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Hans Hofmann

Professor, Faculty collaboration with Gore lab
Department of Integrative Biology, College of Pharmacy

Neuromolecular and genomic basis of social behavior and its evolution


Phone: 512-475-6754

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AUSTIN, TX 78712

Dr. Hans A. Hofmann is a Professor of Integrative Biology. He received his doctoral degree in biology from the University of Leipzig for his work on the neurobiology of aggression in crickets, which he carried out at the Max-Planck Institute in Seewiesen under the guidance of Franz Huber. As a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, Hofmann began taking advantage of the astonishing diversity and plasticity of cichlid fishes to study how the social environment regulates brain and behavior. After being awarded a Grass Foundation Fellowship in Neuroscience to carry out independent research at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole (MA), he was appointed as a Bauer Genome Fellow at Harvard University, where he pioneered the new field of behavioral genomics. Hofmann developed many of the genomic resources for cichlid fishes with the support from NIH and NSF, and was the co-initiator of the cichlid genomic consortium, which successfully completed, with support from the NHGRI, the sequencing of five cichlid genomes. Hofmann's research has been widely published in premier journals such as Nature, Science, PNAS, Cell, and Journal of Neuroscience. In addition to more than 140 invited keynote lectures and departmental seminars he has given numerous public and outreach presentations.

In 2008, Hofmann received the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship (in Neuroscience) and was awarded the Frank A. Beach Early Career Award from the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology. He has also been honored with the 2009 College of Natural Sciences Teaching Award for his commitment to undergraduate education at UT Austin. He has been on the Editorial Board of several journals and was an Editor for Behavioral Ecology from 2007 through 2012. Since 2011 he has been the co-director of the new Center for Brain, Behavior, and Evolution at UT Austin, and from 2012 through 2018 he was the Director of UT's Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics where he led an innovative bioinformatics initiative across the College of Natural Sciences. Starting in 2013, Hofmann directed the Neural Systems & Behavior summer course at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole (MA) for six summers. In 2014, he received the College of Natural Sciences Teaching Award for a second time. From 2016 through 2018, Hofmann served as inaugural Director of the Center for Biomedical Research Support (CBRS). In the fall of 2018, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Forence (Italy), and in 2019 he received the Exemplar Award from the Center for the Study of Animal Behavior at Indiana University.

The research in Dr. Hofmann's laboratory seeks to understand the molecular and hormonal mechanisms that underlie social behavior and its evolution. African cichlid fishes are an ideal model system to address these questions because of their recent, repeated and rapid radiations that have resulted in hundreds of phenotypically diverse species. Our work uses a broad spectrum of approaches, ranging from ecological studies in the East African Great Lakes to gene expression profiling in the brain. We also employ hormonal perturbations, neuroanatomical techniques and advanced microscopy, and bioinformatics tools. Although we have been working on a variety of topics in several model systems, current projects focus on two main areas: 1) Identifying genes that are involved in implementing social dominance and sex roles in the Tanganyikan mouthbrooder Astatotilapia burtoni; and 2) a comparative analysis of the ecological and molecular basis and evolution of divergent social organization (monogamy vs. polygamy) in a group of closely related (monophyletic) species, the Ectodini cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. By carefully and systematically querying the brains of these fish, we can use expression profiling to identify the molecular building blocks of complex behavior.

Original Publications (refereed journals only)

132) Miller-Crews I, Matz MV, Hofmann HA (2021) A 2b-RAD parentage analysis pipeline for complex and mixed DNA samples. Forensics Science International. Genetics, submitted.

131) Rodriguez-Santiago M, Jordan AL, Hofmann HA (2021) Differential neural activity patterns mediate learning across contexts in a social cichlid fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, submitted. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.04.438393

130) Chan ME, Bhamidipati PS, Goldsby HJ, Hintze A, Hofmann HA, Young RL (2021) Comparative transcriptomics reveal distinct patterns of gene expression conservation through vertebrate embryogenesis. Genome Biology & Evolution, in revision. https://doi.org/10.1101/840801

129) Maguire SM, DeAngelis R, Dijkstra PD, Jordan A, Hofmann HA (2021) Social network dynamics predict hormone levels and behavior in a highly social cichlid fish. Hormones & Behavior, in press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yhbeh.2021.104994

128) Wallace KJ, Hofmann HA (2021) Equal performance but distinct behaviors: Astatotilapia burtoni sex differences in a novel object recognition task and spatial maze, Animal Cognition. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-021-01498-0

127) Hernandez Scudder ME, Young RL, Thompson LM, Kore P, Crews D, Hofmann HA, Gore AC (2020) EDCs reorganize brain-behavior phenotypic relationships in rats. Journal of the Endocrine Society 5:1-15.

126) Arasappan D, Eickhoff SB, Nemeroff CB, Hofmann HA, Jabbi M (2021) Transcription factor motifs associated with anterior insula gene-expression underlying mood disorder phenotypes. Molecular Neurobiology 58:1978–1989.

125) Whitaker KW, Alvarez M, Preuss T, Cummings ME, Hofmann HA (2021) Courting danger: Socially dominant cichlid fish adjust their startle-escape behavior to compensate for increased visual conspicuousness to avian predators. Hydrobiologia. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-020-04475-9

124) Rodriguez-Santiago M, Nührenberg P, Derry JR, Deussen O, Garrison LK, Garza SF, Francisco F, Hofmann HA, Jordan A (2020) Behavioral traits that define social dominance are the same that reduce social influence in a consensus task. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 117:18566-18573.

123) Eastman G, Valiño G, Radío S, Young RL, Quintana L, Zakon HH, Hofmann HA, Sotelo-Silveira J, Silva A (2020) Brain transcriptomics of agonistic behaviour in the weakly electric fish Gymnotus omarorum, a wild teleost model of non-breeding aggression. Scientific Reports 10:9496.

122) Jabbi M, Arasappan D, Eickhoff SB, Strakowski SM, Nemeroff CB, Hofmann HA (2020) Neuro-transcriptomic signatures for mood disorder morbidity and suicide mortality. J Psychiatr Res 127:62–74.

121) Northcutt AJ, Kick DR, Otopalik AG, Goetz BM, Harris RM, Santin JM, Hofmann HA, Marder E, Schulz DJ (2019) Molecular profiling to infer neuronal cell identity: lessons from small ganglia of the crab Cancer borealis. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 116:26980-26990.

120) Yin W, Borniger JC, Wang X, Maguire SM, Munselle ML, Bezner KS, Tesfamariam HM, Liang J, Garcia AN, Hofmann HA, Nelson RJ, Gore AC (2019) Estradiol treatment improves biological rhythms in a preclinical rat model of menopause. Neurobiology of Aging 83:1-10.

119) Still MB, Lea AM, Hofmann HA, Ryan MJ (2019) Multimodal stimuli regulate reproductive behavior and physiology in male túngara frogs. Hormones & Behavior 115:104546.

118) Solomon-Lane TK, Hofmann HA (2019) Early-life social environment alters juvenile behavior and neuroendocrine function in a highly social cichlid fish. Hormones & Behavior 115:104552.

117) Harris RM, Kao HY, Alarcon JM,  Hofmann HA,  Fenton AA (2019) Hippocampal transcriptomic responses to enzyme‐mediated cellular dissociation. Hippocampus 29:876-882.

116) Wylie DC, Hofmann HA, Zemelman BV (2019) SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing. Bioinformatics 35:3944–3952.

115) Nugent BM, Stiver KA, Hofmann HA, Alonzo SH (2019) Experimentally‐induced variation in neuroendocrine processes affects male reproductive behavior, sperm characteristics, and social interactions. Molecular Ecology 28:3464–3481.

