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Gore, Andrea

Andrea C Gore

College of Pharmacy, Department of Psychology

Mildred Hajek Vacek and John Roman Vacek Chair in Pharmacology, in Honor of Professor C. C. Albers (Holder) | Mildred Hajek Vacek and John Roman Vacek Distinguished University Chair in Pharmacology, in Honor of Professor C. C. Albers (Holder)

Mechanisms by which the brain controls reproductive development and aging; endocrine disruptors & the brain


Phone: 512-471-3669

Office Location
BME 3.510B

Postal Address
AUSTIN, TX 78712

A.B. Princeton University (Biology-cum laude), 1985

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (Neurosciences), 1990

Dr. Gore’s research focuses on the neurobiological control of reproduction across the life cycle, especially the life transitions of early postnatal development and reproductive aging. Current projects in the Gore lab, supported by funding from the NIH, seek to determine the molecular and cellular effects of environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on brain sexual differentiation, and the role of the hypothalamus in reproductive aging. We use a combination of cellular (light and electron microscopy), molecular (gene expression, epigenetics), physiological (hormones, reproductive status) and behaviors to gain mechanistic insights into the role of the brain on neuroendocrine functions. Dr. Gore has published 4 books and 130 articles on these subjects, and has been honored for her work by election as Fellow to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Gore is currently editor-in-chief of the journal Endocrinology.


1. Gore AC (2002) GnRH: The Master Molecule of Reproduction. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA. (ISBN 0-7923-7681-1). Single-author book.

2. Gore AC (ed.) (2007) Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice. Part of Contemporary Endocrinology book series, P. Michael Conn, editor. Humana Press. (ISBN 1-58829-830-2)

3. Diamanti-Kandarakis E and Gore AC (eds.) (2011) Endocrine Disruptors and Puberty. Part of Contemporary Endocrinology book series, P. Michael Conn, editor. Humana/Springer Press. (ISBN 978-1-60761-560-6)

4. Gore AC and Dickerson SM (2012) Endocrine Disruptors and the Developing Brain. Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences Publishers. (ISBN 9781615040872 paperback; ISBN 9781615040889 ebook)

Published Papers:

1. Huck UW, Lisk RD, Gore AC (1985) Scent marking and mate choice in the golden hamster. Physiology and Behavior 35: 389-393. http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/science?_ob=ArticleListURL&_method=list&_ArticleListID=678089831&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000059713&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=108429&md5=59c622c107505e7043d40cbb3309d70b

2. Lisk RD, Huck UW, Gore AC, Armstrong MX (1989) Mate choice, mate guarding and other mating tactics in golden hamsters maintained under seminatural conditions. Behaviour 109: 58-75.

3. Terasawa E, Claypool L, Gore AC, Watanabe G (1990). The timing of the onset of puberty in the female rhesus monkey. In: Control of the Onset of Puberty III, ed. HA Delamarre-van de Waal, TM Plant, FP van Rees and J Schoemaker. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pp. 123-136.

4. Gore AC, Terasawa E (1991) A study of the hypothalamic pulse generating mechanism responsible for LH release: Electrical stimulation of the medial basal hypothalamus in the ovariectomized guinea pig. Brain Research 560: 268-275.

5. Gore AC, Terasawa E (1991) A role for norepinephrine in the control of puberty in the female rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta. Endocrinology 129: 3009-3017.

6. Terasawa E, Gore AC (1992). Regulation of pulsatile LHRH release in primates. In: Modes of Action of GnRH and GnRH Analogs, ed. PM Conn and WF Crowley. Serono Symposium Press, Inc, Norwell, MA, pp. 256-274.

7. Gore AC, Mitsushima D, Terasawa E (1993) A possible role of neuropeptide Y in the control of the onset of puberty in female rhesus monkeys. Neuroendocrinology 58: 23-34.

8. Gore AC, Roberts JL (1994) Regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene expression by the excitatory amino acids kainic acid and N-methyl-D,L-aspartate in the male rat. Endocrinology 134: 2026-2031.

9. Ho A, Gore AC, Weickert CS, Blum M (1995) Glutamate regulation of GDNF gene expression in the striatum and in primary striatal astrocytes. NeuroReport 6: 1454-1458.

10. Gore AC, Roberts JL (1995) Regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene expression in the rat during the LH surge. Endocrinology 136: 889-896.

11. Gore AC, Ho A, Roberts JL (1995) Translational efficiency of gonadotropin-releasing hormone mRNA is negatively regulated by phorbol ester in GT1-7 cells. Endocrinology 136: 1620-1625.

