores.  ASLO  2005 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.

Firth, C.A. and E.J. Buskey.  2004.  Grazing and egg production of copepods fed natural red tide (Karenia brevis) assemblages or laboratory reared cultures.  ASLO 2004 Summer Meeting, Savannah, GA.

Clarke, R.D., E.J. Buskey and K.C. Marsden.  2004.  Effects of water motion and prey behavior on zooplankton capture by two coral reef fishes.  Benthic Ecology Meeting, Mobile, AL.

Waggett, R.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2004.  Copepod sensitivity to flow fields: Can copepods detect flow-generating predators? ASLO/TOS Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Buskey, E.J., R. Clarke, D. McKinnon, and O. Gilbert.  2004.  The effects of water movement and zooplankton behavior on planktivory by coral reef fishes.  ASLO/TOS Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Speekmann, C.L. and E.J. Buskey.  2004.  Effects of environmental conditions on RNA:DNA ratio analysis of zooplankton.  ASLO/TOD Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Buskey, E.J. and C.J. Hyatt.  2003.  Use of the FlowCAM for semi-automated recognition and enumeration of red tide cells (Karenia brevis) in natural plankton samples. Estuarine Research Federation 17th Biennial Conference, Seattle, Washington.

*Buskey, E.J.  2003.  Behavioral characteristics of copepods that affect their suitability as food for larval fishes.  AIP Copepod Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Vidal, E.A.G., D.P. Ibbotson, E.J. Buskey, and P.G. Lee.  2003.  Predator-prey interactions in squid paralarvae (Loligo opalescens). World Aquaculture Society Annual Meeting, Bahia, Brazil.

Buskey, E.J. and C.J. Hyatt.  2003.  Use of the FlowCAM for semi-automated enumeration of natural microplankton samples.  Gulf Estuarine Research Society, Annual Meeting, Port Aransas, Texas.

Waggett, R.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2002.  Copepod sensitivity to flow fields: Can copepods detect flow generating predators?  Gulf Estuarine Research Society, Annual Meeting, Port Aransas, Texas.

Buskey, E.J. and C.J. Hyatt.  2002.  Is Karenia brevis toxic to protozoan grazers?  Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae.  St. Petersburg, Florida.

Bersano, J.G.F., E.J. Buskey, and T.A. Villareal.  2002.  Viability of the Texas brown tide alga Aureoumbra lagunensis in fecal pellets of the copepod Acartia tonsa. Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae.  St. Petersburg, Florida.

Collumb, C.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2002.  Effects of the toxic red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevis on feeding, fecundity and behavior of the copepod Acartia tonsa. Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae.  St. Petersburg, Florida.

Chirichella, T., E.J. Buskey, and T.A. Villareal.  2002.  Regional distribution of the Texas brown tide (Aureoumbra lagunensis) in the Gulf of Mexico. Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae.  St. Petersburg, Florida.

Hyatt, C.J., W. Slingerland, and E.J. Buskey.  2002.  Survival and reproduction of the copepod Parvocalanus crassirostris fed the Texas brown tide alga Aureoumbra lagunensis. Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae.  St. Petersburg, Florida.

Buskey, E.J. and D.K. Hartline.  2002.  High speed video analysis of escape responses of the copepod Acartia tonsa to shadows.  ASLO 2002, Victoria, British Columbia.

Ambler, J.W., E.J. Buskey, and C.J. Hyatt.  2002.  The role of behavioral responses to biological and physical processes in a planktonic food web model.  ASLO 2002, Victoria, British Columbia.

Clarke, R.D., E.J. Buskey, and K. Marsden.  2002.  The complex effects of near-substrate turbulence on zooplankton capture by benthic coral reef fish.  ASLO 2002, Victoria, British Columbia.

Lenz, P.H., E.J. Buskey, and D.K. Hartline.  2002.  Triggering escapes in copepods:  A review.  ASLO 2002, Victoria, British Columbia.

Speekman, C.L. and E.J. Buskey.  2002.  Assessing the health of planktonic food webs using RNA:DNA ratios.  ASLO 2002, Victoria, British Columbia.

Waggett, R.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2002.  Biomechanical parameters of copepod escape behavior in response to a visual predator.  ASLO 2002, Victoria, British Columbia.

