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Jaimie N Davis

Professor, Associate Director for SoHE
Department of Nutritional Sciences, School of Human Ecology

Julian C. Barton Professorship in Nutrition (Holder)


Phone: 512-471-0971

Office Location

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AUSTIN, TX 78723

Jaimie Davis is a Registered Dietitian and Associate Professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at UT-Austin. She has extensive expertise in nutrition physical activity, and body composition assessment in pediatric populations. Many of her studies among obese Hispanic youth have shown protective effects of diets low in sugar intake, specifically sugar sweetened beverages, and high in dietary fiber and fruits and vegetables against increased obesity and related metabolic diseases. Dr. Davis’s research also involves developing and testing school and community based gardening and cooking programs targeting obesity prevention and treatment for low-income minority populations.

Dr. Davis has written numerous papers examining the role that dietary intake, specifically added sugar and dietary fiber, plays on adiposity and metabolic profiles in overweight Latino children. She has also conducted numerous clinical randomized controlled trials to examine the effects of diet and physical activity interventions on adiposity and related metabolic disease risks. She has examined the effects of diet and physical activity behaviors on cancer biomarkers, such as circulated sex hormones, fat depots and inflammatory pathways. Dr. Davis has also explored how diet interacts with genes and how these interactions influence metabolic disease risk.

She is currently conducting and testing the effects of a school and community based garden, nutrition, and cooking interventions on reductions in obesity and metabolic disease risk in minority youth.

 Over the past 20 years, Dr. Davis’s research has focused on designing and implementing dietary and exercise interventions to reduce obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes risk factors in youth and adults. She has conducted numerous clinical, community and school-based randomized controlled trials with high-risk populations. She has over 100 peer-reviewed articles that address the effects of behaviors (both dietary and physical activity behaviors) and how changes in these behaviors impact and mediate changes in adiposity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiometabolic disease risk factors. She has served as Principal Investigator on numerous federal and foundation grants.  Dr. Davis specializes in implementing and evaluating school garden programs to improve health outcomes in underserved, primarily minority youth and their families. Dr. Davis recently completed an NIH funded cluster randomized controlled trial that found that a 1-year gardening, nutrition, and cooking intervention conducted with over 3,000 elementary schools resulted in increased vegetable intake, improved glucose control, reduced LDL cholesterol and improved academic performace compared to control group. That research also led to development of a series of school garden trainings and resources to help schools sustain and scale their school garden programs and currently. To date, Dr. Davis's EdEN (Educate, Evaluate, and Nutrition) lab has provided school gardening programs to over 450 schoolteachers, 100 school administrators, and 40 GLCs from 75 schools across Central Texas. Dr. Davis plans to continue to develop, implement and evaluate gardening and nutrition programs across the Nation.