12. Yeo TTS, Gore AC, Jakubowski M, Dong KW, Blum M, Roberts JL (1996) Characterization of gonadotropin releasing hormone gene transcripts in a mouse hypothalamic neuronal GT1 cell line. Molecular Brain Research 42: 255-262. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T07-3P64KRF-9-9&_cdi=4855&_orig=browse&_coverDate=12%2F01%2F1996&_sk=999579997&wchp=dGLStS-lSztA&_acct=C000000333&_version=1&_userid=30742&md5=df06d39aae18e4de94f78af7b981db97&ie=f.pdf

13. Gore AC, Wu TJ, Rosenberg JJ, Roberts JL (1996) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone and NMDA receptor gene expression and colocalization change during puberty in female rats. Journal of Neuroscience 16: 5281-5289. http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/reprint/16/17/5281.pdf

14. Gore AC, Saitoh Y, Terasawa E (1996) Effects of adrenal medulla transplantation into the third ventricle on the onset of puberty in female rhesus monkeys. Experimental Neurology 140: 172-183. http://www.idealibrary.com/links/doi/10.1006/exnr.1996.0127/pdf

15. Campbell GT, Gore AC, Woller MJ, Blake CA (1996) Adenohypophysial allografts releasing prolactin decrease prolactin mRNA concentration in the host hamster’s adenohypophysis in situ. Neuroendocrinology 63: 430-436.

16. Gore AC, Roberts JL (1997) Regulation of GnRH gene expression in vivo and in vitro. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 18: 209-245.   http://www.idealibrary.com/links/doi/10.1006/frne.1996.0149/pdf

17. Gore AC, Yeo TT, Ho A, Roberts JL (1997) Post-transcriptional regulation of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene in GT1-7 cells. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 9: 271-277.

18. Yeo TTS, Gore AC, Blum M, Roberts JL (1997) Protein synthesis-dependent and independent mechanisms for the regulation of GnRH RNA transcript levels in GT1 cells. Brain Research 752: 294-300. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6SYR-3RSFFTM-26-C&_cdi=4841&_orig=browse&_coverDate=03%2F28%2F1997&_sk=992479998&wchp=dGLStk-lSzBV&_acct=C000000333&_version=1&_userid=30742&md5=22f54c74bc8f4ba4c93a00fc8f7d3161&ie=f.pdf

19.Longo KM, Sun Y, Gore AC (1998) Insulin-like growth factor-I effects on gonadotropin-releasing hormone biosynthesis in GT1-7 cells. Endocrinology 139: 1125-1132.         http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/139/3/1125.pdf

20. Sun Y, Gore AC, Roberts JL (1998) The role of calcium in the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene in GT1-7 cells. Endocrinology 139: 2685-2691.   http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/139/6/2685.pdf

21. Gore AC (1998) Diurnal rhythmicity of gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene expression in the rat. Neuroendocrinology 68: 257-263.

22. Gore AC (1998) Circadian rhythms during aging. In: Functional Endocrinology of Aging, ed. CV Mobbs and PR Hof. Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology Vol. 29. Karger Press, Basel, pp. 127-165.

23. Gore AC, Roberts JL, Gibson MJ (1999) Mechanisms for the regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene expression in the developing mouse. Endocrinology 140: 2280-2287. http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/140/5/2280.pdf

24.Adams MM, Flagg RA, Gore AC (1999) Perinatal changes in hypothalamic NMDA receptors and their relationship to GnRH neurons. Endocrinology 140: 2288-2296.   http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/140/5/2288.pdf

25. Landrigan PJ, Claudio L, Markowitz SB, Berkowitz GS, Brenner BL, Romero H, Wetmur JG, Matte TD, Gore AC, Godbold JH, Wolff MS (1999) Pesticides and inner-city children: Exposures, risks and prevention. Environmental Health Perspectives 107 (suppl. 3): 431-437.

26.Nowak FV, Gore AC (1999) Perinatal changes in expression of the neuropeptide genes preoptic regulatory factor-1 and –2, neuropeptide Y and GnRH in rat hypothalamus. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 11: 951-958. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/servlet/useragent?func=synergy&synergyAction=showFullText&doi=10.1046/j.1365-2826.1999.00412.x

27. Gore AC, Oung T, Yung S, Flagg RA, Woller MJ (2000) Neuroendocrine mechanisms for reproductive senescence in the female rat: GnRH neurons. Endocrine 13: 315-323.