114) Young RL, Hofmann HA (2019) Reply to Jiang and Zhang: Parallel transcriptomic signature of monogamy: What is the null hypothesis anyway? Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 116:17629-17630. (See letter by Jiang & Zhang, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1910749116)

113) Young RL, Ferkin MH, Ockendon NF, Orr VN, Phelps SM, Pogány Á, Richards-Zawacki CL, Summers K, Székely T, Trainor BC, Urrutia AO, Zachar G, O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2019) Conserved transcriptomic profiles underpin monogamy across vertebrates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 116:1331–1336.

112) Li CY, Hofmann HA, Harris ML, Earley RL (2018) Real or fake? Natural and artificial social stimuli elicit divergent behavioral and neural responses in the mangrove rivulus fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus. Proc R Soc B 285:20181610.

111) Kabelik D, Weitekamp CA, Choudhury SC, Hartline JT, Smith AN, Hofmann HA (2018) Neural activity in the social decision-making network of the brown anole during reproductive and agonistic encounters. Hormones & Behavior 106:178–188.

110) Goldsby HJ, Young RL, Hofmann HA, Hintze A (2018) Serendipitous Scaffolding to improve a Genetic Algorithm's Speed and Quality. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Kyoto (Japan), pp 959-966.

109) Renn SCP, Machado HE, Duftner N, Sessa AK, Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2018) Gene expression signatures of mating system evolution. Genome 61:287–297.

108) Goldsby HJ, Young RL, Hintze A, Hofmann HA (2017) Increasing the complexity of solutions produced by an evolutionary developmental system. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Berlin (Germany), pp 57-58.

107) Rodriguez-Santiago M, Nguyen J, Winton LS, Weitekamp CA, Hofmann HA (2017) Arginine vasotocin is expressed in surprising regions of the teleost forebrain. Frontiers in Endocrinology 8:195.

106) Weitekamp CA. Nguyen J, Hofmann HA (2017) D2 dopamine receptor mediates context-dependent social cognition in a cichlid fish. Genes, Brains & Behavior 16:601-611. DOI: 10.1111/gbb.12389.

105) Weitekamp CA. Nguyen J, Hofmann HA (2017) Neuromolecular regulation of aggression differs by social role during joint territory defense. Integrative & Comparative Biology 57: 631–639.

104) Dijkstra PD, Maguire SM, Harris RM, Rodriguez AA, DeAngelis RS, Flores SA, Hofmann HA (2017) The melanocortin system regulates body pigmentation and social behaviour in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Proc R Soc B 284: 20162838.

103) Weitekamp CA, Solomon-Lane TK, Del Valle P, Triki Z, Nugent BM, Hofmann HA (2017) A role for oxytocin-like receptor in social habituation in a teleost. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution 89:153-161.

102) Weitekamp CA, Hofmann HA (2017) Neuromolecular correlates of cooperation and conflict during territory defense in a cichlid fish. Hormones and Behavior 89:145-156.

101) Renn SCP, O’Rourke CF, Aubin-Horth N, Fraser EJ, Hofmann HA (2016) Dissecting the transcriptional patterns of social dominance across teleosts. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 56:1250-1265.

100) Nugent BM, Stiver KA, Alonzo SH, Hofmann HA (2016) Neuroendocrine profiles associated with discrete behavioral variation in Symphodus ocellatus, a species with male alternative reproductive tactics. Molecular Ecology 20:5212-5227.

99) Göppert C, Harris RM, Theis A, Boila A, Hohl A, Rüegg A, Hofmann HA, Salzburger W, Böhne A (2016) Aromatase inhibition in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni induces partial sex change indicating distinct functions for sex steroids in brains and gonads. Sexual Development 10:97-110 (DOI:10.1159/000445463).

98) Jordan LA, Maguire SM, Hofmann HA, Kohda M (2016) The dangers of an “over-extended” phenotype: social and ecological costs of increasing male attractiveness. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283:20152359.

97) Ockendon N, O’Connell LA, Bush S, Barnes H, Székely T, Hofmann HA, Dorus S, Urrutia A (2016) Optimisation of next generation sequencing transcriptome annotation for species lacking sequenced genomes. Molecular Ecology Resources 16:446-58.

96) Yin W, Maguire SM, Pham B, Garcia AN, Dang N, Liang J, Wolfe A, Hofmann HA, Gore AC (2015) Testing the critical window hypothesis of timing and duration of estradiol treatment on hypothalamic gene networks in aging rats. Endocrinology 156:2918-2933.

95) Simões JM, Barata EN, Harris RM, O'Connell LA, Hofmann HA, Oliveira RF (2015) Social odors conveying dominance and reproductive information induce rapid physiological and neuromolecular changes in a cichlid fish. BMC Genomics 16:114.

94) Oldfield RG, Mandrekar K, Nieves MX, Hendrickson DA, Chakrabarty P, Swanson BO, Hofmann HA (2015) Parental care in the Cuatro Ciénegas cichlid, Herichthys minckleyi (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Hydrobiologia 748:233–257.

93) Stiver KA, Harris RM, Townsend JP, Hofmann HA, Alonzo SH (2015) Neural gene expression and androgen levels relate to phenotype of alternative reproductive tactic in the ocellated wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus. Ethology 121:152–167.

92) Smith CC, Harris RM, Lampert KP, Schartl M, Hofmann HA, Ryan MJ (2015) Copy number variation in the melanocortin 4 receptor gene and alternative reproductive tactics in swordtail fish. Environmental Biology of Fishes 98:23-33.

91) Huffman LS, Hinz FI, Wojcik S, Aubin-Horth N, Hofmann HA (2015) Arginine vasotocin regulates social ascent in the African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. General & Comparative Endocrinology 212:106-113.

90) Brawand D, Wagner CE, Li YI, Malinsky M, Keller I, Fan S, Simakov O, Ng AY, Lim ZW, Bezault E, Turner-Maier J, Johnson J, Alcazar R, Noh HJ, Russell P, Aken B, Alföldi J, Amemiya C, Azzouzi N, Baroiller JF, Barloy-Hubler F, Berlin A, Bloomquist R, Carleton KL, Conte MA, D'Cotta H, Eshel O, Gaffney L, Galibert F, Gante HF, Gnerre S, Greuter L, Guyon R, Haddad NS, Haerty W, Harris RM, Hofmann HA, Hourlier T, Hulata G, Jaffe DB, Lara M, Lee AP, MacCallum I, Mwaiko S, Nikaido M, Nishihara H, Ozouf-Costaz C, Penman DJ, Przybylski D, Rakotomanga M, Renn SC, Ribeiro FJ, Ron M, Salzburger W, Sanchez-Pulido L, Santos ME, Searle S, Sharpe T, Swofford R, Tan FJ, Williams L, Young S, Yin S, Okada N, Kocher TD, Miska EA, Lander ES, Venkatesh B, Fernald RD, Meyer A, Ponting CP, Streelman JT, Lindblad-Toh K, Seehausen O, Di Palma F (2014) The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in African cichlid fish. Nature 513:375-381.

89) Fischer EK, Harris RM, Hofmann HA, Hoke KL (2014) Predator exposure alters stress physiology in guppies. Hormones and Behavior 65:165-172.

88) Harris RM, Dijkstra PD, Hofmann HA (2014) Complex structural and regulatory evolution of the pro-opiomelanocortin (pomc) gene family. General and Comparative Endocrinology 195:107–115.

87) O’Connell LA, Ding JH, Hofmann HA (2013) Sex differences and similarities in the neuroendocrine regulation of social behavior in an African cichlid fish. Hormones and Behavior 64:468–476.

