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Shelley M Payne

Professor, Professor of Medical Education
Molecular Biosciences, Department of Medical Education

Marie Betzner Morrow Centennial Chair (Holder) | Distinguished Teaching Professor


Phone: 512-471-9258

Office Location
NMS 2.124

Postal Address
AUSTIN, TX 78712

B.A., Rice University (1972)
Ph.D., Texas Health Science Center, Dallas (1977) 
Post Doc, University of California at Berkeley


Research Summary:

We are interested in the genetics and regulation of virulence factors of gram negative pathogens, including Shigella and Vibrio cholerae. Members of the Shigella species are found both extracellularly and intracellularly within the host, and distinct sets of genes are expressed in each of these environments. We are studying bacterial gene expression in vivo by a variety of molecular and microscopic techniques, and we have identified genes that are required for growth in the intracellular environment of the host. Bacterial genes found to be important for growth and survival in vivo include those that encode components of iron transport systems, metabolic pathways and cell surface proteins.



2017 Rossi RM, Yum L, Agaisse H, Payne SM.Cardiolipin synthesis and outer membrane transport are required for  Shigella flexneri virulence. MBio. 2017 Aug 29;8(4). pii: e01199-17. 
2017 Peng ED, Payne SM. Vibrio cholerae VciB mediates iron reduction. J Bacteriol. 2017 May 25;199(12). pii: e00874-16. doi: 10.1128/JB.00874-16.
2016 Fisher CR, Wyckoff EE, Peng ED, Payne SM. Identification and characterization of a putative manganese export protein in Vibrio choleraeJ Bacteriol. 2016 Sep 22;198(20):2810-7. doi: 10.1128/JB.00215-16. 
2016 Kazi MI, Conrado AR, Mey AR, Payne SM, Davies BW. ToxR antagonizes HN-S regulation of horizontally acquired genes to drive host colonization. PLoS Pathog. 2016 Apr 12;12(4):e1005570.
2016. Stevenson B, Wyckoff EE, Payne SM. Vibrio cholerae FeoA, FeoB and FeoC interact to form a complex. J Bacteriol. 2016 Feb 1;198(7):1160-70.
2016 Payne SM, Mey AR, Wyckoff EEVibrio Iron Transport: Evolutionary Adaptation to Life in Multiple Environments. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 80 (1) :69-90.Abstract
2015 Wyckoff EE, Allred BE, Raymond KN, Payne SMCatechol Siderophore Transport by Vibrio cholerae. J Bacteriol. 197 (17) :2840-9.Abstract
2015 Peng ED, Wyckoff EE, Mey AR, Fisher CR, Payne SMNon-redundant roles of iron acquisition systems in Vibrio cholerae. Infect Immun. Abstract
2015 Mey AR, Butz HA, Payne SMVibrio cholerae CsrA Regulates ToxR Levels in Response to Amino Acids and Is Essential for Virulence. MBio;6 (4) :e01064.Abstract
2014 Marman HE, Mey AR, Payne SMElongation factor P and modifying enzyme PoxA are necessary for virulence of Shigella flexneri. Infect Immun. 2014;82 (9) :3612-21.Abstract
2014 Carpenter C, Payne SMRegulation of iron transport systems in Enterobacteriaceae in response to oxygen and iron availability. J Inorg Biochem. 2014;133 :110-7.Abstract
2014 Waligora EA, Fisher CR, Hanovice NJ, Rodou A, Wyckoff EE, Payne SMRole of intracellular carbon metabolism pathways in Shigella flexneri virulence. Infect Immun. 2014;82 (7) :2746-55.Abstract
2013 Carpenter CD, Cooley BJ, Needham BD, Fisher CR, Trent SM, Gordon V, Payne SMThe Vps/VacJ ABC transporter is required for intercellular spread of Shigella flexneri. Infect Immun. 2014;82 (2) :660-9.Abstract
2013 Pieper R, Fisher CR, Suh M-J, Huang S-T, Parmar P, Payne SMAnalysis of the proteome of intracellular Shigella flexneri reveals pathways important for intracellular growth. Infect Immun. 2013;81 (12) :4635-48.Abstract
2013 Weaver EA, Wyckoff EE, Mey AR, Morrison R, Payne SMFeoA and FeoC are essential components of the Vibrio cholerae ferrous iron uptake system, and FeoC interacts with FeoB. J Bacteriol. 2013;195 (21) :4826-35.Abstract

2012 Ma, L., and S.M. Payne, AhpC is required for optimal production of enterobactin by Escherichia coli, J. Bacteriol. 194: 6748-6757 view


2012 Mey, A.R., S.A. Craig, and S.M. Payne, Effects of amino acid supplementation on porin expression and ToxR levels in Vibrio cholerae, Infect. Immun. 80: 518-528 view

2011 Craig S.A., Carpenter C.D., Mey A.R., Wyckoff E.E., S. M. Payne, Positive regulation of the Vibrio cholerae porin OmpT by iron and fur, J. Bacteriol. 193: 6506-6511

2011 Wyckoff, E.E. and S.M. Payne, The Vibrio cholerae VctPDGC system transports catechol siderophores and a siderophore-free iron ligand, Mol. Microbiol. 81: view