28. Gore AC, Wersinger SM, Rissman E (2000) Effects of female pheromones on GnRH gene expression and luteinizing hormone release in male wild-type and estrogen receptor-alpha knockout mice. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 12: 1200-1204. http://www.Blackwell-synergy.com/servlet/useragent?func=synergy&synergyAction=showFullText&doi=10.1046/j.1365-2826.2000.00578.x

29. Gore AC, Yeung G, Morrison JH, Oung T (2000) Neuroendocrine aging in the female rat: the changing relationship of GnRH neurons and NMDA receptors. Endocrinology 141: 4757-4767. http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/141/12/4757.pdf

30. Gore AC (2000) Modulation of the GnRH gene and onset of puberty. In: Control of the Onset of Puberty V, ed. J-P Bourguignon and TM Plant.   Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 25-35.

31. Gore AC (2000) Effects of environmental toxicants on GnRH gene expression in hypothalamic neurons. Report for the Environment Agency, Government of Japan.

32. Gore AC, Terasawa E (2001) Neural circuits regulating pulsatile luteinizing hormone release in the female guinea pig: Opioid, adrenergic and serotonergic interactions. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 13: 239-248. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/servlet/useragent?func=synergy&synergyAction=showFullText&doi=10.1046/j.1365-2826.2001.00618.x

33. Gore AC (2001) Environmental toxicant effects on neuroendocrine function. Endocrine 14: 235-246.

34. Adams MA, Morrison JH, Gore AC (2001) NMDA receptor mRNA levels change during reproductive senescence in the hippocampus of female rats. Experimental Neurology 170: 171-179. http://www.idealibrary.com/links/doi/10.1006/exnr.2001.7687/pdf

35. Adams MA, Oung T, Morrison JH, Gore AC (2001) Length of post-ovariectomy interval and age, but not estrogen replacement, regulate N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor mRNA levels in the hippocampus of female rats. Experimental Neurology 170: 345-356.     http://www.idealibrary.com/links/doi/10.1006/exnr.2001.7716/pdf

36. Miller BH, Gore AC (2001) Alterations in hypothalamic IGF-I and its associations with GnRH neurons during reproductive development and aging. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 13: 728-736. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/servlet/useragent?func=synergy&synergyAction=showFullText&doi=10.1046/j.1365-2826.2001.00686.x

37. Gore AC (2001) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons, NMDA receptors, and their regulation by steroid hormones across the reproductive life cycle. Brain Research Reviews 37: 235-248. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6SYS-44MG33K-8-V&_cdi=4842&_orig=browse&_coverDate=11%2F30%2F2001&_sk=999629998&wchp=dGLSzV-lSzBV&_acct=C000000333&_version=1&_userid=30742&md5=20601968c9b5389de8e875c26530c608&ie=f.pdf

38. Gore AC (2002) Organochlorine pesticides directly regulate gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) gene expression and biosynthesis in the GT1-7 hypothalamic cell line. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 192: 157-170. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T3G-4534GSH-1-C&_cdi=4946&_orig=search&_coverDate=06%2F28%2F2002&_qd=1&_sk=998079998&wchp=dGLSzV-lSzBk&_acct=C000000333&_version=1&_userid=30742&md5=bcbf722f97a30c65d98274ba4f2889b8&ie=f.pdf

39. Gore AC, Oung T, Woller MJ (2002) Age-related changes in hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and NMDA receptor gene expression, and their regulation by estrogen in the female rat. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 14: 300-309. http://www.blackwellsynergy.com/servlet/useragent?func=synergy&synergyAction=showFullText&doi=10.1046/j.1365-2826.2002.00777.x

40. Kriegsfeld LJ, Silver R, Gore AC, Crews D (2002) Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide contacts on gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons increase during puberty in female rats. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 14: 685-690. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/servlet/useragent?func=synergy&synergyAction=showFullText&doi=10.1046/j.1365-2826.2002.00818.x

41. Miller BH, Gore AC (2002) NMDA receptor subunit expression in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons changes during reproductive senescence in the female rat. Endocrinology, 143: 3568-3574. http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/143/9/3568.pdf

42. Gore AC, Wu TJ, Oung T, Lee JB, Woller MJ (2002) A novel mechanism for endocrine-disrupting effects of polychlorinated biphenyls: Direct effects on gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 14: 814-823. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/servlet/useragent?func=synergy&synergyAction=showFullText&doi=10.1046/j.1365-2826.2002.00845.x&area=production&prevSearch=authorsfield%3AGore%2CAC+keywordsfield%3Aendocrine

43. Gore AC (2002) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons: gene expression and neuroanatomical studies. In: Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 141, ed. I. Parhar. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp.193-208.