Buskey, E.J.  2002.  Behavioral adaptations of the cubozoan medusa Tripedalia cystophora for feeding on copepod swarms.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Buskey, E.J., P.H. Lenz, D.K. Hartline, R.D. Clarke, and R.J. Waggett.  2001.  Escape behavior of planktonic copepods to hydrodynamic disturbances: High speed video analysis.  ASLO 2001 Aquatic Sciences Meeting.  Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Waggett, R.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2001.  Comparison of the escape behavior of two similar copepod species, Paracalanus parvus and Temora turbinata.  ASLO 2001 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

*Buskey, E.J.  2002.  Aggregative behavior in zooplankton.  University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

DeYoe, H., E. Buskey, F. Jochem, and T. Villareal.  2000.  Effects of nitrogen addition on a mixed species phytoplankton bloom.  Phycological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Diego, California.

Buskey, E.J. and D. McKinnon.  2000.  Behavioral responses of swarm-forming copepods to currents and turbulence.  ASLO, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Buskey, E.J., H. DeYoe, F. Jochem, T. Villareal, C. Hyatt, and L. Hyde.  2000.  Effects of mesozooplankton removal on trophic structure during a bloom of the Texas Brown Tide:  A mesocosm study.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.

Collumb, C.J. and E.J. Buskey.  2000.  Effects of the Texas Brown Tide alga Aureoumbra lagunensis on egg production, hatching success and behavior of the copepod Acartia tonsa.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.

*Buskey, E.J.  2000.  Aggregative behavior in zooplankton.  Louisiana Marine Consortium, Chauvin, Louisiana.

*Buskey, E.J.  1999.  Aggregative behavior in zooplankton.  Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Bersano, J.B.F., E.J. Buskey, C. Collumb, and J. Wormuth.  1999.  Effects of food composition and quality on the nutritional condition of Acartia tonsa.  7th International conference on Copepoda, Curitiba, Brazil.

Buskey, E.J. H. Liu, B. Wysor, C. Collumb, and J. Bersano.  1999.  El Niño and the Laguna Madre:  Don’t you make my brown tides blue?  ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Liu, H. and E.J. Buskey.  1999.  The effects of hypersalinity on the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) exudation of Texas brown tide alga Aureoumbra lagunensis.  ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Bersano, J.B.F., E.J. Buskey, and P. Lavrentyev.  1999.  Field observations on the feeding of Acartia tonsa in Texas brown tide waters.  ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Collumb, C.J. and E.J. Buskey.  1999.  Visual predation on copepods:  Effects of size, contrast and behavior.  ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

*Buskey, E.J.  1998.  Harmful algal blooms in the Gulf of Mexico.  Sharing Our Gulf Conference.  College Station, Texas.

Buskey, E.J.  1998.  El Niño and the Laguna Madre:  Don’t you turn my brown tides blue?  Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Bay Summit, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Hartline, D.K., E.J. Buskey, and P.H. Lenz.  1998.  Escape jumps and bioluminescence elicited by controlled hydrodynamic stimuli in a mesopelagic copepod.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California.

Ambler, J.W., F.D. Ferrari, J. Fornshell, and E.J. Buskey.  1998.  Understanding the niche of a swarming copepod species.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California.

Buskey, E.J.  1998.  Role of vision in the aggregative behavior of the mysid Mysidium columbiae and metabolic costs of maintaining position in prop root habitats.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California.

Villareal, T.A., A. Mansfield, and E.J. Buskey.  1997.  Chemical composition of the Texas Brown Tide:  Evidence for P limitation in the Laguna Madre, Texas.  ERF Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island.

Buskey, E.J. and B. Wysor.  1997.  The role of hypersalinity in the persistence of the Texas brown tide bloom in the Laguna Madre.  ERF Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island.

Collumb, C.J. and E.J. Buskey.  1997.  Effects of the sustained Texas brown tide (Aureoumbra lagunensis) bloom on egg production, hatching success and survivorship of the copepod Acartia tonsa.  ERF Meeting, providence, Rhode Island.

Villareal, T.A., A. Mansfield, and E.J. Buskey.  1997.  Growth and chemical composition of the Texas brown tide pelagophyte.  VIII International Conference of Harmful Algae, Vigo, Spain.

Buskey, E.J.  Energetic costs of swarming behavior in Dioithona oculata.  1997.  ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe.