86) Sessa AK, Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2013) Sex steroid hormones modulate responses to social challenge and opportunity in males of the monogamous convict cichlid, Amatitlania nigrofasciata. General & Comparative Endocrinology 189:59–65.

85) Kidd MR, Dijkstra PD, Alcott C, Lavee D, Ma J, O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2013) Prostaglandin F2α facilitates female mating decisions based on male performance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67:1307-1315.

84) O’Connell LA, Mitchell MM, Dykstra DW, Hofmann HA (2013) Neural and molecular mechanisms underlying sensory integration of social signals. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 25:644–654.

83) Oldfield RG, Harris RM, Hendrickson DA, Hofmann HA (2013) Vasotocin V1a and prolactin pathways are associated with space use and mating system variation in North American cichlid fishes. Hormones & Behavior 64:44-52.

82) Huffman LS, O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2013) Aromatase regulates aggression in the African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Physiology and Behavior 112-113:77–83.

81) O’Connell LA, Fontenot MR, Hofmann HA (2013) Neurochemical profiling of dopaminergic neurons in the forebrain of a cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 47:106–115.

80) Kidd MR, O’Connell LA, Kidd CE, Chen CW, Fontenot MR, Williams SJ, Hofmann HA (2013) Female preference for males depends on reproductive physiology in the African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. General & Comparative Endocrinology 180:56–63.

79) O’Connell LA, Mitchell MM, Hofmann HA, Crews D (2012) Androgens coordinate neurotransmitter-related gene expression in male whiptail lizards. Genes, Brain, and Behavior 11:813-818.

78) Desjardins JK, Hofmann HA, Fernald RD (2012) Social context influences aggressive and courtship behavior in a cichlid fish. PLoS ONE 7:e32781.

77) Huffman LS, O’Connell LA, Kenkel CD, Kline RJ, Khan IA, Hofmann HA (2012). Distribution of neuropeptide systems in the brain of an African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 44:86-97.

76) O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2012) Evolution of a social decision-making network in the vertebrate brain. Science 336:1154-1157.

75) O’Connell LA, Matthews BJ, Hofmann HA (2012) Isotocin regulates fatherhood in a monogamous cichlid fish. Hormones and Behavior 61:725–733.

74) Huffman LS, Mitchell MM, O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2012) Rising StARs: Behavioral, hormonal, and molecular responses to social challenge and opportunity. Hormones & Behavior 61:631–641.

73) Dijkstra PD, Verzijden MN, Groothuis TGG, Hofmann HA (2012) Divergent hormonal responses to social competition in closely related haplochromine cichlid fish. Hormones & Behavior 61:518–526.

72) Renn SCP, Fraser EJ, Aubin-Horth N, Trainer BC, Hofmann HA (2012) Females of an African cichlid fish display male-typical social dominance behavior and elevated androgens in the absence of males. Hormones and Behavior 61:496–503.

71) Kidd MR, Duftner N, Koblmüller S, Sturmbauer C, Hofmann HA (2012) Repeated parallel evolution of parental care strategies within Xenotilapia, a genus of cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika. PLoS ONE 7:e31236.

70) O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2012) Social status predicts how sex steroid receptors regulate complex behavior across levels of biological organization. Endocrinology 153:1341-1351.

69) Dijkstra PD, Wiegertjes GF, Forlenza M, Sluijs I, Hofmann HA, Metcalfe NB, Groothuis TG (2011) The role of physiology in the divergence of two incipient cichlid species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:2639–2652.

68) Dijkstra PD, Schaafsma S, Hofmann HA, Groothuis T (2011) ‘Winner Effect’ without winning: Unresolved social conflicts increase the probability of winning a subsequent contest in a cichlid fish. Physiology & Behavior 105:489-492.

67) O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2011) The vertebrate mesolimbic reward system and social behavior network: A comparative synthesis. Journal of Comparative Neurology 519:3599-3639.

66) Kline RJ, O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA, Holt GJ, Khan IA (2011) The distribution of an AVT V1a receptor in the brain of a sex changing fish, Epinephelus adscensionis. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 42:72-88

65) Whitaker KW, Neumeister H, Preuss T, Hofmann HA (2011) Serotonergic modulation of startle-escape plasticity in an African cichlid fish: A single-cell molecular and physiological analysis of a vital neural circuit. Journal of Neurophysiology 106: 127–137.

64) O’Connell LA, Ding JH, Ryan MJ, Hofmann HA (2011) Neural distribution of the progesterone receptor in the túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 41:137-147.

63) O’Connell LA, Matthews BJ, Ryan MJ, Hofmann HA (2010) Characterization of the dopamine system in the brain of the túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus. Brain, Behavior & Evolution 76:211-225.

62) Oldfield RG, Hofmann HA (2011) Neuropeptide regulation of monogamous behavior in a cichlid fish. Physiology & Behavior 102:296-303.

61) O’Connell LA, Fontenot M, Hofmann HA (2011) Characterization of the dopaminergic system in the brain of an African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni. Journal of Comparative Neurology 519:75–92.

60) Neumeister H, Whitaker KW, Hofmann HA, Preuss T (2010) Social and ecological regulation of a decision-making circuit. Journal of Neurophysiology 104:3180-3188.

59) Carone BR, Fauquier L, Habib N, Shea JM, Hart CE, Li R, Bock C, Li C, Zamore PD, Meissner A, Weng Z, Hofmann HA, Friedman N, Rando OJ (2010) Paternally-induced transgenerational environmental reprogramming of metabolic gene expression in mammals. Cell 143:1084–1096.

58) O’Quin KE, Hofmann CM, Hofmann HA, Carleton KL (2010) Natural selection and the convergent evolution of opsin gene expression in African cichlids. Molecular Biology & Evolution 27:2839–2854.

57) Munchrath LA, Hofmann HA (2010) Distribution of androgen, estrogen, and progesterone receptors in the brain of an African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni. Journal of Comparative Neurology 518:3302–3326.

56) Renn SCP, Machado H, Jones A, Soneji K, Kulathinal RJ, Hofmann HA (2010) Using comparative genomic hybridization to survey genomic sequence divergence across species: A proof-of-concept from Drosophila. BMC Genomics 11:271 (1-12).

55) Kidd C, Kidd MR, Hofmann HA (2010) Measuring multiple hormones from a single water sample using enzyme immunoassays. General & Comparative Endocrinology, 165:277–285.

54) Machado H, Pollen AA, Hofmann HA, Renn SCP (2009) Interspecific profiling of gene expression informed by comparative genomic hybridization: A review and a novel approach in African cichlid fishes. Integrative & Comparative Biology 49:644 - 659.

53) Aubin-Horth N, Letcher BH, Hofmann HA (2009) Gene expression signatures of Atlantic salmon’s plastic life cycle. General & Comparative Endocrinology 163:278-284.

52) Renn SCP, Aubin-Horth N, Hofmann HA (2008) Fish & Chips: Functional genomics of social plasticity in an African cichlid fish. Journal of Exp. Biology 211:3041-3056.

51) Greenwood AK, Wark AR, Fernald RD, Hofmann HA (2008): Expression of arginine vasotocin in distinct preoptic regions is associated with dominant and subordinate behaviour in an African cichlid fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275, 2393–2402.

50) Salzburger W, Renn SCP, Steinke D, Braasch I, Hofmann HA, Meyer A (2008): Annotation of expressed sequence tags for the East African cichlid fish species Astatotilapia burtoni and evolutionary analyses of cichlid ORFs. BMC Genomics 9:96 (1-14).

49) Cummings ME, Larkins-Ford J, Reilly CRL, Wong RY, Ramsey M, Hofmann HA (2008): Sexual and social stimuli elicit rapid and contrasting genomic responses. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275:393–402.

