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Koltz, Amanda

Amanda Koltz

Assistant Professor
Department of Integrative Biology

Billy Carr Distinguished Teaching Fellowship (Holder)


Office Location

Postal Address
AUSTIN, TX 78712

For complete list, see my Google Scholar profile


Bieber, B., Vyas, D., Koltz, A.M., Burkle, L., Bey, K., Guzinski, C., Murphy, S., and M. Vidal. 2022. Increasing prevalence of severe fires change the structure of arthropod communities: evidence from a meta-analysisFunctional Ecology. 

Koltz, A.M., Gough, L. and J. McLaren. 2022. Herbivores in Arctic ecosystems: Effects of climate change and implications for carbon and nutrient cyclingAnnals of The New York Academy of Sciences, 1516, 28– 47.

Koltz, A.M., Civitello, D.J., Becker, D.J., Deem, S.L., Classen, A.T., Barton, B., Brenn-White, M., Johnson, Z.E., Kutz, S., Malishev, M.,  Preston, D.L., Vannatta, J.T., Penczykowski, R. and V.O. Ezenwa. 2022. Sublethal effects of parasitism on ruminants can have cascading consequences for ecosystemsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119(20), p.e2117381119.

Dunn, R.R., Burger, J.R., Carlen, E.J., Koltz, A.M., Light, J.E., Martin, R.A., Munshi-South, J., Nichols, L.M., Vargo, E.L., Yitbarek, S., Zhao, Y., and A. Cibrian-Jaramillo. 2022. A Theory of City Biogeography and the Origin of Urban SpeciesFrontiers in Conservation Science, p.22. 

Soininen, E., Barrio, I., Bjørkås, R., Björnsdóttir, K., Ehrich, D., Hopping, K., Kaarlejärvi, E., Kolstad, A., Sokovina, S., Björk, R., Bueno, G., Eischeid, I., Finger-Higgens, R., Forbey, J., Gignac, C., Gilg, O., den Herder, M., Holm, H., Hwang, B., Jepsen, J., Kamenova, S., Kater, I., Koltz, A.M., Kristensen, J., Little, C., Macek, P., Mathisen, K., Metcalfe, D., Mosbacher, J., Mörsdorf, M., Park, T., Propster, J., Roberts, A., Serrano, E., Spiegel, M., Tamayo, M., Tuomi, M., Verma, M., Vuorinen, K., Väisänen, M., van der Wal, R., Wilcots, M., Yoccoz, N., and J. Speed. 2021. Location of studies and evidence of effects of herbivory on Arctic vegetation: A systematic mapEnvironmental Evidence, 10(1), 1-21.

Koltz, AM and LC Culler. 2021. Biting insects in a rapidly changing ArcticCurrent Opinion in Insect Science, 47:75-81.

Ezenwa, V, Civitello, D, Classen, AT, Barton, BT, Becker, D, Brenn-White, M, Deem, SL, Kutz, S, Malishev, M, Penczykowski, RM, Preston, D, Vannatta, JT, and AM Koltz. 2021. Response to Charlier et al.: Climate-disease feedbacks mediated by livestock methane emissions are plausibleTrends in Ecology and Evolution, S0169-5347. 

Høye, T.T., Loboda, S., Koltz, A.M., Gillespie, M.A., Bowden, J.J. and Schmidt, N.M. 2021. Nonlinear trends in abundance and diversity and complex responses to climate change in Arctic arthropodsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(2).

Barrio, IC, Ehrich, D, Soininen, EM, Ravolainen, V, Bueno, CG, Gilg, O, Koltz, AM, Speed, JDM, Hik, DS, Mörsdorf, M, Alatalo, J, Angerbjörn, A, Bêty, J, Bollache, L, Boulanger-Lapointe, N, Brown, GS, Eischeid, I, Giroux, MA, Hájek, T, Hansen, BB, Hofhuis, SP, Lamarre, JF, Lang, J, Latty, C, Lecompte, N, Macek, P, McKinnon, L, Myers-Smith, IH, Pedersen, AØ, Prévey, J, Roth, J, Saalfeld, S, Schmidt, NM, Smith, P, Sokolov, A, Sokolova, N, Stolz, C, Van Bemmelen, R, Varpe, Ø, Woodard, P, and IS Jónsdóttir. 2021. Developing common protocols to measure tundra herbivory across spatial scalesArctic Science (Just-In).