2011 Be'er A, Florin EL, Fisher CR, Swinney HL, Payne SM, Surviving Bacterial Sibling Rivalry: Inducible and Reversible Phenotypic Switching in Paenibacillus dendritiformis, MBio 2: e00069-11 view

2010 Gore, A.L. and S.M. Payne, CsrA and Cra influence Shigella flexneri pathogenesis, Infect. Immun 78: 4674-4682 view

2010 Be'er A., G. Ariel, O Kalisman, Y. Helman, A. Sirota-Madi, H.P. Zhang, E. L. Florin, S. M. Payne, E. Ben-Jacob and H. L. Swinney, Lethal protein produced in response to competition between sibling bacterial colonies, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA view

2009 Be'er A., R.S. Smith, H. P. Zhang, E. L. Florin, S. M. Payne and H. L. Swinney, Paenibacillus dendritiformis bacterial colony growth depends on surfactant but not on bacterial motion, J. Bacteriology 191: 5758-5764 view

2009 Roux, A., S. M. Payne, and M. S. Gilmore, Microbial Telesensing: Probing the environment for friends, foes and food from a distance, Cell Host Microbe 6: 119-124 view

2009 Fisher C.R., Davies N.M., Wyckoff E.E., Feng Z., Oaks E.V., Payne S.M., Genetics and virulence association of the Shigella flexneri sit iron transport system, Infect. Immun. 77: 1992-1999

2009 Wyckoff E.E., Boulette M.L., Payne S.M., Genetics and environmental regulation of Shigella iron transport systems, Biometals 22: 43-51 view

2009 Be'er A., Zhang H.P., Florin E.L., Payne S.M., Ben-Jacob E., Swinney H.L., Deadly competition between sibling bacterial colonies, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106: 428-433 view

2008 Mey A.R., Wyckoff E.E., Hoover L.A., Fisher C.R., Payne S.M., Vibrio cholerae VciB promotes iron uptake via ferrous iron transporters, J. Bacteriology 190: 5953-5962 view

2007 Boulette, M.L. and S.M. Payne, Anaerobic regulation of Shigella flexneri virulence:ArcA regulates fur and iron acquisition genes, J. Bacteriology 189: 6957-6967 view

2007 Wyckoff, E.E., A.R. Mey and S.M. Payne, Iron acquisition in Vibrio cholerae, Biometals 20: 405-416 view

2007 Kresse A. U., I. Reinacker, A.M. Valle, H. Steinruck, H. Claus, S.M. Payne, H. Tschape, P.H. Williams, R. Reissbrodt, Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 and non- 0157 serovars differ in their mechanisms for iron supply, Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 297: 9-158

2007 Bhadra, S., M. Lozano, S. M. Payne, and J. P. Dudley, A Unique Mechanism of Resistance to Viral and Bacterial Pathogens, PLoS Pathogens 2: e128 view

2007 Murphy, E.R. and S. M. Payne, RyhB, an iron-responsive small RNA, regulates Shigella virulence , Infect. immun. 75: 3470-3477 view

2007 Purdy, G., C. Fisher and S. M. Payne, IcsA surface presentation in S. flexneri requires the periplasmic chaperones DegP, Skp and SurA, J. Bacteriol. 189: 5566-5573 view

2006 Payne SM, Wyckoff EE, Murphy ER, Oglesby AG, Boulette M, and Davies N., Iron and pathogenesis of Shigella: iron acquisition in the intracellular environment, Biometals 19: 173-180 view

2006 Wycoff, E.E., A.R. Mey, A. Leimbach, C.F. Fisher and S.M. Payne, Characterization of ferric and ferrous iron transport systems in Vibrio Cholerae, J. Bact. 188: 6515-6523 view

2006 Sharma, A.K. and S. M. Payne, Induction of expression of hfq by DksA is essential for Shigella flexneri virulence, Mol. MIcrobiol. 62: 463-479 view

2005 Runyen-Janecky L.J., A. M. Boyle, A. Kizzee, L. Liefer, S. M. Payne, Role of the Pst system in plaque formation by the intracellular pathogen Shigella flexneri, Infect. Immun. 73: 1404-1410 view

2005 Mey, A. R., E. E. Wyckoff, V. Kanukurthy, C. R. Fisher and S. M. Payne, Iron and Fur regulation in Vibrio cholerae and the role of Fur in virulence, Infect. Immun. 73: 8167-8178 view

2005 Oglesby, A. G., E. R. Murphy, V. R. Iyer, and S. M. Payne, Fur regulates acid resistance in Shigella flexneri via RyhB and ydeP, Mol. Microbiol. 58: 1354-1367 view

2005 Mey, A. R., S. A. Craig, and S. M. Payne, Characterization of V. cholerae RyhB: the RyhB regulon and the role of ryhB in biofilm formation, Infect. Immun. 73: 5706-5719 view

2004 Wyckoff, E.E., M. Schmitt, A., Wilks, S.M. Payne, HutZ is required for efficient heme utilization in Vibrio cholerae, J. Bacteriol. 186: 4142-4151 view

2003 Wei, J., et al., Complete genome sequence and comparative genomics of Shigella flexneri serotype 2a strain 2457T, Infect. Immun. 71: 2775-2786 view