44. Chakraborty TR, Ng L, Gore AC (2003) Colocalization and hormone regulation of estrogen receptor alpha and NMDA receptor in the hypothalamus of female rats. Endocrinology 144: 299-305. http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/144/1/299

45. Nakamura S, Mizuno M, Katakami H, Gore AC, Terasawa E (2003) Aging-related changes in growth hormone releasing hormone and somatostatin release from the stalk-median eminence in female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 88: 827-833. http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/88/2/827

46. Daftary SS, Gore AC (2003) Developmental changes in hypothalamic insulin-like growth factor-1: Relationship to GnRH neurons. Endocrinology 144: 2034-2045. http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/144/5/2034

47. Salama J, Chakraborty TR, Ng L, Gore AC (2003) Effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on female reproductive development and estrogen receptor  expression. Environmental Health Perspectives 111: 1278-1282. PMCID: PMC1241606 http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/members/2003/6126/6126.html

48. Chakraborty TR, Ng L, Gore AC (2003) Age-related changes in estrogen receptor beta in rat hypothalamus: A quantitative analysis. Endocrinology 144: 4164-4172. http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/144/9/4164

49. Chakraborty TR, Hof PR, Ng L, Gore AC (2003) Stereological analysis of expression of estrogen receptor alpha in hypothalamus and its regulation by aging and estrogen. Journal of Comparative Neurology 466: 409-421. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/106056689/HTMLSTART

50. Rasmussen DD, Sarkar DK, Roberts JL, Gore AC (2003) Chronic daily ethanol and withdrawal: 4. Long-term changes in plasma testosterone regulation, but no effect on GnRH gene expression or plasma LH concentrations. Endocrine 22: 143-150.

51. Gore AC, Roberts JL (2003) Neuroendocrine Systems. In: Fundamental Neuroscience, Volume 2, ed. LR Squire, FE Bloom, SK McConnell, JL Roberts, NC Spitzer and MJ Zigmond. Academic Press, New York, pp. 1031-1065.

52. Gore AC (2003) Pregnancy and Neurological Disorders. In: Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Vol. 4, ed. MJ Aminoff and RB Daroff. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 53-56.

53. Gore AC (2003) Neurology of Women’s Health. In: Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Vol. 4, ed. MJ Aminoff and RB Daroff. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 763-766.

54. Gore AC, Guidry T (2003) Hypogonadism. Monograph for Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Pharmacy Education.

55. Richardson HN, Gore AC, Venier J, Romeo RD, Sisk CL (2004) Increased expression of forebrain GnRH mRNA and changes in testosterone negative feedback following pubertal maturation. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 214: 63-70. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T3G-4B856Y4-8&_coverDate=02%2F12%2F2004&_alid=175536951&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_qd=1&_cdi=4946&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000004378&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=108429&md5=e31fde302c521402048fdf3634ede498

56. Daftary SS, Gore AC (2004) The hypothalamic insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-1R), and its relationship to GnRH neurons during postnatal development. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 16: 160-169. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.0953-8194.2004.01149.x/full/

57. Gore AC, Windsor-Engnell BM, Terasawa E (2004) Menopausal increases in pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release in a non-human primate (Macaca mulatta). Endocrinology 145: 4653-4659. http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/145/10/4653?etoc

58. Chakraborty TR, Gore AC (2004). Aging-related changes in ovarian hormones, their receptors, and neuroendocrine function. Experimental Biology & Medicine 229: 977-987. http://www.ebmonline.org/cgi/content/full/229/10/977

59. Gore AC (2004) GnRH neurons: multiple inputs, multiple outputs. Invited News and Views editorial, Endocrinology 145: 4016-4017. http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/145/9/4016

60. Chakraborty TR, Rajendren G, Gore AC (2005) Expression of estrogen receptor in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) of hypogonadal mice. Experimental Biology & Medicine 230: 49-56. http://www.ebmonline.org/cgi/content/full/230/1/49

61. Daftary SS, Gore AC (2005) IGF-1 in the brain as a regulator of reproductive neuroendocrine function. Experimental Biology & Medicine 230: 292-306. http://www.ebmonline.org/cgi/content/full/230/5/292

62. Yin W, Gore AC (2006) Neuroendocrine control of reproductive aging: Roles of GnRH neurons. Reproduction 131: 403-414. http://www.reproduction-online.org/cgi/content/full/131/3/403

63. Gore AC, Attardi B, DeFranco DB (2006) Glucocorticoid repression of the reproductive axis: Effects on GnRH and gonadotropin subunit mRNA levels. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 256: 40-48. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T3G-4KCXJNF-1&_coverDate=08%2F15%2F2006&_alid=480800533&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_qd=1&_cdi=4946&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000059713&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=108429&md5=18e71a5861c7c833963b289f96d96842

64. Morrison JH, Brinton RD, Schmidt P, Gore AC (2006) Estrogen, menopause, and the aging brain: How basic neuroscience can inform hormone therapy in women. Journal of Neuroscience, 26: 10332-10348. http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/full/26/41/10332

65. Maffucci JA, Gore AC (2006) Age-related changes in hormones and their receptors in animal models of female reproductive senescence. In: Handbook of Models for Human Aging, ed. PM Conn. Academic Press/Elsevier, 533-552.

