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Scott, Lorraine

Lorraine Scott

Other University Affiliate (Varner)
Population Research Center

Assistant Instructor & Graduate Research Assistant

Office Location

 B.S. in Psychology with minors in English Literature and Sociology from the University of Pittsburgh

Lorraine is a 4th-year Ph.D student in Human Development and Family Sciences

Research Advisor

Dr. Fatima Varner

Research Interests

Her research interests broadly focus on developing a more intersectional understanding of race-related stress, focusing on members of the African diaspora. Building on theoretical frameworks such as Intersectionality and Critical Race Theory, she analyzes the interconnectedness of race-related stress, health, well-being, racial identity, socialization, and various sociodemographic factors. This work sits at the theoretical and methodological intersections of Black Studies, Human Development, Sociology, Psychology, and Demography.


Graduate Research Assistant - Lifeworks

Legacy commitee Co-Chair/ Former Co-President - Black Graduate Student Association

Department Alternate- Graduate Student Assembly


Varner, F.A., Holloway, K.H., & Scott, L. E., (2022). The roles of gender and parenting in the relations between racial discrimination experiences and problem behaviors among African American adolescents. Human Development.

Seager van Dyk, I., Hahn,H., Scott, L.E., Aldao,A., Vine, V., (2021). Manipulating minority stress: Validation of a novel film-based minority stress induction with lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

Varner, F.A., Mandara, J., Scott, L. E., & Murray, C. (2020). The relationship between neighborhood racial composition and african american parents’ racial socialization. Journal of Community Psychology

Media and Op-Eds

Varner, F.A., Scott, L.E., Stout, G., Lamb, S. (in press). A brief overview of anti-racism among youth. [Newsletter Article]. InBalance [Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (APA Division 53) newsletter] https://newsletter.sccap53.org/in-focus-a-brief-overview-of-anti-racism-among-youth/ .

Scott, L.E., (2020, Jul 8) Intersectional Guilt and Unapologetic Blackness - #BLM Guest Post- Karen Kelsky featured. [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://theprofessorisin.com/2020/07/08/unapologetic-blackness-blm/


Manuscripts Under Review and In Progress

Scott, L. E. & Varner, F.A., (resubmitted). Who, what, where? how segregated contexts and gender influence the association between racial discrimination and racial socialization messages. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology

 Scott, L. E., Wen, W., & Varner, F.A., (in preparation). Who can I run to (when I need support)? How social support and race of support givers influences Black parent’s health outcomes. Journal of Family Psychology

*First and second authors made equal contributions to the work

 Scott, L. E., Holloway, K.(in preparation). Behavior problems, academic engagement, and Black students: The role of school racial composition outcomes. Child Development

Stout, G., Varner F.A., Scott, L.E., (in preparation). The role of racial discrimination concerns in associations between racial discrimination experiences and mental health among Black parents. Race and Social Problems

 Wen, W., Scott, L.E. & Kim. S.Y. (in preparation) Discrepancies in perceived parenting, language brokering experiences, and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms.

*First and second authors made equal contributions to the work

Williams, A. C., Varner, F.A., & Scott, L.E. (in preparation). The role of prayer in the perceived thought control ability of Black mothers

Varner, F., Scott, L. E., Stout, G., & Lamb, S. (in preparation). Discrimination and minority stress in families. In N. C. Overall, J. A. Simpson, and J. A. Lavner (Eds.), Research Handbook of Couple and Family Relationships. Edward Elgar Publishing.

PhD Career Pathways Fellow, University of Texas at Austin

The Graduate School Professional Development Award, University of Texas at Austin

College of Natural Sciences Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fellow, University of Texas at Austin

Proposal for a Collaboration between Black graduate students and the Institute for Urban Research and Policy, University of Texas at Austin  

Isora Cooke Endowed Scholarship for Professional Development, University of Texas at Austin 

Scott, L. E., & Varner, F.A. (March, 2022), Profiles of Black Families: The Roles of Sociodemographic Contexts and Discrimination in Racial Socialization. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.

Scott, L. E., & Varner, F.A. The Price of Parenting: The Roles of Income and Education in Racial Socialization in Black Families. Poster accepted to the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, (virtual).

Scott, L .E., Vine, V., Young, K., Ladouceur, C. D., & Bylsma, L. M. (March, 2019). Think it Over: The Recall of Autobiographical Memories among Children at High vs Low Familial risk for Depression. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Chicago, IL.

Gribshaw, C., Scott, L .E., Vine, V., Ladouceur, C. D., & Bylsma, L. M. (July, 2018). Is Perceived or Objective Stress More Important in Predicting Anhedonia in Adolescents at High and Low Familial Risk for Depression? The Western Psychiatric Institute’s Annual Research Day, Pittsburgh, PA.

Scott, L .E., Vine, V., Ladouceur, C. D., & Bylsma, L. M. (July, 2018). Stuck on a Feeling: Spontaneous Recall of Positive and Negative Daily Events among Children at High vs Low Familial Risk for Depression. The Western Psychiatric Institute’s Annual Research Day, Pittsburgh, PA.

Scott, L .E., Godley, A.., Schunn, C. (April 2013). The Implementation of Online Peer Editing in Classroom Situations. Bi-annual Undergraduate Research Poster Presentation Day, Pittsburgh, PA.

Assistant Instructor HDF 305

Guest Lecturer HDF 315L

Guest Lecturer HDF 313

Teaching Assistant HDF 315L

Teaching Assistant HDF 313/113L

Teaching Assistant HDF 378L