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Josephs, Robert

Robert A Josephs

Department of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry


Phone: 512-471-9788

Office Location
SEA 3.204

Postal Address
AUSTIN, TX 78712

Dr. Josephs received a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Michigan in 1990 under the mentorship of Dr. Claude Steele. While at Michigan, he explored the behavioral, emotional, and cognitive effects of acute alcohol intoxication. Following graduation, Dr. Josephs accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin and was promoted to Full Professor of Personality and Social Psychology in 2008 and Full Professor of Clinical Psychology in 2009.

In addition to his research, Dr. Josephs teaches undergraduate classes in statistics and research methods at the University of Texas and supervises numerous graduate students and undergraduate research assistants. He was elected as a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science in 2007 and was recognized by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology as one of the most highly cited researchers in 2007. Dr. Josephs’ research has appeared in a number of high-impact, peer-reviewed academic journals, including The Lancet, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Psychological Science, Hormones and Behavior, Psychoneuroendocrinology, and Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

In his free time, Dr. Josephs enjoys spending time with his wife and their two children.

The primary research objective of the Clinical Neuroendocrinology Laboratory is to gain a better understanding of the etiology of mood and anxiety disorders. We borrow techniques from behavioral neuroendocrinology, molecular genetics, and social-personality psychology. We conduct field studies and laboratory experiments. Our field studies use longitudinal designs to look prospectively at the emergence of mood and anxiety disorders in populations exposed to high levels of stress and trauma. Our laboratory experiments employ a wide variety of pharmacologic agents to test various candidate mechanisms underlying the etiology of mood and anxiety disorders.

Lee, J. J., Gino, F., Jin, E. S., Rice, L. K, & Josephs, R. A. (in press). Hormones and Ethics: Understanding the Biological Basis of Unethical Conduct. Journal of Experimental Psychology: GeneralPDF

Sherman, G. D., Lerner, J. S., Josephs, R. A., Renshon, J., & Gross, J. J. (in press). The Interaction of Testosterone and Cortisol Is Associated with Attained Status in Male Executives. Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyPDF

Tackett, J. L., Reardon, K. W., Herzhoff, K., Page-Gould, E., Harden, K. P., & Josephs, R. A. (2015). Estradiol and Cortisol Interactions in Youth Externalizing Psychopathology. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 55, 146-153. PDF

Tackett, J. L., Herzoff, M. A., Harden, K. P., & Josephs, R. A. (2014). Personality x Hormone Interactions in Adolescent Externalizing Psychopathology. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, (5)3, 235–2461. PDF