66. Gore AC, Heindel JJ, Zoeller RT (2006) Endocrine disruption for endocrinologists (and others). Endocrinology 147: s1-3. http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/147/6/s1

67. Hughes SM, Gore AC (2007) How the brain controls puberty, and implications for sex and ethnic differences. Family and Community Health 30: S112-S114. http://gateway.ut.ovid.com.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/gw1/ovidweb.cgi?&Full+Text=L%7cS.sh.

68. Steinberg RM, Juenger TE, Gore AC (2007) The effects of prenatal PCBs on adult female paced mating reproductive behaviors in rats. Hormones & Behavior 51: 364-372. PMCID: PMC2692589

69. Yin W, Mendenhall J, Bratton SB, Oung T, Janssen WGM, Morrison JH, Gore AC (2007) Novel localization of NMDA receptors within neuroendocrine gonadotropin-releasing hormone terminals. Experimental Biology and Medicine 232: 662-673.

70. Crews D*, Gore AC*+, Hsu TS, Dangleben NL, Spinetta M, Schallert T, Anway MD, Skinner MK (2007) Transgenerational epigenetic imprints on mate preference. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 104: 5942-5946. *Co-first authors; +Corresponding author. PMCID: PMC1851596 http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/104/14/5942

71. Walker DM, Gore AC (2007) Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and the brain. In: Gore AC (ed), Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice, Humana Press, 63-109.

72. Gore AC (2007) Introduction to Endocrine Disruption. In: Gore AC (ed), Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice, Humana Press, 3-8.

73. Gore AC (2007) Is reproductive ageing controlled by the brain? Neuroendocrinology Briefings #28; Journal of Neuroendocrinology 19: 667-668.

74. Dickerson SM, Gore AC (2007) Estrogenic environmental endocrine-disrupting chemical effects on reproductive neuroendocrine function and dysfunction across the life cycle. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 8: 143-159.

75. Gore AC (2008) Neuroendocrine systems as targets for environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Fertility & Sterility 89 (2 Suppl) e101-102.

76. Gore AC (2008) Neuroendocrine Systems. In: Bloom F, Berg D, Du Lac S, Ghosh A, Spitzer N, Squire L (eds), Fundamental Neuroscience, Volume 3, Academic Press, NY, pp. 905-930.

77. Maffucci, JA, Walker DM, Ikegami A, Woller MJ, Gore AC (2008) The NMDA receptor subunit NR2b: Effects on LH release and GnRH gene expression in young and middle-aged female rats, with modulation by estradiol. Neuroendocrinology 87: 129-141. PMCID: PMC2671961.

78. Gore AC (2008) Why endocrinologists need to take ownership of endocrine disruption. Editorial, Experimental Biology and Medicine, 233 (1): 3.

79. Yildirim M, Mapp OM, Janssen WGM, Yin W, Morrison JH, Gore AC (2008) Post-pubertal decrease in hippocampal dendritic spines of female rats. Experimental Neurology 210: 339-348. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.expneurol.2007.11.003

80. Gore AC (2008) Developmental programming and endocrine disruptor effects on reproductive neuroendocrine systems. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 29: 358-374. PMCID: PMC2702520, NIHMSID: NIHMS52708

81. Dickerson SM, Walker DM, Reveron ME, Duvauchelle CL, Gore AC (2008) The recreational drug ecstasy disrupts the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal reproductive axis in adult male rats. Neuroendocrinology 88: 95-102.

82. Steinberg RM, Walker DM, Juenger TE, Woller MJ, Gore AC (2008) The effects of perinatal PCBs on adult female rat reproduction: Development, reproductive physiology, and second generational effects. Biology of Reproduction 78: 1091-1101. PMCID: PMC2692581

83. Wang G, Milner TA, Speth RC, Gore AC, Wu D, Iadecola C, Pierce JP (2008) Sex differences in angiotensin signaling in bulbospinal neurons in the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla. American Journal of Physiology, Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 295: R1149-R1157.

84. Skinner MK, Anway MD, Savenkova MI, Gore AC, Crews D (2008) Transgenerational epigenetic programming of the brain transcriptome and anxiety behavior. PLos One 3 (e3745) 1-11. PMCID: PMC2581440.

85. Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Gore AC (2008) Bi-point on Endocrine Disruptors. Endocrine News 33: 14-21.

