by Dr. Todd Humphreys
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
University of Texas at Austin
Schedule: Friday, Nov. 21, 2014
5:45-7pm: Interactive Fair
7-8:15pm: Talk
What is the talk about?
Drones have been all over the media as well as our imaginations. What's real and what's possible for these remarkable flying machines? Todd Humphreys will consider the ways drones can be used in the future versus what is portrayed in the movies. He will also show us how his team was the first to successfully demonstrate that drones could be commandeered by GPS hacking.
Presenter's Biosketch
Todd Humphreys directs the Radionavigation Laboratory at UT Austin, where advanced radionavigation technology is being developed, and novel ways to exploit and protect radionavigation systems such as GPS are being explored.
The Hot Science - Cool Talks Outreach Series brings leading scientists and their research to you!
The talks, sponsored by the Environmental Science Institute (ESI), are much more than just lectures, featuring engaging activities for multiple age groups and professional development opportunities for teachers. Learn more...
For more information on this specific talk, or to view the live webcast, please visit the ESI webpage for this event.