Collumb, C.J. and E.J. Buskey.  1997.  The effects of live staining on the behavior and predation rate of crustacean mesozooplankton.  1997 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe.

Ambler, J.W. and E.J. Buskey.  1997.  Optimization model for fitness of swarming copepods.  1997 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe.

Li, Y., E. Swift, and E.J. Buskey.  1997.  Photoinhibition of MSL in the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Protoperidinium depressum.  50th Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America, Santa Cruz, California.

*Buskey, E.J.  1996.  The Texas brown tide algal bloom: scientific understanding on causes and effects.  Workshop on Management and Mitigation of Harmful Algal Blooms in Coastal Waters, The University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas, Texas.

*Buskey, E.J.  1996.  Mating behavior of copepods.  Sixth International Conference on Copepoda, Oldenburg, Germany.

*Buskey, E.J. and T.A. Villareal.  1996.  The Texas Brown Tide:  Ecology of a 6 year bloom.  Northeast Algal Symposium, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Buskey, E.J. and C.J. Hyatt.  1996.  Role of sensory perception in the feeding selectivity of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Protoperidinium pellucidum.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California.

Ambler, J.W. and E.J. Buskey.  1996.  Copepod swarms: trade-offs between aggregation and dispersal.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting.  San Diego, California.

*Buskey, E.J. and J.W. Ambler.  1995.  Studies of the swarming behavior of Dioithona oculata using computerized motion analysis techniques.  University of Puerto Rico.

Buskey, E.J.  1995.  Why can’t zooplankton grazers control the brown tide?  Thirteenth International Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Buskey, E.J. and C.J. Hyatt.  1995.  Can zooplankton grazers be used as a biological control agent for the "brown tide"?  Gulf of Mexico Symposium, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Buskey, E.J., J.O. Peterson, and J.W. Ambler.  1995.  he role of photoreception in the swarming behavior of the copepod Dioithona oculata.  Symposium on sensory ecology and physiology of zooplankton, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Ambler, J.W., S.A. Broadwater, E.J. Buskey, M. Kracht, and J. Peterson.  1995.  Mating behavior in swarms of Dioithona oculata.  Symposium on sensory ecology and physiology of zooplankton, Honolulu, Hawaii.

*Buskey, E.J.  1995.  The role of planktonic and benthic grazers in harmful algal bloom dynamics.  NSF/NOAA Workshop on the ecology and oceanography of harmful algal blooms, Snow Mountain Ranch, Colorado.

*Buskey, E.J.  1994.  Zooplankton behavior and sensory perception.  The University of Connecticut, Department of Marine Science, Connecticut.

Buskey, E.J. and J.O. Peterson.  1994.  Quantification of image contrast of marine zooplankton:  implications for studies of selective feeding of planktivorous fish.  Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California.

Brown, S.L. and E.J. Buskey.  1994.  Microzooplankton grazing along the Northwestern Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico.  Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California.

*Buskey, E.J.  1993.  The ecology of heterotrophic, bioluminescent dinoflagellates:  Population dynamics, behavior and luminescence.  Bioluminescence Symposium, Kaanapali Beach, Hawaii.

*Buskey, E.J.  1993.  A Bioluminescence budget for the Northern Arabian Sea.  US-FSU conference on the Arabian Sea, Sevastopol, Ukraine.

Montagna, P.A., A.F. Amos, R. Benner, E.J. Buskey, K.H. Dunton, P.L. Parker, and T.E. Whitledge.  1993.  An ecosystem study of Laguna Madre, Texas.  Twelfth International Estuarine Research Federation meeting, Hilton Head, South Carolina.

*Buskey, E.J.  1993.  Bioluminescence and growth rates of heterotrophic dinoflagellates on varying algal diets:  Implications for studies of bioluminescence in the Arabian Sea.  United States - Pakistan Conference on Marine Science of the Arabian Sea, Karachi, Pakistan.

Buskey, E.J.  1993.  Factors affecting feeding selectivity of visual predators on copepods: locomotion, visibility and escape responses.  Fifth International Conference on Copepoda, Baltimore, Maryland.

*Buskey, E.J.  1993.  Impact of a persistent "Brown Tide" algal bloom on the Laguna Madre of South Texas.  Gulf of Mexico Symposium, Tarpon Springs, Florida.

Buskey, E.J., S.L. Strom, and C. Coulter.  1992.  The effects of light (photoinhibition) and nutrition on the bioluminescence capacity of heterotrophic dinoflagellates.  ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.

