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Research + Pizza: "Nature In Balance: Protecting Native Plants"
Wednesday, April 02, 2014, 12:00pm - 01:00pm

Research + Pizza Features Damon Waitt on Protecting Native Plants, 4/2Research + Pizza: Dr. Damon Waitt talks about native Texas plants and invasive species.  This event is free and open to the public.

Just in time for the spring riot of color that is wildflower season, Dr. Damon Waitt, Senior Director and Botanist at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, discusses his efforts helping to maintain an ecological balance between native plants and invasive species in the Texas wild. 

Waitt is responsible for developing the 279 acres of gardens and natural areas at the Wildflower Center, and is the author of the Center's Native Plant Information Network — the largest online database about native plants in North America. He also serves as the principal investigator on several projects related to the Wildflower Center’s Pulling Together Invasive Species Initiative and is a member of the Invasive Species Advisory Committee for the National Invasive Species Council.

The program will also include a plant ID session, so interested participants can send pictures of mystery vegetation to roxanne.bogucka@austin.utexas.edu for identification by Waitt during the program.

Free Pizza (while it lasts) generously provided by program supporter Austin’s Pizza.

Research + Pizza is a lunchtime lecture series featuring research presentations by faculty from across the university and is sponsored by the University of Texas Libraries.

Location: UFCU Student Learning Commons (PCL 2.500)