  1. Vandyousefi S, Ranjit N, Jeans M, Landry MJ, Nikah K, Davis JN. TX Sprouts Improves gardening and nutrition knowledge, self-efficacy, and attitudes and preference for fruits and vegetables. J Acad Nutr Diet 2023: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2023.03.015
  2. Hudson E, Burgermaster M, Isis S, Landry M, Jeans MJ, Vandyousefi S, Chandra J. Seguin-Folwer RA, Davis JN. Changes in availability of healthy food in homes of participants in TX Sprouts, a school-based gardening, nutrition, and cooking program. Frontiers in Nutrition 2023:10: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2023.1278125
  3. Uribe ALM, Demment M, Graham ML, Szeszulski J, Rethorst CD, Githinji P, Nelson ME, Strogatz D, Folta SC, Baily RL, Davis JN, Seugin-Fowlder SA. Strong Hearts, Healthy Communities 2.0: Effect of a community-randomized cardiovascular disease risk reduction intervention on diet-related outcomes of women in rural communities. Am J Clin Nutr2023: 118(5):1055-1066.DOI: 1016/j.ajcnut.2023.09.003
  4. Ghaddar R, Hudson EA, Jeans MJ, Vandyousefi S, Landry MJ. Davis JN. Ethnicity/race, parent educational attainment, and obesity associated with prediabetes in children. Nutrition & Diabetes2023: 13:15. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41387-023-00244-4
  5. Jeans MJ, Vandyousefi S, Landry MJ, Leidy HJ, Gray MJ, Bray MS, Widen EM, Davis JN. Effects of a school-based gardening, cooking, and nutrition cluster randomized controlled trial on unprocessed and ultra-processed food consumption. J Nutr2023:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tjnut.2023.04.013
  6. Davis JN, Landry MJ, Vandyousefi S, Jeans MJ, Hudson E, Hoelscher DM, van Den Berg AE, Perez A. The effects of a school-based cluster randomized controlled nutrition, gardening, and cooking intervention on metabolic parameters in high-risk youth JAMA Network Open: 2023: 6 (1): e2250375.DOI:1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.50375
  7. Davis, JN, Nikah K, Landry MJ, Vandyousefi, S, Ghaddar R, Jeans MJ, Cooper MH, Martin B, Waugh L, Sharma SV, van den Berg, A. Effects of a garden, nutrition, cooking randomized controlled trial on academic performance. J Acad Nutr Diet: 20; DOI:1016/j.jand.2022.08.125
  8. Jeans MJ, Vandyousefi S, Landry MJ, Leidy HJ, Gray MJ, Bray MS, Widen EM, Davis JN.Breakfast consumption may improve fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, and HbA1c levels in predominately low income Hispanic children 7-12 years of age. 2022: 14 (11); 2320.  DOI: 10.3390/nu14112320
  9. Jeans MJ, Ghaddar R, Vandyousefi S, Landry MJ, Gray MJ, Leidy HJ, Whittaker TA, Bray MS, Davis JN. Distinct racial and ethnic metabolic syndrome characteristics: A comparative assessment in low-income children 7-10 years of age. Ped Obes. 2022: https://doi-org.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/10.1111/ijpo.12925
  10. Jeans MR, Landry MJ, Asigbee FM, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Bray MS, Leidy HJ, Davis, JN. Comparison of School vs home breakfast consumption on cardiometabolic and dietary parameters in predominately low-income Hispanic elementary school-aged children. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022: 122 (4); 833-847. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.10.014.
  11. Haidar A, Spence M, Boone J, Pomeroy M, Dachman R, Markham C, Davis JN, Sharma SV.Innovative partnerships to address food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Brighter Bites Produce Voucher Program. Int J Environ Res Pub Health. 2021: 18(7); 9175 https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18179175
  12. Landry MJ, van den Berg AE, Hoelscher DM, Asigbee FM, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Jeans MJ, Waugh L, Nikah K, Sharma SV. Davis JN. Impact of a school-based gardening, cooking, nutrition intervention on dietary intake and quality: The TX Sprouts Randomized Controlled Trial. 2021: 13(9); 3081 https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13093081
  13. Hoover A, Vandyousefi S, Martin B, Nikah K, Hockett Cooper M, Muller A, Marty E, Burgermaster M, Epstein M, Waugh L, Linkenhoker B. Davis JN. Barriers, Strategies, and Resources to Thriving School Gardens JNEB. 2021: doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2021.02.011.
  14. Weigensberg, M, Avila Q, Spruijt-Metz D, Davis JN, Wen CK, Goodman K, Perdomo M, Wade NB, Ding L, Lane C. Imagine HEALTH: Randomized controlled trial of a guided imagery lifestyle intervention to improve obesity-related lifestyle behaviors in predominantly Latinox adolescents. J Altern Complement Med. 2021: 27(9); 738-749 https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2020.0515.