86. Wu D, Lin G, Gore AC (2009) Age-related changes in hypothalamic androgen receptor and estrogen receptor  in male rats. Journal of Comparative Neurology 512 (5): 688-701. PMCID: PMC2671934

87. Maffucci JA, Gore AC (2009) Hypothalamic neural systems controlling the female reproductive life cycle: gonadotropin-releasing hormone, GABA, and glutamate. International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology 274: 69-127.

88. Gore AC, Crews D (2009) Environmental endocrine disruption of brain and behavior. In: Hormones, Brain & Behavior, Vol. 3, Pfaff DW, Arnold AP, Etgen A, Fahrbach S, Rubin RT (eds). San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 1789-1816.

89. Brinton RD, Gore AC, Schmidt P, Morrison JH (2009) Reproductive aging of females: Neural systems. In: Hormones, Brain & Behavior, Vol. 3, Pfaff DW, Arnold AP, Etgen A, Fahrbach S, Rubin RT (eds). San Diego: Academic Press.

90. Walker DM, Juenger TE, Gore AC (2009) Developmental profiles of neuroendocrine gene expression in the preoptic area of male rats. Endocrinology 150: 2308-2316. PMCID: PMC2671914.

91. Maffucci JA, Noel M, Gillette R, Wu D, Gore AC (2009) Age- and hormone-regulation of NMDA receptor subunit NR2b in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus of the female rat: Implications for reproductive senescence. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 21: 506-517.

92. Dickerson SM, Guevara E, Woller MJ, Gore AC (2009) Cell death mechanisms in GT1-7 GnRH cells exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls PCB74, PCB118, and PCB153. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 237: 237-245.

93. Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Bourguignon JP, Giudice L, Hauser R, Prins G, Soto A, Zoeller RT, Gore AC (2009) Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Endocrine Society Scientific Statement. Endocrine Reviews 30: 293-342.

94. Wu D, Gore AC (2009) Sexual experience changes sex hormones but not hypothalamic steroid hormone receptor expression in young and middle-aged male rats. Hormones and Behavior 56: 299-308.

95. Yin W, Mendenhall JM, Monita M, Gore AC (2009) Three-dimensional properties of GnRH neuroterminals in the median eminence of young and old rats. Journal of Comparative Neurology 517: 284-295.

96. Yin W, Wu D, Noel ML, Gore AC (2009) GnRH neuroterminals and their microenvironment in the median eminence: Effects of aging and estradiol treatment. Endocrinology 150: 5498-5508.

97. Gore AC (2010) Environmental contaminants and related systems that have implications for reproduction: The neuroendocrine system. In: Environmental Impacts on Reproductive Health and Fertility, ed. TJ Woodruff, SJ Janssen, LJ Guillette, LC Giudice (Cambridge University Press), 173-179.

98. Cooke PS, Simon L, Cimafranca MA, Gore AC, Crews D (2010) Environmental endocrine disruptors and male reproductive toxicology. In: McQueen CA (ed.) Comprehensive Toxicology, Volume 11. Oxford: Academic Press, pp. 231-246.

99. Wadas BC, Hartshorn CA, Aurand ER, Palmer JS, Roselli CE, Noel ML, Gore AC, Veeramachaneni DNR, Tobet SA (2010) Prenatal exposure to vinclozolin disrupts selective aspects of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuronal system of the rabbit. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 22: 518-526.

100. Gore AC (2010) Neuroendocrine targets of endocrine disruptors. Hormones 9: 16-27.

101. Wu D, Gore AC (2010) Changes in androgen receptor, estrogen receptor alpha, and sexual behavior with aging and testosterone in male rats. Hormones and Behavior 58: 306-316.

102. Yin W, Gore AC (2010) The hypothalamic median eminence and its role in reproductive aging. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1204: 113-122.

103. Gore AC, Patisaul HB (2010) Neuroendocrine disruptors: Historical roots, current progress, questions for the future. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 31: 395-399.

104. Walker DM, Gore AC (2011) Transgenerational neuroendocrine disruption of reproduction. Nature Reviews Endocrinology 7: 197-207.

105. Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Gore AC (2011) Introduction to endocrine disruptors and puberty. In: Diamanti-Kandarakis E and Gore AC (eds), Endocrine Disruptors and Puberty, Humana/Springer Publishers, 1-10.

106. Dickerson SM, Cunningham S, Gore AC (2011) Reproductive neuroendocrine targets of developmental exposures to endocrine disruptors. In: Diamanti-Kandarakis E and Gore AC (eds), Endocrine Disruptors and Puberty, Humana/Springer Publishers, 49-118.

