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Vladimir Lifschitz

Professor Emeritus
Department of Computer Science

Professorship in Computer Sciences #2 (Emeritus)

Artificial Intelligence, Formal Methods


Postal Address
AUSTIN, TX 78712

B.S., Leningrad State University, Russia (1968)
Ph.D., Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russia (1969)

Research Interests 
Lifschitz's research focuses on computational logic and knowledge representation.

Selected Publications

P. Ferraris, J. Lee and V. Lifschitz, "Stable Models and Circumscription", Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 175, 2011.

V. Lifschitz and A. Razborov, "Why Are There So Many Loop Formulas?", ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. 7, 2006.

E. Giunchiglia, J. Lee, V. Lifschitz, N. McCain and H. Turner, "Nonmonotonic Causal Theories", Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 153, 2004.

V. Lifschitz, D. Pearce and A. Valverde, "Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs", ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. 2, 2001.

M. Gelfond and V. Lifschitz, "The Stable Model Semantics for Logic Programming", Proceedings of International Logic Programming Conference and Symposium, 1988.

  • Fellow, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
  • Most Influential Paper in 20 Years Award from the Association for Logic Programming
  • Teaching Excellence Award from the College of Natural Sciences