  15. Bell BM, Spruijt-Metz D, Lane CJ, Chen FK, Davis, JN, Weigensberg MJ. The mediating role of emotional eating in the relationship between perceived stress and dietary intake quality in Hispanic/Latino adolescents. Eating Behaviors. 2021: doi.org/10.1016/j.eatbeh.2021.101537
  16. Davis JN, Perez A, Asigbee FM, Landry MJ, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Hoover A, Jeans M, Nikah K, Fischer B, Pont SJ, Richards D, Hoelscher DM, Van Den Berg AE. School-based gardening, cooking and nutrition intervention increased vegetable intake but did not reduce BMI: Texas Sprouts – a cluster randomized controlled trial. IJSBNPA. 2021:18:18. org/10.1186/s12966-021-01087-x.
  17. Vandysousefi, S, Davis JN,Gunderson EP. Association of infant diet with subsequent obesity at 2-5 years among children exposed to gestational diabetes: the SWIFT study.  2021: 64; 1121-1132 doi.org/10.1007/s00125-020-05379-y
  18. Jústiz A, Landry MJ, Asigbee FM, Ghaddar R, Jeans MR, Davis JN. Associations between child and parent knowledge of added sugar recommendations and added sugar intake in multiethnic elementary-aged children. Curr Dev Nutr. 2020; 4 (9) DOI:1093/cdn/nzaa140.
  19. Jeans MJ, Asigbee F, Landry MJ, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Leidy H. Davis JN. Breakfast consumption in low-income Hispanic elementary school-aged children: Association with anthropometric, metabolic and dietary parameters. Nutrients. 2020; 12(7): 2038. doi: 10.3390/nu12072038.
  20. Asigbee FM, Davis JN, Markowitz AK, Landry MJ, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Ranjit N, Warren J, Van den Berg A. The association between child cooking involvement in food preparation and fruit and vegetable intake in a Hispanic Youth Population. Curr Dev Nutr.2020: 4(4)https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa028
  21. Landry MJ, Burgermaster M, van den Berg AE, Asigbee FM, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Jeans MR, Yau A, Davis JN. Barriers to preparing and cooking vegetables is associated with decreased home availability of vegetables in low-income households.Nutrients. 2020; 12(6):1823doi:10.3390/nu12061823
  22. Davis JN, Nikah K, Asigbee FM, Landry MJ, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Hoover A, Jeans M, Pont SJ, Richards D, Hoelscher DM, Van Den Berg AE, Bluestein M, Perez A. Design and participant characteristics of TX sprouts: A school-based cluster randomized gardening, nutrition, and cooking intervention. Cont Clin Trials. 2019: 85; 105834.doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2019.105834.
  23. Nguyen CT, Luckett DJ, Kahkoska AR, Shearrer GE, Spruijt-Metz D, Davis JN, Kosorok MR. Estimating individualized treatment regimens from crossover designs. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1111/biom.13186
  24. Landry MJ, Ranjit, N, Hoelscher DM, Asigbee FM, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Davis JN. Validity and reliability of an expanded vegetable questionnaire among elementary school children. Curr Dev Nutr. 2019: 4;3(8).
  25. Landry MJ, van den Berg AE, Asigbee FM, Vandysoufefi S, Ghaddar R. Davis JN. Child compared with parent perceptions of child-level food security. Curr Dev Nutr. 2019: 27 (3); 10. 
  26. Vandyousefi S, Whaley SE, Widen EM, Asigbee FM, Landry MJ, Ghaddar R, Davis JN.Association of breastfeeding and early exposure to sugar-sweetened beverages with obesity prevalence in offspring born to mothers with and without gestational diabetes mellitus. Pediatric Obesity.https://doi.org/10.1111/ijpo.12569
  27. Vandyousefi S, Goran MI, Gunderson EP, Khazaee E, Landry MJ, Ghaddar R, Asigbee FM, Davis, JN. Association of breastfeeding and gestational diabetes mellitus with the prevalence of prediabetes and the metabolic syndrome in offspring of Hispanic mothers. Pediatric Obesity2019: 14(7);https://doi.org/10.1111/ijpo.12515
  28. Landry MJ, Markowitz AK, Asigbee FM, Gatto NM, Spruijt-Metz D, Davis JN. Cooking and gardening behaviors and improvements in dietary intake in Hispanic/Latino youth. Child Obes. 2019:15(4); 262-270.
  29. Landry MJ, Van den Berg AE, Asigbee FM, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Davis, JN. Child-report of food insecurity is associated with diet quality in children. 2019: 12:11(7);doi: 10.3390/nu11071574
  30. Landry MJ, Asigbee FM, Vandyousefi S, Khazaee E, Ghaddar R, Boisseau JB, House BT, Davis JN. Diet quality is an indicator of disease risk factors in a Hispanic college freshman population. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2019: 119 (5); 760-768.
  31. Landry MJ, Khazaee E, Markowitz AK, Vandyousefi S, Ghaddar R, Pilles KN, Asigbee FM, Gatto N, Davis JN. Impact of food security on glycemic control among low-income Hispanic/Latino children in Los Angeles, California: A cross-sectional study Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 2019: 14 (5): 709-724. https://doi.org/10.1080/19320248.2018.149136.