107. Williams TJ, Mitterling K, Thompson LI, Torres-Reveron A, Waters EM, McEwen BS, Gore AC, Milner TA (2011) Age- and hormone-regulation of opioid peptides and synaptic proteins in the rat dorsal hippocampal formation. Brain Research 1379: 71-85.

108. Steinberg RM, Walker DM, Juenger TE, Gore AC (2011) Neuroendocrine effects of developmental PCB exposure, with particular reference to hypothalamic gene expression. In: Bourguignon JP, Jégou B, Kerdelhué B, Toppari J, Christen Y (eds). Multi-System Endocrine Disruption, Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), pp 1-21.

109. Dickerson SM, Cunningham SL, Patisaul HB, Woller MJ, Gore AC (2011) Endocrine disruption of brain sexual differentiation by developmental PCB exposure. Endocrinology 152: 581-594.

110. Dickerson SM, Cunningham SL, Gore AC (2011). Prenatal PCBs disrupt early neuroendocrine development of the rat hypothalamus. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 252: 36-46.

111. Crews D, Gore AC (2011) Life imprints: Living in a contaminated world. Environmental Health Perspectives 119: 1208-1210.

112. Gore AC, Walker DM, Zama AM, Armenti A, Uzumcu M (2011) Early life exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals causes lifelong molecular reprogramming of the hypothalamus and premature reproductive aging. Molecular Endocrinology, 25: 2157-2168.

113. Kermath BA, Gore AC (2012). Neuroendocrine control of the natural transition to reproductive senescence. Neuroendocrinology 96: 1-12.

114. Gore AC (2012) Neuroendocrine Systems. In: Bloom F, Berg D, Du Lac S, Ghosh A, Spitzer N, Squire L (eds), Fundamental Neuroscience, Volume 4, Academic Press, NY, 799-817.

115. Sisk C, Lonstein J, Gore AC (2012) Hormone influences on neurobehavioral transitions across the lifespan. Neuroscience in the 21st Century: Basic and Clinical.

116. Zoeller RT, Brown TR, Doan L, Gore AC, Skakkebaek NE, Soto AM, Woodruff TJ, Vom Saal FS (2012). Regulation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals for public health protection: A statement of principles from The Endocrine Society. Endocrinology 153: 4097-4110.

117. Patisaul HB, Sullivan AW, Radford ME, Walker DM, Adewale HB, Winnik B, Coughlin JL, Buckley B, Gore AC (2012) Anxiogenic effects of developmental bisphenol A (BPA) exposure are associated with gene expression changes in the juvenile amygdala and mitigated by soy diet in rats. PLoS One 7: e43890.

118. Crews D, Gore AC (2012) Epigenetic synthesis: A need for a new paradigm for evolution in a contaminated world. F1000 Biology Reports 4(18): 1-6.

119. Walker DM, Kirson D, Perez LF, Gore AC (2012) Molecular profiling of postnatal development of the hypothalamus in female and male rats. Biology of Reproduction, 87:1-12.

120. Schug TT, Abagyan R, Blumberg B, Collins TJ, Crews D, DeFur PL, Dickerson SM, Edwards TM, Gore AC, Guillette LJ, Hayes T, Heindel JJ, Moores AR, Patisaul HB, Tal TL, Thayer KA, Vandenberg LN, Warner J, Watson CS, vom Saal FS, Zoeller RT, O’Brien KP, Myers JP (2013) Designing endocrine disruption out of the next generation of chemicals. Green Chemistry.

121. Walker DM, Kermath BA, Woller MJ, Gore AC (2013) Disruption of reproductive aging in female and male rats by gestational exposure to estrogenic endocrine disruptors. Endocrinology 154: 2129-2143.

122. Kermath BA, Riha PD, Sajjad A, Gore AC (2013) Effects of chronic NMDA-NR2b inhibition in the median eminence of the reproductive senescent female rat. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 25: 887-897.

123. Crews D, Gore AC (2014) Transgenerational epigenetics: Current controversies and debates. In: Transgenerational Epigenetics: Evidence and Debate, Ed. T. Tollefsbol. Elsevier, pp. 371-391.

124. Gore AC (2014) Neurology of Women’s Health. In: Aminoff MJ, Daroff RB, Encyclopedia of Neurological Sciences, 2nd Edition, pp. 779-783.

125. Walker DM, Goetz BM, Gore AC (2014) Dynamic postnatal developmental and sex-specific neuroendocrine effects of prenatal PCBs in rats. Molecular Endocrinology 28: 99-115.

126. Jones CE, Riha PD, Gore AC, Monfils M-H (2014) Social transmission of Pavlovian fear: Fear conditioning by-proxy in related female rats. Animal Cognition, in Press.