48) Duftner N, Larkins-Ford J, Legendre M, Hofmann HA (2008): Efficacy of RNA amplification is dependent on sequence characteristics: Implications for gene expression profiling using a cDNA microarray. Genomics 91:108-117.

47) Trainor BC, Hofmann HA (2007): Somatostatin and somatostatin receptor gene expression in dominant and subordinate cichlid fish. Behavioral Brain Research 179:314-320.

46) Shumway CA, Hofmann HA, Dobberfuhl AP (2007) A new technique for quantifying habitat complexity in freshwater or marine systems. Freshwater Biology 52:1065-1076.

45) Aubin-Horth N, Desjardins J, Martei Y, Balshine S, Hofmann HA (2007): Masculinized dominant females in a cooperatively breeding species. Molecular Ecology 16:1349–1358.

44) Pollen AA, Dobberfuhl AP, Scace J, Igulu MM, Renn SCP, Shumway CA, Hofmann HA (2007): Environmental complexity and social organization sculpt the brain in Lake Tanganyikan cichlid fish. Brain, Behavior & Evolution 70:21–39.

43) Trainor BC, Hofmann HA (2006): Somatostatin regulates aggressive behavior in an African cichlid fish. Endocrinology, 147:5119–5125.

42) Aubin-Horth N, Landry CR, Letcher BH, Hofmann HA (2005): Alternative life-histories shape different brain gene expression profiles in males of the same population. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 272:1655–1662.

41) Aubin-Horth N, Letcher BH, Hofmann HA (2005): Interaction of rearing environment and reproductive tactic on gene expression profiles in Atlantic salmon. Journal of Heredity, 96: 261-278

40) Renn SCP, Aubin-Horth N, Hofmann HA (2004): Biologically meaningful expression profiling across species using heterologous hybridization to a cDNA microarray. BMC Genomics, 5:42(1-13).

39) Hofmann HA, Schildberger K (2001): Assessment of motivation and strength during cricket fights. Animal Behaviour, 62:337-348.

38) Hofmann HA, Fernald RD (2000): Social status controls somatostatin-neuron size and growth. Journal of Neuroscience, 20:1248-1252.

37) *Stevenson PA, *Hofmann HA, Schoch K, Schildberger K (2000): The fight and flight responses of crickets depleted of biogenic amines. Journal of Neurobiology 43:107-120. (*equal 1st authorship)

36) Hofmann HA, Stevenson PA (2000): Flight restores fight in crickets. Nature 403:613.

35) Hofmann HA, Benson ME, Fernald RD (1999): Social status regulates growth rate: Consequences for life-history strategies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95:14171-14176.

34) Hofmann HA (1996): The history of Chinese cricket fighting: A contribution not only to the history of biology, Biologisches Zentralblatt 18:208-213. (in German)

Refereed Reviews and Book Chapters

33) Weitekamp CA, Hofmann HA (2021) Effects of air pollution exposure on social behavior: a synthesis and call for research. Environmental Health, under review.

32) Wallace KJ, Hofmann HA (2021) Decision-making in a social world: integrating cognitive ecology and social neuroscience. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 68:152–158.

31) DeAngelis R, Hofmann HA (2020) Neural mechanisms of female mate choice. Journal of Experimental Biology 223:jeb207324.

30) Sinha S, Jones BM, Traniello IM, Bukhari SA, Halfon MS, Hofmann HA, Huang S, Katz PS, Keagy J, Lynch VJ, Sokolowski MB, Stubbs LJ, Tabe-Bordbar S, Wolfner MF, Robinson GE (2020) Behavior-related gene regulatory networks: A new level of organization in the brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 117:23270-23279.

29) Rubenstein DR, Ågren JA, Carbone L, Hoekstra HE, Kapheim KM, Keller L, Moreau CS, Toth AL, Yeaman S, Hofmann HA (2019) Coevolution of genome architecture and social behavior. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34:844-855.

28) Baker MR, Hofmann HA, Wong RY (2017) Neurogenomics of behavioural plasticity in socioecological contexts. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0026839

27) Liebeskind BJ, Hofmann HA, Hillis DM, Zakon HH (2017) Evolution of Animal Neural Systems. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 48:377–98.

26) Harris RM, O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2017) Brain Evolution, Development, and Plasticity. In: Shepherd SV (ed.), Handbook of Evolutionary Neuroscience. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 422-443.

25) Weitekamp CA, Hofmann HA (2016) Chapter 17: Brain Systems Underlying Social Behavior. In: Evolution of Nervous Systems (eds.: Striedter GF, Kaas JH), Vol. 1, pp. 327–334.

24) Hofmann HA, Renn SCP, Rubenstein DR (2016) New Frontiers in the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior: Nothing in Neuroscience Makes Sense Except in the Light of Behavior. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56:1192-1196.

23) Liebeskind BJ, Hillis DM, Zakon HH, Hofmann HA (2016) Complex homology and the evolution nervous systems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31:127-135.

22) Rubenstein DR, Hofmann HA (2015) Proximate pathways underlying social behavior. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 6:154–159.

21) Oldfield RG, Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2015) Resource defense theory explains neuropeptide activity across mating systems. Frontiers in Zoology 12(Suppl 1):S16.

20) Taborsky M, Hofmann HA, Beery AK, Blumstein DT, Hayes LD, Lacey EA, Martins EP, Phelps SM, Solomon NG, Rubenstein DR (2015) Taxon matters: promoting integrative studies of social behavior. Trends in Neurosciences 38:189-191.

19) Hofmann HA, Beery AK, Blumstein DT, Couzin ID, Earley RL, Hayes LD, Hurd PL, Lacey EA, Phelps SM, Solomon NG, Taborsky M, Young LJ, Rubenstein DR (2014) An evolutionary framework for studying mechanisms of social behavior. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 29:581-589.

18) Weitekamp CA, Hofmann HA (2014) Neurobiology of social cognition and communication. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 28:22-27.

17) Striedter GF, Belgard TG, Chen CC, Davis FP, Finlay BL, Güntürkün O, Hale ME, Harris JA, Hecht EE, Hof PR, Hofmann HA, Holland LZ, Iwaniuk AN, Jarvis ED, Karten HJ, Katz PS, Kristan WB, Macagno ER, Mitra PP, Moroz LL, Preuss TM, Ragsdale CW, Sherwood CC, Stevens CF, Stüttgen MC, Tsumoto T, Wilczynski W (2014) NSF workshop report: Discovering general principles of nervous system organization by comparing brain maps across species. Brain, Behavior & Evolution 83:1-8 / Journal of Comparative Neurology 522:1445-1453.

16) Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2014) Neurogenomics of behavioral plasticity. In: C.R. Landry and N. Aubin-Horth (eds.), Ecological Genomics: Ecology and the Evolution of Genes and Genomes, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 781:149-168.

15) Kültz D, Clayton DF, Robinson GE, Albertson C, Carey HV, Cummings ME, Dewar K, Edwards SV, Hofmann HA, Gross LJ, Kingsolver JG, Meaney MJ, Schlinger BA, Shingleton AW, Sokolowski MB, Somero GN, Stanzione DC, Todgham AE (2013) New frontiers for organismal biology. BioScience 63:464-471.

14) O'Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2011) Genes, hormones, and circuits: An integrative approach to study the evolution of social behavior. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 32:320–335 (invited review).

13) Wong RY, Hofmann HA (2010) Behavioural genomics: An organismic perspective. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.

12) Hofmann HA (2010) The neuroendocrine action potential. Hormones & Behavior 58:555-562 (invited review).

11) Pollen AA, Hofmann HA (2008) Beyond neuroanatomy: Novel approaches to studying brain evolution. Brain, Behavior & Evolution 72:145–158.