  32. Oleson S, Eagan D, Kaur S, Hertzing WJ, Alkatan M, Davis JN, Tanaka H, Haley AP. Apolipoprotein E genotype moderates the association between dietary polyunsaturated fat and brain function: an exploration of cerebral glutamate and cognitive performance. Nutr Neurosci. 2018, 22: 1-10.
  33. Weigensberg MJ, Spruijt-Metz D, Cheng FW, Davis JN, Avila Q, Juarez M, Brown-Wade N, Lane CJ. Protocol for the Imagine HEALTH Study: Guided imagery lifestyle intervention to improve obesity-related behaviors and salivary cortisol patterns in predominantly Latino adolescents. Cont Clin Trials. 2018: 72; 103-116.
  34. Davis JN, Asigbee FM, Markowitz AK, Landry MJ, Vandyousefi S, Khazaee E, Ghaddar R, Goran MI. Consumption of artificial sweetened beverages associated with adiposity and increasing HbA1c in Hispanic youth. Clinical Obesity. 2018: 8 (4): 236-243. doi: 10.1111/cob.12260.
  35. Bell B, Martinez L, Gotsis MH, Lane C, Davis JN, Castillo L, Ragusa G, Spruijt-Metz D. Virtual Sprouts: A virtual gardening pilot intervention increases self-efficacy to cook and eat fruits and vegetables in minority youth. Games Health J. 2018:7(2):200-204.
  36. House BT, Shearrer GE, Boisseau JB, Bray MS, Davis JN. Decreased eating frequency linked to increased visceral adipose tissue, body fat, and BMI in Hispanic college Freshmen. BMC Nutr. 2018: 4;10.
  37. Gatto NM, Martinez LC, Spruijt-Metz D, Davis JN. LA Sprouts randomized controlled nutrition, cooking, and gardening program reduces obesity and metabolic risk in Hispanic/Latino youth. Pediatric Obesity. 2017:12; 28-37.
  38. Davis JN,Shearrer GE, Tao W, Hurston, SR. Gunderson EP. Dietary variables associated with substantial postpartum weight retention at 1-year among women with GDM pregnancy. BMC Obesity. 2017: 4; 31. doi: 10.1186/s40608-017-0166-0.
  39. Hasson RE, Hsu Ya-Wen, Davis JNGoran MI, Spruijt-Metz D, The influence of parental education on dietary intake in Latino Youth.J Immigrant Minority Health. 2017: 20; 250-254. doi 10.1007/s10903-017-0563-y
  40. O’Reilly GA., Black DS, Huh J, Davis JN, Unger J, Spruijt-Metz D. Sugar restriction leads to increased ad libitum sugar intake by overweight adolescents in an experimental test meal setting. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2017:117(7); 1041-1048.
  41. Cheng, FK, Hsieh S, Huh J, Martinez LC, Davis JN, Weigensberg MJ, Spruijt-Metz D. The role of assimilating to the US culture and the relationship between neighborhood ethnic composition and dietary intake among Hispanic Youth. J Racial Ethnic Health. 2016: DOI 10.1007/s40615-016-0293-1.
  42. Lee SL, Shearrer GE, Koleilat M, Hernandez LM, Davis JN. Screen time associated to unhealthy diets in low-income children. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2016: 4 (2); 94-99.
  43. Oleson S, Gonzales MM, Tarumi T, Davis JN, Cassill CK, Tanaka H, Haley A. Nutrient intake and cerebral metabolism in middle-aged adults: Implications for cognitive aging Nutritional Neuroscience. 2017: 20(8); 489-496.
  44. Shearrer GE, O’Reilly GA, Belcher B, Daniels M, Goran M, Spruijt-Metz D, Davis JN. The impact of sugar sweetened beverage intake on hunger and satiety in minority adolescents. 2016: 97;43-48.
  45. Davis JN, Martinez LT, Spruijt-Metz D, Gatto N. LA Sprouts: A 12-week gardening, nutrition and cooking randomized control trial improves determinants of dietary intake. JNEB. 2016; 48 (1)doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2015.08.009
  46. Hasson RE, Adam TC, Davis JN, Watanabe R, Goran MI. Compensatory responses to insulin resistance in obese African-American and Latina girls. Pediatric Obesity. 2013: 8(6); e68-e73.
  47. House BT, Cook LC, Gyllenhammer LE, Schraw JM, Goran MI, Weigensberg MJ, Davis JN. Meal skipping linked to increased visceral adipose tissue and triglycerides in overweight minority youth. Obesity. 2013: 22(5); E77-84.
  48. Davis JN, Koleilat M, Shearrer GE, Whaley SE. Association of infant feeding and dietary intake on obesity prevalence in low-income toddlers. Obesity. 2014: 22(4); 1103-11.
  49. Cook LT, O’Reilly G, Goran MI, Weigensberg MJ, Spruijt-Metz D, Davis JN. Vegetable consumption is linked to decrease visceral and liver fat and improved insulin resistance in overweight Latino youth. J Acad Nutr Diet.2014: 114 (11); 1776-83.
  50. Gyllenhammer LE, Weigensberg MJ, Spruijt-Metz D, Allayee H, Goran MIDavis JN. Modifying Influence of Dietary Factors in the Relationship Between Cortisol and Visceral Adipose Tissue in Minority Youth. Obesity. 2014: 22 (2); 474-481.
