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Every year, professors from various UT departments teach special courses for Plan II, sponsor Plan II theses, and review freshman applications. These professors regularly sacrifice their time and energies for the Plan II program, and yet they receive little recognition for their services. As a gesture of our appreciation to the Plan II faculty, our student body annually presents the Chad Oliver Award.

Formerly known as the Plan II Teaching Award, the prize was first awarded in 1990 to Chad Oliver, who was a graduate of Plan II in the Harry Ransom years and later, for many years, a much-loved professor in Social Science 301. On his retirement, students voted to name the award for him. This honor has recognized one outstanding professor each year for his or her excellence in teaching and dedication to Plan II. Each year, the Chad Oliver Teaching award recipient is announced at the spring Plan II Honors Graduation Convocation.

CNS recipients include

  • 1996-1997 Michael Starbird (Mathemathics)
  • 1999-2000 Austin Gleeson(Physics)
  • 2008-2009 Moon Draper (Integrative Biology)
  • 2009-2010 James Vick (Mathemathics)
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