Strom, S.L. and E.J. Buskey.  1992.  Grazing and growth dynamics of a thecate heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Oblea rotunda.  ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.

Buskey, E.J. and D.A. Stockwell.  1991.  Effects of persistent "brown tide" on zooplankton populations in the Laguna Madre of South Texas.  Fifth International Conference on Toxic Marine Phytoplankton, Newport, Rhode Island.

Stockwell, D.A., E.J. Buskey, and T.E. Whitledge.  1991.  Studies on conditions conducive to the development and maintenance of a persistent "brown tide" in the Laguna Madre, Texas.  Fifth International Conference on Toxic Marine Phytoplankton, Newport, Rhode Island.

Buskey, E.J. and S.L. Strom.  1991.  Locomotory patterns of microzooplankton:  Effects on food selectivity of larval fish.  Zooplankton Ecology Symposium, Appleton, Wisconsin.

Strom, S.L. and E.J. Buskey.  1991.  Grazing rates and swimming behaviors of some thecate heterotrophic dinoflagellates.  Zooplankton Ecology Symposium, Appleton, Wisconsin.

*Buskey, E.J.  1991.  Measurement and prediction of epipelagic bioluminescence.  International Symposium on Oceanography in the Indian Ocean, Goa, India.

Buskey, E.J.  1990.  Prediction of epipelagic bioluminescence in the Greenland Sea Marginal Ice Zone.  AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.

Buskey, E.J.  1990.  Video-computer analysis of the swimming patterns of estuarine microzooplankton: implications for studies of selective feeding by larval fish.  Gulf Estuarine Research Society, Fall Meeting, Beaumont, Texas.

Stockwell, D.A., E.J. Buskey, and T.E. Whitledge.  1990.  The spatial and temporal distribution of primary productivity during a "brown tide" within the Laguna Madre of South Texas.  Gulf Estuarine Research Society, Fall Meeting, Beaumont, Texas.

Buskey, E.J.  1990.  Epipelagic planktonic bioluminescence in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Fram Strait.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Stockwell, D.A. and E.J. Buskey.  1990.  Phytoplankton primary production and zooplankton grazing within the Upper Laguna Madre of South Texas.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Wlodarczyk, E. and E.J. Buskey.  1990.  Egg production of the neritic copepod Acartia tonsa in Texas coastal bays.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Buskey, E.J.  1989.  The relative importance of microzooplankton and mesozooplankton as grazers of phytoplankton primary production in coastal bays of south Texas.  Tenth International Estuarine Research Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.

Buskey, E.J. and D.K. Stoecker.  1988.  Behavioral responses of the marine tintinnid Favella sp. to phytoplankton: influence of chemical, mechanical and photic stimuli.  ASLO Winter Meeting, San Francisco, California.

Buskey, E.J. and E. Swift.  1988.  Prediction of natural bioluminescence in the Sargasso Sea using an encounter model.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Buskey, E.J.  1987.  Effects of freshwater inflow on the distribution, abundance and vertical migration of zooplankton in San Antonio Bay, Texas.  Ninth Biennial International Estuarine Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Riley, C.M., G.J. Holt, S.A. Holt, and E.J. Buskey.  1987.  Red tide outbreak in Texas:  Effects on gulf fishes.  Ninth Biennial International Estuarine Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Buskey, E.J. and D.K. Stoecker.  1987.  Locomotory patterns of planktonic ciliates:  Adaptations for locating food patches and food particles.  Zooplankton Behavior Symposium, Savannah, Georgia.

*Buskey, E.J.  1986.  Observations of the Texas red tide made at the Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas.  Texas Red Tide Conference, Galveston, Texas.

Swift, E., E. Buskey, H. Batchelder, C. Mann, and J. Van Keuren.  1986.  Estimates of bioluminescence at the Northern and Southern BIOWATT Stations, April 1985.  AGU/ASLO Winter Meeting, San Francisco, California.

Buskey, E.J., D.K. Stoecker, and E. Swift.  1986.  The effects of food concentrations on the swimming behavior of the marine tintinnid Favella sp.  ASLO/PSA Meeting, Kingston, Rhode Island.