10) Hofmann HA, Shumway CA (2008) Preface: Neurobiological lessons learned from comparative studies: Evolutionary forces shaping brain and behavior. Brain, Behavior & Evolution 72:89–90.

9) Hofmann HA (2006): GnRH signaling in behavioral plasticity. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 16: 343-350 (invited review).

8) Hofmann HA (2003): Functional genomics of neural and behavioral plasticity. Journal of Neurobiology, 54:272-282 (invited review).

7) Hofmann HA, Fernald RD (2001): What cichlids tell us about the social regulation of brain and behavior. Journal of Aquariculture and Aquatic Sci., 9:17-31 (invited review).

6) Hofmann HA, Rickli H (1999): Model traces and models of traces: Interfaces between biology and the arts (German). In: Geus A, Rheinberger HJ, Riedl-Dorn C, Weingarten M. (eds.): Repräsentationsformen in den biologischen Wissenschaften. Verlag Wissenschaft & Bildung, Berlin: 51-58.

Invited Commentaries

5) Friesen CN, Hofmann HA (2019) Molecular origins and outcomes of status and stress in primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 116:1081–1083.

4) Kabelik D, Hofmann HA (2018) Comparative neuroendocrinology: A call for more study of reptiles! Hormones & Behavior 106:189–192.

3) Nishi R, Castaneda E, Davis GW, Fenton AA, Hofmann HA, King J, Ryan TA, Trujillo KA (2016) The global challenge in neuroscience education and training: The MBL perspective. Neuron 92:632-636.

2) Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2015) Seeing is Believing: Dynamic Evolution of Gene Families. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,112:1252-1253.

1) Hofmann HA (2010) Early developmental patterning sets the stage for brain evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107:9919-9920.

  • Exemplar Award, Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB), Indiana University, Bloomington (IN) (2019)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Florence (Italy), Department of Biology (Fall 2018)

  • Distinguished Speaker in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca (NY) (2018)

  • John Burroughs Distinguished Lecturer, East Carolina University, Greenville (NC) (2017)

  • Walter F. Heiligenberg Lectureship, University of California – San Diego (2016)

  • UT Austin, College of Natural Sciences Teaching Award (2014)

  • Distinguished Public Lecture, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Norman (OK) (2013)

  • Dupont Lecturer, University of Arizona (2011)

  • Baerends Lecture, Dutch Society for Behavioral Biology Annual Meeting, Dalfsen (The Netherlands) (2009)

  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship in Neuroscience (2008)

  • Frank A. Beach Early Career Award from the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (2008)

  • UT Austin, College of Natural Sciences Teaching Award (2009)

Invited Symposium Presentations and Keynote Lectures (accepted invitations only)

June 2021     Invited Speaker: 14th International Congress on the Biology of Fishes (ICBF), Montpellier (France) – postponed due to COVID-19

Mar 2020       Invited Speaker: Anxiety and Depression Association of America Annual Meeting, San Antonio (TX) – postponed due to COVID-19

Mar 2020       Invited Speaker: Conference on Datennaturen / Nature of Data, Zürich Switzerland

Nov 2019       Plenary Speaker: 2019 Debrecen University Official Symposium –Reproductive Strategies and Their Consequences, Debrecen (Hungary)

July 2019       Plenary Speaker: International Ethological Conference, Chicago (IL)

June 2019     Invited Speaker: Sociogenomics RCN Annual Meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca (NY)

March 2019   Exemplar Award Lecture: Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB), Indiana University, Bloomington (IN)

Sep. 2018      Distinguished Speaker in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca (NY)

July 2018       Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Neurobiology of Cognition, Newry (ME)

June 2018     Invited Speaker, 10th Annual Meerkats and Mongooses Meeting, Cambridge (UK)

June 2018     Invited Lecturer, Advanced Course: Social Decision-Making, Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, Venice (Italy)

May 2018      Keynote Speaker, Symposium on the Evolution of the Social Brain, University of Vienna (Austria)

Jan. 2018      Invited Speaker, Winter Animal Behavior Conference XL, Steamboat Springs (CO)

Jan. 2018      Invited Speaker, Bauer Fellows Reunion Symposium, Harvard University, Cambridge (MA)

Sep. 2017      Workshop Data Work, Collegium Helveticum, Zürich (Switzerland)

July 2017       Invited Speaker, Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Annual Meeting, Austin (TX)

June 2017     Invited Lecturer, Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies: Neuroscience of Moral Cognition, Siena (Italy)

April 2017      John Burroughs Distinguished Lecturer, East Carolina University, Greenville (NC)

April 2017      Keynote Speaker, Workshop on Sex-Role Evolution: Integrating Neural, Behavioural, and Phylogenetic Approaches, Tihany (Hungary)

Jan. 2017      Invited Speaker, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, New Orleans (LA)

Oct. 2016       Invited Speaker, Ecological Genomics Symposium, Kansas City (MO)

Sep. 2016      Workshop “Computer Signals”, Zürich School of Arts, Switzerland

Aug. 2016      Invited Speaker, 20th Annual Meeting, Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Montreal (Canada)

July 2016       Invited Speaker, 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama (Japan)

July 2016       Invited Speaker, Japanese Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Yokohama (Japan)

April 2016      Invited Speaker, 12th International Congress of Neuroethology, Montevideo (Uruguay)

March 2016   Walter F. Heiligenberg Lectureship, University of California – San Diego

Jan. 2016      Invited Speaker/Symposium Organizer, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Portland (OR)

Dec. 2015      Distinguished Public Lecture, Center for Integrative Animal Behavior, Columbia University, New York (NY)

June 2015     Invited Speaker/Symposium Organizer, Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Anchorage (AK)

March 2015  Invited Speaker, James Goodson Memorial Symposium, IU Animal Behavior Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington (IN)


Nov. 2014     Invited Speaker, 12th Annual National Academies Keck Futures Initiative conference, Collective Behavior: From Cells to Societies, Irvine (CA)


Oct. 2014     Invited Speaker, Conference on “Life in the Aggregate: Mechanisms and Features of Social Dynamics”, HHMI Janelia Farm, Ashburn (VA)

Nov. 2013         Keynote Lecture, Evolution Symposium, Volkswagen Foundation, Hanover (Germany)

March 2013       Invited Speaker, Symposium on “Fragile Data”, Schering Stiftung, Berlin (Germany)

Feb. 2013          Distinguished Public Lecture, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Norman (OK)

Nov. 2012         Plenary Lecture, NORDFORSK Behavioural Fish Neuroscience Network (BiFiNe) Conference, Bergen (Norway)

Sept. 2012        Keynote Lecture, 105th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Konstanz (Germany)

July 2012          Invited Speaker, Workshop on Social Neuroscience, 21st Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta (GA)

July 2012          Invited Speaker, Symposium "Adaptive brain morphology and neuro-anatomy in fishes”, XIVth European Congress of Ichthyology, Liege, Belgium

May 2012          Keynote Speaker, 2012 Ontario Ecology, Ethology & Evolution Colloquium, Hamilton (ON)

April 2012         Plenary Speaker, 11th Annual UT-ORNL-KBRIN Bioinformatics Summit, Louisville (KY)

March 2012       Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference in Genes & Behavior, Galveston (TX)

Jan. 2012          Invited Speaker, Cells, Circuits, and Computation Symposium, Harvard University, Cambridge (MA)

Nov. 2011         Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting of the Society of Social Neuroscience, Washington (DC)

Sep. 2011         NSF workshop on the “Future of Organismal Biology”, Washington (DC)

Aug. 2011         Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference in Neuroethology, Stonehill College, Easton (MA)

June 2011         Invited Speaker,  15th Annual Meeting, Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Queretaro (Mexico)

April 2011         Dupont Lecturer, University of Arizona

March 2011       Keynote Speaker, Symposium “Neuroethology: Frontiers in Understanding Biology” at Florida State University, Tallahassee (FL).

