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Blickman, Rachel

Blickman, Rachel

Graduate Research Assistant (Neff)
Population Research Center

Research advisors are Lisa Neff and Marci Gleason

Postal Address
305 E 23RD ST
AUSTIN, TX 78712

Rachel's research focuses on interpersonal processes that foster individual and relational well-being among adult romantic couples. She is particularly interested in the ways that personal insecurities function within relationships, and the support strategies that can promote or prohibit those insecurities. To explore these complex areas of relationships, Rachel leverages the naturalistic dynamics captured in observational data, as well as intensive longitudinal data to examine behavioral patterns as they occur and change over time.

Blickman, R. S., Neff, L. A., & Beer, J. S. (2023). Is Older Indeed Wiser? Identifying Conflict Communication Patterns in Older and Younger Dating Couples. Communication Methods and Measures, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/19312458.2023.2207816

Blickman, R. S. (2023). Do you still find me attractive? Partners’ Daily Perceptions of attractiveness across the transition to parenthood [Unpublished master's thesis]. Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Texas at Austin

Blickman, R. S., & Campbell, C. G. (2022). Moving toward an integrated model of the father–daughter relationship during adolescence. Family Relations, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12787