Buskey, E.J. and E. Swift.  1986.  Behavioral attributes affecting the vertical distribution of the bioluminescent oceanic copepod Pleuromamma xiphias.  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Buskey, E.J., G.T. Reynolds, E. Swift, and A.J. Walton.  1985.  Interactions between copepods and bioluminescent dinoflagellates:  Direct observation using image intensification.  General Scientific Meeting, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Buskey, E.J., C.G. Mann, and E. Swift.  1985.  The stimulation of dinoflagellate bioluminescence by zooplankton swimming behavior and its effects on zooplankton ingestion rates.  ASLO Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Buskey, E.J., E. Swift, and C. Mann.  1984.  The shadow responses of estuarine copepods.  New England Estuarine Research Society, Fall Meeting, Narragansett, Rhode Island.

Buskey, E.J., E. Swift, and C. Mann.  1984.  Effects of rapid changes in light intensity on copepod swimming behavior.  ASLO Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C. Canada.

Buskey, E.J. and E. Swift.  1984.  Behavioral responses of oceanic zooplankton to simulated bioluminescence.  AGU/ASLO Winter Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Durbin, E.G., E.J. Buskey, and E. Swift.  1984.  The Bugwatcher:  A video-computer system for the study of swimming behavior of marine organisms.  AGU/ASLO Winter Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Swift, E., H. Rines, P. Neidhardt, and E.J. Buskey.  1984.  Patterns of epipelagic oceanic bioluminescence in the Norwegian Sea and the Irminger Sea, July 1983.  AGU/ASLO Winter Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Buskey, E.J.  1983.  Behavioral adaptations of marine copepods to small scale patchiness of food resources.  ASLO annual Meeting, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Buskey, E.J.  1982.  Swimming pattern as an indicator of the roles of copepod sensory systems in the recognition of food.  AGU/ASLO Winter Meeting, San Francisco, California.

Buskey, E.J. and E. Swift.  1982.  Behavior modification in Acartia hudsonica by simulated dinoflagellate bioluminescence and its possible consequences to dinoflagellate bloom dynamics.  New England Estuarine Research Society, Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.

Buskey, E.J., L. Mills and E. Swift.  1982.  The effects of dinoflagellate bioluminescence on the swimming behavior of a marine copepod.  ASLO Annual Meeting, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Sullivan, B.K., E.J. Buskey, P.J. Ritacco, and D.C. Miller.  1981.  Behavior modification in Eurytemora affinis by sublethal concentrations of copper and its consequences to predator-prey interactions.  New England Estuarine Research Society Spring Meeting, Narragansett, Rhode Island.



MNS 481C, Marine Ecosystem Dynamics (Graduate Core Course), Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, 1997-present.

MNS 385, Zooplankton Ecology, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, 1987-present.

MNS 384T, Biological Oceanographic Processes, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, 1987-1997.

MNS 383, Topics in Marine Science: Planktonic Processes, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, 1997-2015.

MNS 383, Topics in Marine Science: Methods in Marine Science, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, 1987-1997.

MNS 383, Topics in Marine Science: Water Column Processes, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, 1987-1997.

MNS 191, Seminar in Marine Science, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, 1987-present.


MNS 354Q      Marine Environmental Science, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austn, Port Aransas, TX 2016

MNS 354T,     Biological Oceanography, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, 1987-2006.

MNS 354,       Marine Invertebrates, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, 1987-1997.

MRNE 402,    Biological Oceanography, University of Victoria, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Bamfield, British Columbia, May 2006, July 2008, May 2010, May 2012, July 2014, July 2016.

MRNE 402,    Marine Zooplankton Ecology, University of Victoria, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Bamfield British Columbia, May 2004.

BGS 391,        Seminar in Natural Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, 1984-1986.

NLS 202,        Evolution and Modern Biology, Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island, 1981-1982.

BIO 101,         Introduction to Biology, Lesley College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1978-1979.

Sc 101,           Biology, Middlesex Community College, Bedford, Massachusetts, 1976-1978.

Sc 105,           Anatomy and Physiology, Middlesex Community College, Bedford,           Massachusetts, 1976-1978.

Sc 112,           Earth Science, Middlesex Community College, Bedford, Massachusetts, 1976-1978.

Sc 120,           Man and Environment, Middlesex Community College, Bedford, Massachusetts, 1976-1978.

Sc 147,            Oceanography and Marine Biology, Middlesex Community College, Bedford, Massachusetts, 1976-1978.