Aug. 2010         Plenary Speaker, Cichlid Science 2010 Conference, Basel (Switzerland)

Aug. 2010         Plenary Speaker, 9th International Congress of Neuroethology, Salamanca (Spain)

July 2010          Invited Speaker at the Opportunities at the Interface of Physics and Biology conference, organized by The Burroughs Wellcome Fund and the Keck Foundation, Chicago, IL

Nov. 2009         Baerends Lecture, Dutch Society for Behavioral Biology Annual Meeting, Dalfsen (The Netherlands)

Oct. 2009          Keynote Speaker at the New Horizons in Science annual meeting, a gathering of professional science writers, Austin, TX

Sep. 2009         Workshop on “Latent Images: Film in Science & Arts”, Zürich School of Arts, Switzerland

June 2009         Workshop on "Social Modulation of Hormones, Brain and Behavior”, Champalimaud Neuroscience Program, Lisbon (Portugal)

Jan. 2009          Symposium on “Celebrating the First Cichlid Genome", Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Boston (MA)

July 2008          Gordon Research Conference in Neuroethology, Oxford (UK)

June 2008         Presidential Annual Symposium, American Genetic Association (AGA), on “Genetics and Genomics of Behavior”, Raleigh (NC)

March 2008       Keystone Symposium on “Complex Traits: Biologic and Therapeutic Insights”, Santa Fe (NM)

Nov. 2007         Annual Symposium, Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Atlanta (GA)

Nov. 2007         J.B. Johnston Club for Comparative & Evolutionary Neurobiology, San Diego, CA.

Sep. 2007         NESCent Workshop on “Linking Evolution to Genomics Using Phenotype Ontologies: Needs Analysis Workshop”, Durham (NC).

July 2007          Gordon Research Conference in Evolutionary & Ecological Functional Genomics, Newport (RI)

June 2007         NSF workshop on the “Evolution of Motor Patterns”, Washington (DC)

April 2007         NESCent Workshop on “Genomic Approaches to the Study of Adaptive Radiation”, Durham (NC).

March 2007       Distinguished Speaker, W. M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology, North Carolina State University.

Oct. 2006          Genome Canada International Conference “2020 Vision: Variation and Function in the Genome”, Quebec City (CN)

Sep. 2006         Symposium on "Comparative Genomics, Adaptation and Evolution in the Aquatic Environment", Friday Harbor Laboratory (WA).

Feb. 2006          Gordon Research Conference in Genes and Behavior, Ventura (CA).

Feb. 2006          Conference on "Neural Control of Behavior: Convergent Principles from Diverse Model Systems" at UC Los Angeles (CA).

Nov. 2005         J.B. Johnston Club for Comparative & Evolutionary Neurobiology, Washington, DC.

Oct. 2005          “8th Annual Symposium of the Center for Neuroendocrine Studies” at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (MA).

Oct. 2004          J.B. Johnston Club for Comparative & Evolutionary Neurobiology, San Diego, CA.

Oct. 2004          Keynote Speaker, Georgia State University Neuroscience Retreat, Atlanta (GA).

Aug. 2004         7th International Congress of Neuroethology, Nyborg, Denmark.

July 2004          8th Annual Meeting, Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Lisbon, Portugal.

Feb. 2004          Gordon Research Conference in Genes and Behavior, California.

Sep. 2003         2003 Cichlid Symposium, Hayama (Japan)

July 2003          Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Boise, ID.

Nov. 2002         J.B. Johnston Club for Comparative & Evolutionary Neurobiology, Orlando, FL.

Aug. 2002         Gordon Research Conference in Neuroethology in Oxford, UK.

Nov. 2001         J.B. Johnston Club for Comparative & Evolutionary Neurobiology, San Diego, CA.

Oct. 2001          CGR Symposium, American Acad. of Arts & Sciences, Cambridge,MA.

July 2001          NSF Symposium on Aggression Research, Emory University.

Oct. 1999          J.B. Johnston Club for Comparative & Evol. Neurobiology, Miami Beach, FL.

June 1996         5th Annual Meeting, German Society for History & Theory of Biology , Vienna.

June 1995         4th Annual Meeting, German Society for History & Theory of Biology , Neuburg/Donau (Germany).

Invited Lectures & Service to Other Institutions (accepted invitations only)

April 2015     Department of Biology, Rutgers University/NJIT


Dec. 2014     Department of Biology, University of Missouri, Columbia (MO)

March 2014       Institute of Zoology, University of Basel (Switzerland)

March 2014       Institute of Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies, University of Zürich (Switzerland)

Nov. 2013         Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, UCLA, Los Angeles (CA)

May 2012          Dept. of Biology, Washington University, Saint Louis (MS)

April 2012         Dept. of Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins (CO)

Sep. 2011         Beckman Institute for Neuroscience, University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign

May 2011          Dept. of Biology, University of Konstanz (Germany)

Dec. 2010          Dept. of Biology, Texas State University, San Marcos (TX)

Dec. 2010          Dept. of Biology, Baylor University, Waco (TX)

Oct. 2010          Dept. of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, Ithaca (NY)

Aug. 2010         Dept. of Biology, University of Berne (Switzerland)

May 2010          Dept. of Biology, Tübingen University (Germany)

April 2010         Dept. of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park (MD)

March 2010       Dept. of Biology, Simon Fraser University, Barnaby (BC)

Feb. 2010          Dept. of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington (IN)

Nov. 2009         Dept. of Behavioral Biology, Utrecht University (NL)

Nov. 2009         Institute of Biology, Leiden University (NL)

Nov. 2009         Dept. of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (UT)

Oct. 2009          Dept. of Biology, Trinity University, San Antonio (TX)

Aug. 2009         Dept. of Genetics, University of Florence Medical School (Italy)

June 2009         Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Lisbon (Portugal)

April 2009         Dept. of Biology, University of Louisville (KY)

Dec. 2008          Dept. of Biology, Case Western University, Cleveland (OH)

Oct. 2008          Dept. of Neuroscience, U Mass Medical School, Worcester (MA)

Aug. 2008         Dept. of Biology, University of Konstanz (Germany)

                        Dept. of Zoology, University of Basle (Switzerland)

Nov. 2007         Dept. of Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station (TX)

Nov. 2006         Dept. of Zoology, University of Oklahoma at Norman (OK).

Nov. 2006         Dept. of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin.

Oct. 2006          Dept. of Neurobiology, University of Texas at Austin.

April 2006         Dept. of Neuroscience, Albert-Einstein College of Medicine (NY).

April 2006         Dept. of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, U Mass. Amherst, (MA).

Oct. 2005          WATER Institute, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (WI).

Aug. 2005         Dept. of Biology, University of Würzburg (Germany).

April 2005         Program in Neuroscience, Bowdoin College, New Brunswick (ME).

Feb. 2005          Faculty Interview: Dept. of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville.

                        Faculty Interview: Division of Biology, Caltech, Pasadena (CA).

Jan. 2005          Faculty Interview: School of Integrative Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (IL).

Dec. 2004          Faculty Interview: Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas, Austin.

Dec. 2004          Dept. of Biology, Wesleyan University, Middletown (CT)

                        Dept. of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, Ithaca (NY)

Sept. 2004        Dept. of Biology, Northeastern University, Boston (MA).

July 2004          Depts. of Zoology & Marine Biology, University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)

April 2004         Dept. of Ecology and Evolution, Princeton University, Princeton (NJ)

March 2004       McLean Hospital, Belmont (MA).