  51. Hsieh S, Klassen AC, Curriero F, Caulfield LE, Cheskin LJ, Davis JNGoran MI, Weigensberg MD, Spruijt-Metz D. Fast food restaurants, park access and insulin resistance among Hispanic Youth. Am J Prev Med. 2014: 46 (4); 378-387.
  52. Shearrer GE, Whaley SE, Miller SJ, House, BT, Held, T, Davis JN. Association of gestational diabetes and breastfeeding on obesity prevalence in predominately Hispanic low-income youth. Pediatric Obesity. 2014: 10(3);165-171.
  53. House BT, Shearrer GE, Miller SJ, Pasch KE, Goran MI, Davis JN. Increased eating frequency linked to decreased obesity and improved metabolic outcomes. Int J Obesity. 2015: 39;136-141.
  54. Davis JN, Spaniol M, Sommerset S. Sustenance and sustainability: maximizing the impact of school gardens on health outcomes. Public Heath Nutrition. 2015: 23; 1-10.
  55. Hsieh S, Klassen AC, Curriero FC, Caulfield LE, Cheskin LJ, Davis JN, Goran MI, Weigensberg MJ, Spruijt-Metz D. Built environment associations with adiposity parameters among overweight and obese Hispanic youth. Preventive Medicine Report. 2015: 2; 406-412.
  56. Miller SJ, Batra AK, Shearrer GE, House BT, Cook LT, Pont SJ, Goran MIDavis JN.Dietary fibre linked to decreased inflammation in overweight minority youth. Pediatric Obesity.2015: 11(1); 33-39.
  57. Martinez LC, Gatto NM, Spruijt-Metz D, Davis JN. Design and methodology of the LA Sprouts nutrition, cooking and gardening program for Latino youth: A randomized controlled intervention. Cont Clin Trials. 2015:42; 219-227.
  58. O’Reilly GA, Belcher B, Davis JN, Martinez LT, Huh J, Luz Antunez-Castillo, Weigensberg M, Goran MI, Spruijt-Metz D. Effects of high-sugar and high-fiber meals on physical activity behaviors in Latino and African American adolescents. Obesity. 2015: 23 (9); 1886-94.
  59. Shearrer GE, House BT, Gallas MC, Luci J, Davis JN.Fat Imaging via Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in young children (ages 1-4 years) without sedation. PLoS One2015: 22 (11): doi:10.1371.
  60. Gyllenhammer LE, Vanni AK, Meija M, Byrd-Williams C, Kalan M. Bernstein L, Davis JN. Objective habitual physical activity and estradiol levels in obese Latina adolescents. J Phys Act Health. 2013: 10 (5); 727-33.
  61. Schembre, SM, Wen F, Davis JN, Shen E, Nguyen-Rodriguez ST, Belcher BR, Hsu YW, Weigensberg MJ, Goran MI, Spruijt-Metz D. Eating breakfast more frequently is cross-sectionally associated with greater physical activity and lower levels of adiposity in overweight Latina and African American girls. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013: 98 (2); 275-281. 
  62. Hasson RE, Adam TC, Pearson J, Davis JN, Spruijt-Metz D, Goran MI. Sociocultural and socioeconomic influences on type 2 diabetes risk in overweight/obese African American and Latino youth. Obesity. 2013: https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/512914
  63. Davis JN, Gunderson EP, Gyllenhammer LE, Goran MI. Impact of gestational diabetes mellitus on pubertal changes in adiposity and metabolic profiles in Latino offspring. J Pediatrics. 2013: 162(4); 741-745. 
  64. Alderete TL, Gyllenhammer LE, Byrd-Williams C, Spruijt-Metz D, Goran MI, Davis JN. Increasing physical activity decreases hepatic fat and metabolic risk factors. J Exerc Physiol. 2012: 15 (2); 40-54. 
  65. Walker RW, Le K-A, Davis JN, Alderete TL, Cherry R, Lebel S, Goran MI. High rates of fructose malabsorption are associated with reduced liver fat in obese African Americans. J Am Coll Nutr. 2012: 31:5; 369-374.
  66. Gatto NM, Ventura EE, Cook LT, Gyllenhammer LE, Davis JN. LA Sprouts: A garden-based nutrition intervention impacts motivation and preferences for fruits and vegetables in Latino youth. J Acad Nutr Diet.2012: 112 (6); 913-920.
  67. Kim JS, Le KA, Mahurka S, Davis JNGoran MI. Influence of elevated liver fat on circulating adipocytokines and insulin resistance in obese Hispanic adolescents. Pediatric Obesity. 2012: 7(2); 158-164.
  68. Davis JN, Ventura EE, Tung A, Munevar MA, Hasson, RE, Byrd-Williams C, Vanni A, Spruijt-Metz D, Weigensberg MJ, Goran MI. Effects of a maintenance intervention on obesity and metabolic disease risk in overweight minority adolescents. Pediatric Obesity 2012: 7; 16-27.
  69. Davis JN, Whaley S. Goran MI. Effects of breastfeeding and low sugar-sweetened beverage intake on obesity prevalence in Hispanic toddlers. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012: 95 (12); 3-8.
  70. Hasson RE, Adam TC, Davis JN, Kelly LA, Ventura EE, Byrd-Williams C, Roberts CK, Lane CJ, Azen SP, Chou CP, Spruijt-Metz D, Weigensberg MJ, Berhane K, Goran MI. Randomized controlled trial to improve adiposity, inflammation, and insulin resistance in obese African American and Latino youth. Obesity. 2012: 20(4); 811-818.
  71. Adam TC, Hasson RE, Lane CJ, Davis JN, Weigensberg MJ, Spruijt-Metz D, Goran MI. Fasting indicators of insulin sensitivity: Effects of ethnicity and pubertal status. Diabetes Care. 2011: 34(4):994-9.  