Borer, E. T., W. S. Harpole, P. B. Adler, C. A. Arnillas, M. N. Bugalho, M. W. Cadotte, M. C. Caldeira, S. Campana, C. R. Dickman, T. L. Dickson, I. Donohue, A. Eskelinen, J. L. Firn, P. Graff, D. S. Gruner, R. W. Heckman, A. M. Koltz, K. J. Komatsu, L. S. Lannes, A. S. MacDougall, J. P. Martina, J. L. Moore, B. Mortensen, R. Ochoa-Hueso, H. Olde Venterink, S. A. Power, J. N. Price, A. C. Risch, M. Sankaran, M. Schütz, J. Sitters, C. J. Stevens, R. Virtanen, P. A. Wilfahrt, and E. W. Seabloom. 2020. Nutrients cause grassland biomass to outpace herbivoryNature Communications 11:6036.

Ezenwa, V, Civitello, D, Barton, BT, Becker, D, Brenn-White, M, Classen, AT, Deem, SL, Johnson, ZE, Kutz, S, Malishev, M, Penczykowski, RM, Preston, D, Vannatta, JT, and AM Koltz. 2020. Infectious diseases, livestock, and methane: an impending vicious cycle? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35:959-962.

Høye, TT, Kresse, JC, Koltz, AM and J Bowden. 2020. Earlier springs enable High-Arctic wolf spiders to produce a second clutchProceedings of the Royal Society B, 287: 20200982. 

Koltz, A.M. and Wright, J.P., 2020. Impacts of female body size on cannibalism and juvenile abundance in a dominant arctic spiderJournal of Animal Ecology, 00: 1-11.

Gillespie, M.A., Alfredsson, M., Barrio, I.C., Bowden, J.J., Convey, P., Culler, L.E., Coulson, S.J., Krogh, P.H., Koltz, A.M., Koponen, S. and Loboda, S., 2020. Status and trends of terrestrial arthropod abundance and diversity in the North Atlantic region of the ArcticAmbio49(3), pp.718-731.

Koltz, A.M., Culler, L.E., Bowden, J.J., Post, E. and Høye, T.T., 2019. Dominant arctic predator is free of major parasitoid at northern edge of its rangeFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution7, p.250.

Darrouzet‐Nardi, A., Steltzer, H., Sullivan, P.F., Segal, A., Koltz, A.M., Livensperger, C., Schimel, J.P. and Weintraub, M.N., 2019. Limited effects of early snowmelt on plants, decomposers, and soil nutrients in Arctic tundra soilsEcology and Evolution9(4), pp.1820-1844.

Koltz, A.M., Burkle, L.A., Pressler, Y., Dell, J.E., Vidal, M.C., Richards, L.A. and Murphy, S.M., 2018. Global change and the importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insectsCurrent Opinion in Insect Science29, pp.110-116.

Koltz, A.M., Classen, A.T. and Wright, J.P., 2018. Warming reverses top-down effects of predators on belowground ecosystem function in Arctic tundraProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences115(32), pp.E7541-E7549.

Koltz, A.M., Schmidt, N.M. and Høye, T.T., 2018. Differential arthropod responses to warming are altering the structure of Arctic communitiesRoyal Society Open Science5(4), p.171503.

Koltz, A.M., Asmus, A., Gough, L., Pressler, Y. and Moore, J.C., 2018. The detritus-based microbial-invertebrate food web contributes disproportionately to carbon and nitrogen cycling in the ArcticPolar Biology41(8), pp.1531-1545.

Ramirez, K.S., Berhe, A.A., Burt, J., Gil-Romera, G., Johnson, R.F., Koltz, A.M., Lacher, I., McGlynn, T., Nielsen, K.J., Schmidt, R. and Simonis, J.L., 2018. The future of ecology is collaborative, inclusive and deconstructs biasesNature Ecology & Evolution2(2), pp.200-200.

Asmus, A., Koltz, A.M., McLaren, J., Shaver, G.R. and Gough, L., 2018. Long‐term nutrient addition alters arthropod community composition but does not increase total biomass or abundanceOikos127(3), pp.460-471.

Beasley, D.E., Koltz, A.M., Lambert, J.E., Fierer, N. and Dunn, R.R., 2015. The evolution of stomach acidity and its relevance to the human microbiome. PloS one10(7), p.e0134116.

van de Crommenacker, J., Richardson, D.S., Koltz, A.M., Hutchings, K. and Komdeur, J., 2012. Parasitic infection and oxidative status are associated and vary with breeding activity in the Seychelles warblerProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences279(1733), pp.1466-1476.