Feb. 2004          Reproductive Biology Seminar Series, University of Texas, Austin.

Oct. 2003          Boston University Marine Program & Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole (MA).

May 2003          Dept. of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago

March 2003       Program in Evolution, Behavior & Ecology, Boston Univ., Boston (MA)

May 2002          Dept. of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Jan. 2002          Dept. of Organismal and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University.

Dec. 2001          Dept. of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School.

Dec. 2001          Hubbard Center for Genome Sciences, University of New Hampshire

March 2001       Faculty Interview: University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

Feb. 2001          Faculty Interviews: Dept. of Biology, Florida International University, Miami, FL; The Neurosciences Institute, San Diego, CA; Bauer Center for Genomics Research, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; University of California, Davis, CA.

Dec. 2000          Faculty Interview: Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.

May 2000          Section of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, UC Davis.

Jan. 1999          Endocrinology Seminar Series, University of California, Berkeley.

June 1996         Dept. of Biomathematics, University of Bonn (Germany).

Institute of Zoology, University of Graz (Austria).

Nov. 1995         Dept. of Zoology, Technical University of Munich (Germany).

Nov. 1994         Dept. of Biology, University of Konstanz (Germany).


Meeting Abstracts (selection)

Harris RM, Alarcon JM, Fenton AA, Hofmann HA (2014) An integrative neuromolecular and neurophysiological curriculum for the Neural Systems & Behavior course at MBL. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, P1.12.

Nguyen JM, Weitekamp CA, Hofmann HA (2014) Dopaminergic regulation of social competence in a cichlid fish. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, P1.17.

Zheng DJ, De Angelis R, Harris RM, Hofmann HA (2014) Dissociating sex from choice: deciphering the neural basis of female mating decisions. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, P3.9.

Maguire SM, Yu S, Hofmann HA (2014) The effects of social status on activity patterns of the social decision-making network. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, P3.12

Weitekamp CA, Hofmann HA (2014) Keeping your enemies close: neural and hormonal mechanisms of cooperative defense in a cichlid fish. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, P3.13

Nugent BM, Stiver KA, Alonzo SH, Hofmann HA (2014) Transcriptomics and behavioral endocrinology of alternative reproductive tactics. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, P3.182.

Harris RM, Alarcon JM, Fenton AA, Hofmann HA (2013) Development of an integrative neuromolecular and neurophysiological curriculum for the Neural Systems & Behavior course at MBL. Gordon Research Conference in Neuroethology, Mount Snow (VT).

Harris RM, Stiver KA, Townsend JP, Alonzo SA, Hofmann HA (2013) Brain transcriptomes vary with reproductive tactic in the ocellated wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Atlanta (GA), P1.33.

Weitekamp CA, Hofmann HA (2013) Keeping your enemies close: Neural and hormonal mechanisms of cooperative defense in a cichlid fish. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Atlanta (GA), P1.48.

Harris RM, Salazar D, Dijkstra PD, Hofmann HA (2012) Molecular evolution and sub- functionalization of pro-opiomelanocortin (pomc) and melanocortin receptor (mcr) gene families. NORDFORSK Behavioural Fish Neuroscience Network (BiFiNe) Conference, Bergen (Norway).

O’Connell LA, Goetz BM, Moore AJ, Phelps SM, Szekely T, Trainor BC, Hofmann HA (2012) Evolutionary convergence of gene modules regulating social systems. Soc Neurosci Abstr 42:385.02

Fischer EK, Harris RM, Hofmann HA, Hoke KL (2012) Exposure to predation across different time scales alters cortisol levels in guppies. 10th International Congress of Neuroethology, College Park (MD), PO224.

Dijkstra PD, Hofmann HA (2012) The melanocortin system links color and social behavior in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Evolution 2012, Ottawa (ON):2.32.

Harris RM, Dijkstra PD, Hofmann HA (2012) Comparative promoter analysis of the pro-opiomelanocortin (pomc) gene family. Gordon Research Conference in Genes and Behavior, Galveston (TX).

Hofmann HA, Fontenot MR, O’Connell LA (2011) Molecular profiles and evolution of dopaminergic cell populations in the vertebrate brain. Soc Neurosci Abstr 41:514.09

Dijkstra PD, Hofmann HA (2011) The melanocortin system links color and social behavior in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Querétaro (Mexico).

Mitchell MM, O’Connell LA, Dykstra DW, Hofmann HA (2011) Responses to social challenge and opportunity depend on sensory modality. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Querétaro (Mexico).

O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2011) Neuroendocrine and molecular contributions to the social interactome. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Querétaro (Mexico).

Hofmann HA, Harris RM, Hendrickson DA, Oldfield RG (2011) Neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying variation in mating systems in cichlid fishes. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Querétaro (Mexico).

Matthews BJ, O’Connell LA, Hofmann HA (2011) Neuropeptide regulation of paternal care in a monogamous cichlid fish. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Querétaro (Mexico).

Whitaker KW, Alvarez MA, Preuss T, Hofmann HA (2010) Skin color regulates the decision to startle. Soc Neurosci Abstr 40:170.17

Huffman LS, Mitchell MM, Munchrath LA, Hofmann HA (2010) Rising StARs: Behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to social challenge and opportunity. Cichlid Science 2010, Basel (Switzerland).

Machado HE, Duftner N, Sessa AK, Hofmann HA, Renn SCP (2010) Genomic microarray hybridization enhances comparative transcriptomics of cichlid mating system evolution. Cichlid Science 2010, Basel (Switzerland).

Munchrath LA, Hofmann HA (2010) Evolution of neural networks regulating social behavior. 9th International Congress of Neuroethology, Salamanca, Spain.

Munchrath LA, Hofmann HA (2010) Beyond the individual: Sex steroid receptors modulate behavior in social networks. 9th International Congress of Neuroethology, Salamanca (Spain).

Dijkstra PD, Verzijden MN, Metcalfe NB, Hofmann HA (2010) Does variation in the challenge response facilitate speciation? Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Toronto (CN).

Kidd MR, Munchrath LA, Harris RM, Alcott C, Lavee D, Ma J, Sepeda D, Hofmann HA (2010) Sex and decision making: The neural and molecular basis of female mate choice. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Toronto (CN).

Munchrath LA, Hofmann HA (2010) Deciphering the social interactome: Sex steroid receptors modulate social networks, behavior and preoptic gene expression in a cichlid fish. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, Toronto (CN).

Hofmann HA, Munchrath LA (2009) Evolution of the vertebrate social decision-making network. Soc Neurosci Abstr 39:194.14.

Whitaker KW, Neumeister H, Preuss T, Hofmann HA (2009) Social status and startle-escape: Modulation of a simple decision-making circuit in an African cichlid fish. Soc Neurosci Abstr 39:194.15.

Munchrath LA, Hofmann HA (2009) Sex, steroids and aggression: brain steroid receptor expression regulates social dominance in an African cichlid fish. Soc Neurosci Abstr 39:684.16.

Sessa AK, Duftner N, Kidd MR, Renn SCP, Hofmann HA (2009): Genomic signatures of social evolution in East African cichlid fish. European Society for Evolutionary Biology Meeting, Turin (Italy)

Huffman LS, Hofmann HA (2009): Molecular and neuroendocrine mechanisms of social transition. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, East Lansing (MI).

Munchrath LA, Hofmann HA (2009): Evolution of the vertebrate social decision-making network. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, East Lansing (MI).

Oldfield R, Hofmann HA (2009): The V1a vasotocin receptor mediates pairbond formation in a cichlid fish. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting, East Lansing (MI).

O'Quin KE, Hofmann C, Hofmann HA, Carleton K (2009) Opsin gene expression diversity among the cichlid fishes of Lake Tanganyika. Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Iowa City (IA).