  72. Hsu Y-H, Belcher BR, Ventura EE, Byrd-Williams C, Weigensberg MJ, Davis JN, McClain A, Goran MI, Spruijt-Metz D. Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and the Metabolic Syndrome in Minority Youth. MSSE. 2011:43 (12); 2307-2313.
  73. Davis JN, Gyllenhammer LE, Vanni AA, Meija M, Tung A, Schroeder ET, Spruijt-Metz D, Goran MI. Start-up circuit training program reduces metabolic risk in Latino adolescents. MSSE. 2011: 43 (11); 2195-2203.
  74. Davis JN, Ventura EE, Cook LE, Gyllenhammer LE, Gatto NM. LA Sprouts: A Gardening and Nutrition, and Cooking Intervention for Latino Youth Improves Diet and Reduces Obesity. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011: 111; 1224-1230.
  75. Le KA, Ventura EE, Fisher JQ, Davis, JN, Weigensberg MJ, Punyanitya M, Hu HH, Nayak KS, Goran MI.Ethnic differences in pancreatic fat accumulation and its relationship with other fat depots and inflammatory markers. Diabetes Care. 2011: 34 (2); 485-490.
  76. Toledo-Corral CM, Davis JN, Alderete TL, Weigensberg MJ, Ayala CT, Li Y, Hodis N, Goran MI. Subclinical atherosclerosis in Latino youth: Progression of carotid intima media thickness and its relationship to cardiometabolic risk factors. J Pediatrics. 2011: 158 (6); 935-940. 
  77. Shaibi GQ, Davis JN, Weigensberg MJ, Goran MI. Improving insulin resistance in obese youth: Choose your measures wisely. IJPO. 2010: 6; No 2-2; e290-e296.  
  78. Ventura EE, Davis JNGoran MI. Sugar content of popular sweetened beverages based on objective laboratory analysis: focus on fructose content. Obesity. 2010: 19 (4); 868-874.
  79. Goran MI, Walker R, Le KA, Mahurkar S, Vikman S, Davis JN, Spruijt-Metz D, Weigensberg MJ, Allayee H. Effects of PNPLA3 on liver fat and metabolic profile in Hispanic children and adolescents. Diabetes. 2010: 59 (12); 3127-30.
  80. Davis JN, Le KA, Walker RW, Vikman S, Spruijt-Metz D, Weigensberg MJ, Allayee H, Goran MI. Increased hepatic fat in overweight hispanic youth influenced by interaction between genetic variation in PNPLA3 and high dietary carbohydrate and sugar consumption. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010: 92:1522-7.
  81. Davis JN, Ventura EE, Shaibi GQ, Byrd-Williams CE, Alexander KE, Vanni AK, Meija MR, Lane CJ, Weigensberg MJ, Spruijt-Metz D, Goran MI. Interventions for improving metabolic risk in overweight Latino youth. IJPO. 2010: 5; 451-455.  
  82. Hasson RE, Adam TC, Davis JN, Weigensberg MJ, Ventura EE, Lane CJ, Roberts CK, Goran MI. Ethnic differences in insulin action in obese African American and Latino adolescents. JCEM. 2010: 95; 4048-405.
  83. Byrd-Williams CE, Belcher BR, Spruijt-Metz D, Davis JN, Ventura EE, Kelly LA, Berhane K, Azen S, Goran MI. Increased physical activity and reduced adiposity in overweight Latino adolescents.  MSSE. 2010: 42 (3); 478-484.
  84. Adam TC, Toledo-Coral C, Lane CJ, Weigensberg MJ, Davis JNGoran MI. Insulin sensitivity as an independent predictor of fat mass gain in Hispanic adolescents. Diabetes Care. 2009: 32 (11); 2114-5.
  85. Davis JN, Alexander KE, Ventura EE, Toledo-Corral CM, Goran MI. Inverse relation between dietary fiber intake and visceral adiposity in overweight Latino youth. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009: 90; 1160-1166.
  86. Spruijt-Metz D, Belcher BR, Anderson D, Lane CJ, Chou C, Salter-Venzon D, Davis JN, Hsu Y-W, Neuhouser M, Richey JM, McKenzie TL, McClain A, Goran MI, Weigensberg MJ. A high sugar, low fiber meal leads to higher leptin and physical activity levels in overweight Latina females as opposed to a low sugar, high fiber meal. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009: 109; 1058-1063.
  87. Ventura EE, Lane CJ, Weigensberg MJ, Toledo-Corral CM, Davis JNGoran MI. Persistence of the metabolic syndrome over 3 annual visits in overweight Latino children: Association with progressive risk for type 2 diabetes. J Pediatrics. 2009:155; 535-541. 
  88. Alexander KE, Ventura EV, Spruijt-Metz D, Weigensberg MJ, Goran MI, Davis JN. Association of breakfast skipping with visceral fat and insulin indices in overweight Latino youth. Obesity. 2009: 17; 1528-1533.
  89. Davis JN, Kelly LA, Lane CJ, Ventura EE, Byrd-Williams CE, Alexandar KA, Azen SP Chou CP, Spruijt-Metz D, Weigensberg MJ, Berhane K, Goran MI. Randomized control trial to improve adiposity and insulin resistance in overweight Latino adolescents. Obesity. 2009: 17:1534-1541.
  90. Davis JN, Tung A, Chak SS, Ventura EE, Byrd-Williams CE, Alexander KE, Lane CJ, Weigensgerg MJ, Spruijt-Metz D, Goran MI. Aerobic and strength training reduces adiposity in overweight Latina adolescents. MSSE. 2009: 41 (7); 1494-1503.