127. Gore AC, Hall JE, Hayes FJ (2014) Aging and Reproduction. In: Knobil and Neill’s Physiology of Reproduction, Vol. 4, In Press.

128. Skinner MK, Savenkova M, Zhang B, Gore AC, Crews D (2014) Gene bionetworks involved in the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of altered mate preference: Environmental epigenetics and evolutionary biology. BMC Genomics 15: 377.

129. Naugle MM, Nguyen LT, Merceron TK, Filardo E, Janssen WGM, Morrison JH, Rapp PR, Gore AC (2014) G-protein coupled estrogen receptor, estrogen receptor a, and progesterone receptor immunohistochemistry in the hypothalamus of aging female rhesus macaques given long-term estradiol treatment. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, In Press.

130. Kermath BA, Riha PD, Woller MJ, Wolfe A, Gore AC (2014) Hypothalamic molecular changes underlying natural reproductive senescence in the female rat. Endocrinology, In Press

131. Gillette R, Miller-Crews I, Skinner M, Gore AC, Crews D (2014) Sexually dimorphic effects of ancestral exposure to vinclozolin on stress reactivity in rats. Endocrinology, In Press.

132. Crews D, Ross Gillette, Miller-Crews I, Gore AC, Skinner MK (2014) Nature, nurture and epigenetics. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, In Press.

133. Gore AC, Martien K, Gagnidze K, Pfaff DM. Implications of prenatal steroid perturbations for neurodevelopment, behavior, and autism. Endocrine Reviews, In Press.

Johnson & Johnson Centennial Professor of Pharmacy, 2014-present

Plenary Speaker, International Congress of Endocrinology/Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, ICE/ENDO 2014, Chicago, IL

Plenary Speaker, EndoCareers Early Career Forum, June 20, 2014, Chicago, IL

Marine Biological Labs, Woods Hole, Frontiers in Reproduction guest faculty, May 2014

College of Pharmacy, P1 class teaching award nominee, 2014

Distinguished Scientist Award, 2013, Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine

Editor-in-Chief, Endocrinology, Jan 2013-Dec 2017

Keynote Speaker, “Environment and Health: From Science to Policy.” Environment and Health Fund, Tel Aviv, Israel, Dec 31, 2012.

Elected Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors, 2012

  •   Inducted into the GRC “Hall of Fame” for excellence in chairing the conference

Faculty Research Assignment Award for 2011-2012, University of Texas at Austin

Texas Exes Teaching Award Finalist, 2011

Shoolman Visiting Professor, Harvard University, 2011

Watkins Visiting Professor, Wichita State University, 2011

Keynote Speaker, Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar, “Hormone action in development and cancer.” July 30, 2011, Smithfield, RI.

Distinguished Faculty Presentation, 7th Annual Louis C. Littlefield Celebrating Pharmacy Research Excellence Day, University of Texas at Austin, April 12, 2011

Williams Lecturer, University of Akron, 2011

Invited participant in “New Horizons in Science,” Oct 19, 2009 (one of 17 scientists selected nationwide to speak to the National Association of Science Writers)

Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2008

University Cooperative Society’s 2008 Research Excellence Award for Best Research Paper, University of Texas at Austin

Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Professorship in Toxicology, 2008-2014

Dorothy Dillon Eweson Lecturer on the Advances in Aging Research, American Federation of Aging Research, 2008; sponsored symposium talk at The Endocrine Society’s 2008 conference in San Francisco, CA

Tanabe Research Laboratories, USA, Inc, Regents Endowed Faculty Fellowship, 2004-2008

Endocrine Society, Basic Science Chair for ENDO 2007 Annual Meeting

“Top 100 Science Stories of 2007.” Discover Magazine

Society for Experimental Biology & Medicine, Elected to Council, 2005-2009

“Faculty of 1000 Biology,” Invited contributing member (Neural homeostasis), 2005-present

Women in Endocrinology, Elected Secretary-Treasurer, 2004-2007

Faculty Council Award for Academic Excellence, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 2001

Brookdale Foundation Advancement in Leadership Fellow, 2001-2002

American Federation for Aging Research Fellow, 1998-2000

Brookdale Foundation Fellow, 1997-1999

Women in Endocrinology, Janet W. McArthur Achievement Award, 1996

Women in Endocrinology, Travel Award to 10th International Congress of Endocrinology, San Francisco, CA, 1996

Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Award, University of Wisconsin, 1985

Graduated cum laude, Princeton University, 1985

Elected to Sigma Xi, Princeton University, 1985

Henry Hoyt Scholarship, Princeton University, 1984-1985

Princeton University Program in Germany, 1984

National Merit Finalist, 1981