Kidd MR, Hofmann HA (2009): Sex and prostaglandin: Towards a mechanistic view of mate choice. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston.

Kidd MR, Hofmann HA (2009): Hormonal regulation of female sexual behavior in a cichlid fish. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston.

Kidd C, Kidd MR, Hofmann HA (2009): A technique for measuring multiple hormones from individual water samples using commercial enzyme immunoassays. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston.

Aubin-Horth N, Hinz F, Huffman L, Wojcik S, Hofmann HA (2008) Genomic and endocrine basis of social climbing in males of the African cichlid Astatotilapia burtoni. EEEF Meeting, Boston.

Williams S, Kidd MR, Hofmann HA (2008): Male Behavioral Responses to the Female Ovulation Cycle in the Lek Breeding African Cichlid Fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Antonio, 2.103.

Neumeister H, Kidd C, Hofmann HA, Preuss T (2008): Physiological and molecular analysis of socially regulated escape behavior. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Antonio, 3.74.

Kidd MR, Hofmann HA (2008): Repeated Convergent Evolution of Parental Care Strategies within Xenotilapia, a Genus of Cichlid Fishes from Lake Tanganyika. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Antonio, 44.3.

Soares D, Hofmann HA (2006): Reconstructing the forebrain of a highly social African cichlid fish. Soc Neurosci Abstr 36:579.4.

Larkins-Ford J, Renn SCP, Hofmann HA (2005): Social dominance and pre-optic area gene expression profiles in an African cichlid fish. Soc Neurosci Abstr 35:780.12.

Neumeister H, Hofmann HA, Preuss T (2005): The influence of social status on startle-escape behavior in an African cichlid fish. Soc Neurosci Abstr 35:79.3.

Renn SCP, Aubin-Horth N, Hofmann HA (2005): Fish & Chips: Functional Genomics of Social Plasticity in African Cichlid Fishes. Soc Neurosci Abstr 35:780.13.

Aubin-Horth N, Desjardins JK, Martei JM, Balshine S, Hofmann HA (2005) Dominance status, sex, and gene expression: The case of the masculinized female brain. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Austin (TX).

Renn SCP, Fraser EJ, Aubin-Horth N, Hofmann HA (2005): Fish & Chips: Genes, Environment, and the Evolution of Social Behavior. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Diego, 4.5.

Fraser EJ, Renn SCP, and Hofmann HA (2005): Sex, sex-roles, and dominance: A functional genomics approach. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Diego, P3.72.

Pollen AA, Shumway CA, Hofmann HA (2004): Neuroanatomical correlates of the social and physical environment in African cichlid fishes. Soc Neurosci Abstr 34:89.1

Trainor BC, Hofmann HA (2004): Social dominance and somatostatin in the African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni: A new role for an ancient peptide. Soc Neurosci Abstr 34:88.6.

Aubin-Horth N, Martei Y, Hofmann HA (2004): From genomes to social brains: How genes and environment sculpt social behavior in the African cichlid fish Neolamprologus brichardi. Soc Neurosci Abstr 34:88.11.

Renn SCP, Fraser EJ, Hofmann HA (2004): A genomic study of the mechanisms of sex-role behavior. 7th International Congress of Neuroethology, Nyborg, Denmark.

Trainor BC, Hofmann HA (2004): Interactions between the neuropeptide somatostatin and social plasticity in the African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, P1.124.

Renn SCP, Hofmann HA (2004): A genomic study of the mechanisms of sex-role behavior. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, 58.11.

Renn SCP, Aubin-Horth N, Hofmann HA (2004): Comparative functional genomics and the study of complex phenotypes in "non-model" organisms. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, P1.53.

Aubin-Horth N, Renn SCP, Hofmann HA (2003): Comparative functional genomics "non-model" organisms: Cross-species microarray experiments to study ecology, evolution, and behaviour in teleosts. IXth Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Leeds (UK).

Hofmann HA, Barrett T, Greenwood AK, Becker KG, Fernald RD (2001) Social status controls gene expression profiles in an African cichlid fish. Soc Neurosci Abstr 31:957.3.

Greenwood AK, Shaw A, Chang J, Hofmann HA, Fernald RD (2001) Function of Arginine-Vasotocin in a fish with reversible phenotypes. Soc Neurosci Abstr 31: 88.10.

Altman J, Hofmann HA, Fernald RD (2000) Cortisol during social and environmental change in an African cichlid fish. Soc Neurosci Abstr 30:372.6

Hofmann HA, Huang L, Fernald RD (2000) Contingent behavior in a cichlid fish: When the cat is away the mice will play. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Hofmann HA, Le Bail PY, Fernald RD (1999) Social control of growth and growth hormone levels in an African cichlid fish. Soc Neurosci Abstr 29:348.16.

Shumway CA, Hofmann HA (1999) How social and environmental pressures sculpt the brain. Gordon Research Conference in Neuroethology, Oxford, UK.

Hofmann HA, Fernald RD (1999) Social status controls somatic growth and somatostatin-containing neuron size in an African cichlid fish. 3rd Annual Meeting, Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Charlottesville, VA.

Hofmann HA (1998) Reverse Neuroethology: How does behavior modulate the nervous system? Soc Neurosci Abstr 28: 77.1.

Hofmann HA, Benson ME, Fernald RD (1998) Social control of growth rate in an African cichlid fish. 5th International Congress of Neuroethology, San Diego, CA.

Stevenson PA, Hofmann HA, Schildberger K (1997): Amine depletion in the aggressive cricket. In: Elsner N, Wässle H (eds): Proceedings of the 25th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, p. 256.

Hofmann HA, Stevenson PA, Schildberger K (1996b) Amines and aggression in the cricket. Soc Neurosci Abstr 26: 811.11

Hofmann HA, Stevenson PA, Schildberger K (1996a) Fight, flight and neurohormones in the cricket. In: Elsner N, Schnitzler HU (eds): Brain and Evolution, Proceedings of the 24th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, p. 19.

Hofmann HA, Schildberger K (1995b): Aggressiveness in crickets is modulated by different factors changing the behavioural state. In: Burrows M, Matheson T, Newland PL, Schuppe HJ (eds): Nervous Systems and Behaviour. 4th International Congress of Neuroethology, p. 201.

Hofmann HA, Schildberger K (1995a): Stress of “punishment” resets the fighting readiness in crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus & G. campestris). In: Elsner N, Menzel M (eds): Learning and Memory, Proceedings of the 23rd Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, p. 262.

Hofmann HA, Zeil J (1993): Landmark orientation in swarming midges (Chaoborus flavicans  Fabr.). In: Elsner N, Heisenberg M (eds): Gene - Brain -Behaviour, Proceedings of the 21st Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, p. 380.

Schildberger K, Hofmann HA (1992): Octopamine may modulate aggressive behaviour  of crickets. In: Elsner N, Richter DW (eds): Rhythmogenesis in Neurons and Networks, Proceedings of the 20th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, p. 36.


BIO 361T Comparative Animal Physiology (every Spring)


BIO 382K Biology for Data Science (2017 - 2021)

BIO 390D / NEU 385L Fundamentals of Integrative Animal Behavior (since 2020)

Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Ross DeAngelis, NSF PRFB postdoctoral fellows

Graduate Students

Savvy Cornett (EEB)

Jennie DeVore (EEB, NSF GRFP Awardee)

Emily Lessig (EEB, Stengl-Wyer Fellow)

Sarah Muh (EEB)

Landon Porter (EEB)

We are always looking for talented undergraduate and graduate students with a passion for research in evolutionary neurobiology and behavioral genomics. Prospective students should contact Dr. Hans Hofmann at hans@utexas.edu.