  91. Ventura EE, Davis JN, Byrd-Williams CE, Alexandar KE, McClain A, Lane CJ, Spruijt-Metz D, Weigensberg MJ, Goran MI. Reduction in risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus in response to a low-sugar, high-fiber dietary intervention in overweight Latino adolescents. Archive of Pediatric Medicine. 2009: 163 (4); 320-327.
  92. Davis JN, Nelson MC, Ventura EE, Lytle LA, Goran MI. A brief dietary screener: Appropriate for overweight Latino adolescents? J Am Diet Assoc. 2009: 109; 725-729.
  93. Goran MI, Davis JN, Kelly LA, Shaibi GQ, Spruijt-Metz D, Suni MS, Weigensberg MJ. Low prevalence of pediatric type 2 diabetes: Where’s the epidemic? J Pediatrics. 2008: 152 (6): 753-755. 
  94. Koebnick C, Roberts CK, Shaibi GQ, Kelly LA, Lane CJ, Toledo-Corral CM, Davis JN, Ventura EE, Alexander KE, Weigensberg MJ, Goran MI. Adiponectin and leptin are independently associated with insulin sensitivity, but not insulin secretion or beta-cell function in overweight Hispanic adolescents. Hormone and Metabolism. 2008: 40; 708-712.
  95. Byrd-Williams CE, Shaibi GQ, Sun P, Lane CJ, Ventura EE, Davis JN, Kelly LA, Goran MI. Cardiorespiratory fitness predicts changes in adiposity in overweight Hispanic boys. Obesity. 2008: 16; 1072-1077.
  96. Toledo-Corral CM, Roberts CK, Shaibi GQ, Lane CJ, Davis JN, Higgins PB, Weigensberg MJ, and Goran MI.Insulin-like growth factor-1 is inversely related to adiposity in overweight Latino children. J Ped Endocrinol and Metab. 2008 Sep; 21(9); 855-64.
  97. Ventura EE, Davis JN, Alexander KE, Shaibi GQ, Lee W, Byrd-Williams CE, Toledo-Corral CM, Lane CJ, Kelly LA, Weigensberg WJ, Goran MI. Dietary intake and the metabolic syndrome in overweight Latino children. JADA. 2008; 108: 1355-1359.  
  98. Koebnick C, Kelly LA, Lane CJ, Roberts CK, Shaibi GQ, Toledo-Corral CM, Davis JN, Weigensberg MJ, Goran MI. Combined association of maternal and paternal family history of diabetes with plasma leptin and adiponectin in overweight Hispanic children. Diabet Met Syn. 2007: 25 (9); 1043-1048.
  99. Koebnick C, Shaibi GQ, Kelly LA, Roberts CK, Lane CJ, Toledo-Corral C, Davis JN, Byrd-Williams C, Weigensberg MJ, Goran MI. Leptin-to-adiponectin ratio as independent predictor of insulin sensitivity during growth in overweight Hispanic youth. J Endocrinol Invest. 2007: 30(7); RC13-16.
  100. Kelly LA, Lane CJ, Koebnick C, Weigensberg MJ, Roberts CK, Davis JN, Toledo CM, Shaibi GQ, Goran MI.  Parental history and risk of type 2 diabetes in overweight Latino adolescents: A longitudinal analysis. Diabetes Care. 2007: 30; 2700-2705.
  101. Shaibi GQ, Cruz ML, Weigensberg MJ, Toledo CM, Lane CJ, Kelly LA, Davis JN, Koebnick C, Ventura EE, Roberts CK, Goran MI. Adiponectin independently predicts metabolic syndrome in overweight Latino youth. JCEM. 2007: 92; 1809-1813.  
  102. Byrd-Williams CE, Kelly LA, Davis JN, Spruijt-Metz D, Goran MI.   Influence of gender, BMI, and Hispanic ethnicity on physical activity in children. IJPO. 2007: 2(3); 159-166.
  103. Davis JN, Alexander KE, Ventura EE, Kelly LE, Spruijt-Metz D, Weigensberg MJ, Goran MI. Associations of dietary sugar and glycemic index with adiposity and insulin dynamics in overweight Latino youth. Am J Clin Nutr.2007: 86; 1331.
  104. Davis JN, Ventura EE, Shaibi GQ, Weigensberg MJ, Spruijt-Metz D, Watanabe RM, Goran MI.Reduction in added sugar intake and improvement in insulin secretion in overweight Latina adolescents. Met Syn Rel Dis.2007: 5 (2);183-193.
  105. Davis JN, Weigensberg MJ, Shaibi GQ, Crespo NC, Kelly LA, Lane CJ, Goran MI.Influence of breastfeeding on obesity and type 2 diabetes risk factors in Latino youth with a family history of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care.2007: 30 (4); 784-789.
  106. Davis JN, Ventura EE, Alexander KE, Salguero LE, Weigensberg MJ, Crespo NC, Spruijt-Metz D, Goran MI.Feasibility of a home-based versus classroom-based nutrition intervention to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes in Latino youth. 2007: 2; 22-30. 
  107. Goran MI, Shaibi GQ, Weigensberg MJ, Davis JN, Cruz ML. Deterioration of insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function in overweight Hispanic children: A longitudinal assessment. 2006: 1(3); 139-145.
  108. Davis JN, Ventura EE, Weigensberg MJ, Ball G, Bergman RN, Goran MI.The relation of sugar intake ß-cell function in overweight Latino children. Am J Clin Nutr.2005: 82;1004-1010.
  109. Davis JNGillham MB,Hodges, VA.Normal-weight adults consume more fiber and fruit than their age- and height-matched overweight/obese counterparts. J Am Diet Assoc. 2006: 106; 833-840. 
  110. Davis, JN, Hodges VA, Gillham MB. Physical activity compliance: Differences between overweight /obese adults and normal-weight adults. 2006: 14; 2259-2265.

