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Jean Andrews Lecture Series: Moving the Conservation Needle
Tuesday, March 01, 2022, 12:15pm - 01:15pm

Jean Andrews Lecture Series: Moving the Conservation Needle

Rare plants are facing a multitude of threats, from habitat loss and invasive species to climate change and more. Effectively conserving these species requires understanding their biology and ecological interactions, addressing threats in situ, and confronting plant conservation capacity issues. During this lecture, Dr. Kayri Havens will discuss both the science and policy approaches the Chicago Botanic Garden is taking to improve plant conservation efforts in the Midwest and beyond.  Attendees will gain insight into the Garden’s work on adapting zoo conservation approaches for plant species that cannot be seed-banked. Additionally, they’ll learn about a study related to the plant pollinator network of Cirsium pitcheri and how the Garden is building botanical capacity and plant awareness through advocacy and community science efforts like Budburst.

Register for the Zoom link here.

 Hosted by Dr. Shalene Jha and the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Location: Zoom (see registration link below)