Chair, EdEN Lab – Educate, Evaluate, and Nutrition. Presented as a keynote speaker at the National School Garden Summit, Denver CO; Fall 2022 (in person)

Co-Chair, The Impact of Gardening on Health. Presented at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; Summer 2020 (virtual).

Co-Chair, International Insights – using novel measurement approaches to understand the multifactorial determinants and implications of child food insecurity. Presented at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity conference, Hong Kong Hong Kong, China; Summer 2018 (in person)

Chair, Sugar sweetened beverages, obesity and related metabolic diseases in children Presented at theInternational Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity;  San Diego CA; Summer 2014 (in person).

Chair, School gardening for sustainable healthy living. Presented at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Austin, TX; Summer 2012 (in person).

Speaker, EdEN Lab - Educate, Evaluate, and Nutrition. Department of Nutritional Sciences Seminar Series, Austin, TX; Spring 2022 (in person)

Speaker, Impact of Brighter Bites on Food insecurity during COVID-19. School of Human Ecology Advisory Meeting, Austin, TX; Fall 2021(in person)

Speaker, Nutrition Interventions: Scaling from clinical to community. Dell Pediatric Research Institute Seminar Series, Austin, TX; Spring 2021 (virtual)

Speaker, The Best Possible Diet. College of Natural Sciences - Texas Science Festival, Austin, TX; Spring 2021 (virtual)

Speaker, Gardening and Health. The University of Texas Nutrition Institute Webinar series, Austin, TX; Fall 2020 (virtual)

Speaker, Nutrition Interventions: Scaling from Clinical to Community. Dell Pediatric Research Institute Webinar series, Austin, TX; Summer 2020 (virtual).

The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Graduate course NTR 394 Seminar, 2013-2023

The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Undergraduate course NTR 365 Obesity and Metabolic Health, 2014-2018

The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Online graduate course NTR 365 Obesity and Metabolic Health, 2018-present